250300 4 .. � ORIGINAL YO CITY CLCRK �50�!�O CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� v • FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j ' OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF �� RES4I�VED, That El�ay Par�nership be and hereby is granted a permit to ir�stall and operate a 656-aar parking ramp to be used in �on�uriction with the Skyway Building on proper�y located in a por�ion of the bloeks bounded by �ast Sixth, Minnesota, Eaet Fifth, and Wabasha Strc�et�, more particularly described as fo1].ows : 4.- . � � � � , ,LI O_ �`� V � t.y� LL Q U � N � � � �p C. .f:.r.�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson i` APproved `��� ` i l��''�19� / Levine �n Favor �� Mayor Sprafka � Tedeaco ASainst ` : � _.a�``"'.;. .o� Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLISHED SEP 51970 � , � � . 25���0 � �ARCEL � • 11 ALL 7HAT PART OF LOTS 1� 2� 3����� 5� 6� � �� �2� 13 AND 1`f� BLOCK �� CI ?Y OF .CiT. PAUI �$T. PkUL PROPFR� ll'if�G WITHIN 7HE FULL04/1NG O[SCRIBED PAf:CEI OF LAND; THE NORTHEE�L1' �GO.G F'Ef:"i �MF./15Ukt:D �T R I Gtil" ANGLE5� Of S�I D E3lUCY. � EXC�'PT THAT P/',R7 �YI tJu WESTEFtLy Of THE f OLLOW I NG bC5CR i I3E:D L 1 NE: nEG I NN�NG' AT A PO I NT Ofd THE SOUTti[RLY L1NC Of' TNE ��lOR7H[RLY 1CO.G FEE.'l' OF SAI� BI.00K 9 p1STAt4T 207.�� FEE7 WE:S7Ef;LY OF THE CA57 LIN[ OF. SA10 BLOCK g� THENCE NO`RTFIERLY A7 RIGHi ANGIES 70 SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A D15TANCt OF 16.U:.u'.,FEET•. 70 TF;E h'CRTIiERI_Y L 1 NE OF SAI D BLOCK 9 AND 7HERE 7ERM1 NAT I NG� EXCEP7 7NE EASTEf<LY �O FEET FOR YlIDEf,�ING CEDAR STREET AND EXCEPT TH[ NORTHERLY � FE6T FOR WIDENING EAST CTFi $T�ZEE:T. �CONTAINING 3O��j�t SQUARE FEE1�� �tORE OR LESS� ALL I N RAr�sEY COUNTY� MI NPJESUTA� . PARCEL 2 /�ll_ TNAT PART 4F �c:DA�; STREE7 VAC�7Ei3 B't' Yt{E f1ESULUTION OF THE COUA�C(L OF 7HC CI7Y OF' $AINT f AUt DA7ED �IULY �6, �g68� �COUWCiI FIE.E �O. 23��'S�� ANp p�gC�IBEU • AS 7HA7 PORTION 7ffEREOF LYING NORTHERLY OF A LIN[ DISTAPJT �CO.O FEET SOU7:lERLY A7 ft I GHT ANGIES� ANQ PARALLE� TO 7.h;E NOR7hERLY L t NE nF gLUCti g; CITY OF ST. PAUI� EXTENDEp [ASTCRLY� LYING SOUTfiERLY OF A LI�lE � ) FEE1' SOUTHERLY A7 RiGHT ANGLE�� AND Pt�RALLEL 70 7HE NORTf�ERIY L 1 NE OP E3LOCK lO� C t TY Of $T. PAUL� EX7EPdDEU �.JESTERI.Y� LYiNG �GOVE A PLA�tE SURFACE� D1�7ANT �G.:F��T'.MUfZE UR IESS dE3UYE S�1'R�;G7 LI:VEL� SA.ID FLAtdE 5URF'ACE BEING A7 ELEVA'i'ION 8�.j FEET� CITY OF ST. PAUL DATUM� AND LYING �[L01J ti PL�NE SURFACE AT ELEVA— T f ON ���7.� FEfT� C I TY OF S7. F'Al1L DATUM �ELEVAI'I ON O.O CI 1'Y OF ST. Pnu�. OATUM EQUALS ELEVATION 6�4. �0 U. ,S. COAST AND Gt.00eTic McAN SEA LEVEL D�rura OF ���9) , PAFCEL � p • ALL OF Ff. L. CARYEF� �S SUCiDIVISION OF LOTS 5� 6� 7 AiJD U� iLOCK �O� jT. PAU[. F�RO('ER E\CI:PT THE ,SOUTHERI.Y 13�.6j FE:t:r r��r.r;roF- n�:r� r.xc�r��� TNF kr[STFRI.Y i l �r:f:1 1IiE'R��ur' FOR 2 . _ _ � , WIDENING CEOAR ST. AND EXCEP7 THE NORTHERL.Y �3 fEE7 THEREOF FOR 4.'IUL'NING E. �TFI S7.� SAID DISTANCES BEING MEASUREU AT RIGHI' ANGLE� 70 SAID STREET LIi�ESj S/',ID Pt.RCCI OF LAND EiEiNG PART OF L.OTS �� 2� 3� �� 5� 6 AND �j IN SA1� 5Ut3UIV1SI0N. ALl OF LOT � EXCEF7 THE SOU7HERLY 135.G) FEET THc'F.�OF AND THAT PART OF LOTS � P� 3 ANO 11� AlL ItJ BLOCK lO� CITY OF ST. PAUL �ST. PAUL PROPER� EXCEPT TNE ��lOf2TtiERLY �j Fi.ET OF SAID LOTS � 7HRU � FOR WIDENING E. F>7H ST. ANp EXCEF1' TNE EAS7EF:l_Y 13 FEET OF SAfD LOT � FOR WIDENING MINNESOTA ST.� SAlD DIS7l+NCES BEir�G b1EASURCq AT RIGhl7 ANGIES TO SAID STREEY LINES. ALL OF LANGEVItJ�S S'J3011/iSIUN OF LO7S lO� 11 ANp 12� BLdCK �O� S7. PAUL PROPER EXCEPT TI1E SOUTHE(:LY �35•�� fee-r lliEREOF AND EXCEpT TNE EASTERLY 13 FEET THEREOF FOR WIDENING I�1iD.NE50TA ST. SAID 0157ANCES BElNC MEASURED AT f21GHT ANG�ES TO SkID S7REET LINES� SAID PAF:CEL OF LAND EEING PlaRT OF LOT � OF SAID LANGEVIN�S SUBDIVISION. �CONTAIPIING ����GCO SQUARE F'EE7� MJfiE OR LESS.� � . h . . � OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �AT� a11 in aecordanae xith th� revised plans at�ach�d here�o; aub�ect to �he condition �hat ��.id applieant-permittee, and ita sucaessors and a�sign�, sha11 mak� due compllanee with �.11 appliQable provi�ion� of munieipal ordinanc�s, s�at� �tatutea and rules and regula�ion� of public authoritie� having aognizanee. � SEP 21�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �p ' 19l�! Butler Carlson ved 19� Levine �n Favor �e--,..���r—� Sprafka � Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith 5 �97� PUBlISHED �� �o 1 f � � � , � L. J. SHERIDAN � CO., INC. �eca���a�e�/�an emen��e�e�a me�-cC ���'o^�°�s�� � � �'' �'"v NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING � 55 EAST FIFTH STREET • ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA 55f01 612/227-8749 August 25, 1970 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard . Saint Pau1 , Minnesota 55102 CAP[TAL CENTRE SKYWAY BU[LDCNG - BLOCKS D � E Application for Special Use Permit for Parking Ramp As a result of our appearance before you on June 25, 1970 with respect to the above application, we are pleased to report that we have been able to revise the plans for contract parking in the Capital Centre Skyway Building by reducing the number of cars parked therein by five (5� • The total number of parking spaces will be reduced therefore from 656 to 651 . We and our Architects have reviewed this matter thoroughly with the City Architect so that we are now in agreement that the revised plans equal or exceed the minimum design standards. We wish to point out that the building compties with the City Building Code and City regulations. Statl widths for contract parking have been modified to equal or exceed the g` - 0" x 20' - 0" minimums required for g0° angle parking. �le therefore respectfully request the approval of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul at its meeting scheduled for August 27, 1g70. THE ELJAY PARTNERSH[P By L. J. Sheridan � Co. , lnc. Its Sole General Partner By / �w.�`'�� t s /`�.�. � cc: Mr. A1 Olson Office of t[�e City Clerk City of St. Pau1 / ,,,,, , � � � i�.r`' �� � � �� ( • � ` � a � Au�ust �5. 1�7�0 The !#oncrab 1 e Hayor and M�ntrs rs vf the C t ty Cow�++�i 1 City Nail an�f Gaart Housa i5 West lf�ei 1a�g Bout+�vacd Sa�tnt f'eul, Mi�na�ata 551Q2 GAR!TAL. C�N'�tt� SKYWA1l BUI LDi Nii • 8lOCKS D t E pi r.�t on or Spac e l�s�e ermi t ar Psr n9 �D A►s a r�sutt of� cwr app�a�r�t�ce bsforo yc>u on ,luna 25� 19�'0 wtth respect to tbe� abow app l i ea t t on, we a ree p l�easad to raport that we hsv+� bain ab l� to revise ti�e plans for �ntract parklnq tn the Capttal Csr�tre Skyway 8utlding by �educf�� ths pun�bs� of urs psrked ti�sreln by fiivs �§)+ 'Thi toE�1 �ua�bar ot R�rkfr�9 s�ra�ss wf 1 f bs ndue��d th�re�f�r�e 1'ran 6$6 to 851. i�N snd our Archltocta haw r:v1�d tk�ts �rtte�r ttwroughly wi�h ehe £ity Arc�ltact so tMt +�rs are �r tn s�ra�nt �hat th� �vtsed pisns aquii or exceed tta mtniaaaa d�s3�� sta+idi�ds. � W� wlsh to poin� out that tha buildtr�g ca�pll�+t� with the CTRy Butldlr�g Code arrd CltX rsg�tatta�t. Stat1'wldths !"ar ,ct�►tr���t parktng. havs` �een �oditied to �qus 1 or ex�sd �hs 9' W'p" x �0' • t?"'a�f n t�s r+�aqu i rad fo r q0• a»g 1 e p+��king. i� thsr�fc►ra respe�ttully riquiest tt►e� apprava! t�!` the t�s�ror �nd City Councii of th� Ctty o�' Saint Paul at i�� m�t#ng sdhed�led fQr J►csgu�� 29• 197�• Tt#Q fEWAY PARTMERSMtP By L. J. 4l�art@ar► 8 Co., Ine. Its �oi� &sneral Pa�rtner By ..W......_Ld�' 0�'�............ 1 �/�.�.,� ��4�`'�, ca: �Ir. A1 Ol�c�r+ afffce af ttse �t�Y Clerk Ctty of �t. Pau1 y x - ' s ° � BO'ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL , , � 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 June 22, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of The Eljay Partnership for a permit to install and operate a 656-car parking ramp to be used in conjunction with the Skyway Building on property located in a portion of the blocks bounded by East Sixth, Minnesota, East Fifth, and Wabasha Streets, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was first considered at the May 21, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff report noted that this site was cleared as part of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Capital Center Project, and consists of major parts of two blocks. The Traffic Engineer recommended that two curb cuts be widened by two feet and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority noted by letter that "the design considerations are all in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan for said Project heretofore approved by the Planning Board and City Council, and will be upon completion a significant contribution to the Project and to the Downtown automobile parking problem". Staff conclusions noted first that the facility is nearing completion and a portion of it is in operation, and the City Council granted informal approval to the application on Apri1 9, 1970. Second, that the working drawings of the facility have previously been approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Third, that the transient portion of the ramp meets minimum design standards with 8.4-foot wide spaces and 16-foot wide maneuvering lanes. Fourth, that the contract portion of the ramp does not meet minimum design standards, being in some cases deficient in space width and maneuvering lane width. Finally, the staff noted in detail six adjustments which might facilitate the operation of the parking ramp and which had been reviewed with the applicant and the Traffic Engineer. In the subsequent discussion by the Board of Zoning, the following points were made: . --the purpose of bringing this matter before the Board at this time since the building has already been constructed; --�he apparent deficiencies of the facility that could have been corrected if review had preceded construction; --the informal and formal approval of plans by the City Council followed by their request to the Zoning Board for a recommendation; � � -1- ��^"�'�%. O X ' Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) June 22, 1970 --the inadequacy of 8.�-foot wide parking stalls; --the approval by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of a facility that does not meet the City's standards; and --the advisability or need of a recommendation from the Board on a facility already constructed. Messrs. David White and David Nordale, representing the applicant, noted during the discussion the prior approval by the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and noted their willingness to conform to the suggested staff adjustments. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the facility already exists and has been approved by the City Council. It was then moved and seconded for the Board to take "No Action" on this matter. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. At the June 4, 1970, regular meeting the Zoning Board received a letter from Cammissioner Tedesco requesting that the Board reconsider their action on this matter due to additional information which might allow the Board to recoirnnend approval or denial to the City Council. After some discussion, the Board voted 3-2 to reconsider the application for a permit. Mr. David White, attorney representing the applicant, reviewed the Board's previous consideration, and then reviewed the "Superblock's" development starting with the street vacation in 1968. He stated that one of the conditions of the vacation of air rights over Cedar Street was that the structure receive City approval. He then noted that the City Architect's office coordinated review of the construction plans. The City Architect questioned if the 1968 plans were complete working drawings and noted that subsequent to the Council resolution, the Building Department issued a permit. The staff noted that this permit includes the notation "subject to special-use permit". After hearing the presentation in great detail the Zoning Board discussed the situation at some length and concluded by reaffirming their previous decision by a , motion and second to take "No Action" on the application. The motion passed by a 3-2 vote. Board members voting in opposition to the motion felt that the matter should be sent to Council with a recommendation that would include the staff's suggestions or other improvements to the facility or its operation. Very truly yours, �:��� ����. .- . PETER J IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z.F. �6973 -2- .� ' , ' ,, � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � . APPLIC,�ITION FOA SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT , ' ' (Please print or type) TO THE I�NORABLE MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL �6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacity: Q 'pARKiNG LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) �iu,blic use (other) (indicate type�� Capacity of parking lot :�� �r: To be used in connection with: ;kjl'rroy il�t 1d�� o ��5���: (indicate type such as Drive-ia Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cieaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: � *Location : ith Stn�t fro� 130' E• at Wbasha to Mt�Nta Strat Legal Description : Lot SN Att�fbrd Block Addition Applicant's Name : TM E1 jay �artewirsh�p Home or Office Address: Phone Number . ���•8'��9 FOR✓BY TI� APPLICANT 4-�-]0 ignature date� Address : 1�03 iio�►ttw�s#�tsr� Natlon�l 6ank 9rlldiaQ� tt• Psu1� Minm�sota 55141 PhOne NO.: 2��"•��ii$$ When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and thr 8 p ints q - tbe preliminary lay-out plans oY the proposed facility with the Ci�C��r�� I;� �! �±r� �,��a i Room 386, Citq Iiall and Court House, Safat Paul, Minnesota '' ,-� �•• Z-3 6/11/56 /-}r��; � � !�.,, , , *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of I�ain St. and First St. ��t� �°'.iW:�:�z�;x;,;:�, ,���.�,�� 2. 3outb side of Main St. between First and Second St. ��"='t }�`�u�• >>"���n�.�,ta � � �lLE ���.- ZONING - k r�rru�s o� �� �u��� x���c B�a� � �a� �z� zo�?:N� �n illu�^u'4�y� YLay 22� 17��s s�� L:170 S n�o PRESENTs I�sss�s� �s� I��a��lin, iyi3�.ett�, �ao�gea' ��.d G�dl�� c+� th� B��r� aad Mao Sc��ensean M.�:s� P'������en$ ��,�i Mi�;s ap��ci a� th�e sraazff� �H�� ELJAY PA�tTI�t�TZS�i`�lPv A� appla.��.�ion �o :iz�s±tal:t asad c�per:�t� a 65�--tar p�rking Iot to be a��ed in c�s�jun.c��.o�°� c��idh �he S]cyway �uildia�• S�.�e locatian is a pox'�io�, o� the �locks bCUExd�tl b;7 F.a�t Si�tth' 2��_�aa.a�sc��a, �ast Fi�th a�ad t�'a�aasha 5����ts. Mro Soxen�oa� su�a�riae�l �1�e sta&� rc�pox:� ��ating bhs� �he prUl�ex�y w�s cleared as part af Ch� �Ioa�si�ag a�d :��s�e�elop�en� Aeathor�..ty's Cap��al �eater I'r��ecto Pa�t oz c��e ��c��ee�.`s birs�ks I8 a�rd � �r� C« �e ��:vela;a�� as the Sarpe� Blocle wifi�� a GSG-car p��:kictg �artt� as�d a d�iv�-:in i���alcf_�g fncilieya The p�.�-�Cin$ :�ac.ili��� �as �r��r:a��s :�ram Sxx�iz and �'if�h S�xf�c��:� with exi�s to Si�:�k� an� ��:da� �t��e�s. .���tcia� spaee raidths �ang�: f�'r�a� less t��� 8�5 �e�:t �o � feQ�: w:�.tk� dep�hs up �0 20 fee�o Niro �auger ques�i.�uec� �:�I1y L� h<3s �G-�: b��Cax� Ci�� Bo��c� ,i�a�� �he laui.,�c�.ia�� . has alread� be�� cc>�g���z��,�r�o � I�ixo Soremso�a s�a�ei' �:l�ri.� �.�a� s{rf� �ia�s �.13€� sa� �°o�z�:�;rn and �h�;,° b:iaans��; and Redev��.opffien,� Y�as �,;,p:���c���.�� a��.�;�c�vc�c9 g,.�� ��.�cxs Gc�d thd ��.�' �%'�sa�c�s��, hsd a�s�t��re<� �t.�� {�rb j�:�o H� �1:.:� �t,:;���i �,na� �c�� ���`ie�.x�� ��s�c��� a���?-� �he miaiz�cam r��u�.x����'.;� ila��, �?��.� a���*a d� x�ot r,c�:�t t�ae �,u�xeta's ��.�k:y' ree4 o�endatfors:�, Mxa Sare��o�n �Ea�� e�a�;�i�a��r� �:he ��:�s�� �o.���.�sa.d��:� �ao�ia�; �ha� ��z�: �`�ar:�.�,a.��;� i. np�rie�g �c��1�t�.or: �s�c� � po�:�&��.s��a o� �.`� ir.; i.�a a�F�.x:�ab.ior�o The Ci�.� C�o��.�:i,.�. g•�°an��d iaa�c�rmaL �:�������a�- �'�� t�� �;���r1a.�aL.ia��. osx �;p��.�. 9, 19?(3, ���: �aox��.i�; dsawi�.�s of ��� ��;�i�.:���r �R�•�� ��;r��vr_ou,�MP ��,�r� ap�xovecr �q �t�� I.��e:,�a.a�, �sad Redev�lc�pu�::~i� A�a�:t�����.;:;r. �'�� ,�:aaawi�.��. por�ioas of �1��; cffiu� A?:�t1:�.F r3i�a:ux:r� d�sig�. sicap°�s3a�r�� uri�;� k3o�--��at wf.d�. �����c�s .;e�ad 2.Ea��aak: 'wid� uua:a�cau��x��; lan�s� �'�ea: �ost��'��k� �ae�r�io�. of ��a�: �;imp �:s isa €:cs� ����� dF�i�:ie.�.&; i� spa�� �a�d��i aa�a� ���:€�u�r�.��:�.t�� �.a�:�� r�a-.d��r, �.'1�<� .�'ca�:�.asa���� a<3�c:E��zc��s�� i�a z�3di`�:`zo�a �o su�ama��ed g�lar�s rr�c�i.v�c3 r�,sy �a�;i�.i�:�g� tn� c3��aa�i�r� o� �1�� p�ax�k.ing aramp �nc� ha�e b�:��. d:�s�����d r�ti�� i:S�e� �.'��aficic E��.isa�:eg a�.d npplid�.,�r�Cq �,, If o�:�-�iu�,y p�i�.�����a� ��'� �s�d �� Ea�ila.�a�e �<�i���g frc�r� �'t�.e �a�g durir��; eve�ing .°:us�x tic�u�s� se��.l� �ase stx:�ll. �� ii;;. �o�ia�cr�tt��c� c�a.��a �h� x��arnza��ada�i�a�� o:� the T;°�f�i� :���i..�e:��; 2) P�o�d y�;��? �£ pa�.�.�sd� �l�.x��:.tia�.:�1 at�aw� aFa. ���.v�_. s�eazC �at s����sc:c��s ar�3 �:�i�:s; ') i���.a:��c�� a� 99'�:��.�; ����,a._l?a edc+� �:�e����`a �ag� abou� 15 f��� ia��c r���� �i��ttu.h. �t�?°��^€� �>�i�, a.� a��e�.i�c�, as rti� ���:��.i�,y �+�c:r�� operati�n�€a�.; �s� ��������g�.�: c�� �;.�c C�.�ar; S�����t a�aaz� v�sfc ���.�; ;�rq,� ��.�r��. rE���,� hy two f�e� �n �.�� ��ies.�::� �a-,d; .�� r�ov�i�ioa� o� ����.�.�i;� si�x�� �� �.�g,�ti, i� �h� Gf3L1�rAC� :i��:�7.()E'�, ' $$<'°��?' �•'C1kl•^�r r'�J ,m,��x r 2�liT't,.':r.'ti2� �.r.�1CR�S r35 t;� l�^a$ ��:i.9£! /�!� �eB1?'� �P2L� b) Provi��.�a u�: �c�:� �s��u� o� s�.''��' �si�;�s ���, a�.�, �,�,�;ti�.� ; �' �t� �.'�.� �.:°.��.���,,, �o a�nsw�`� t`�a� q'�.�es�:�.or� is'�m ?�� ��t�l�x, :�Sr� Sa���;��.,a� �.c���d f:��a��r �ap���i�a m Acidersos�. zi�d b��:� :��s�.i��i���� c;i ��:���.: �aa�,�.�a�, i�ax� ���1 x����: �;�:y�ra�d��3a _�:_ X TH� BIJAY ]PA�Ii.S�IP (5121/70) �Continu�d} Mr. Ames stated �haC he was in cosz��.e�Ce agre�mea�� with these things. He said thati soutt� of �hese things Could.have been cox�reated haci tlze pl��s been submi�ted p�i.or �n constrnc�i�nn The ��eildisag Depa�itment had Co give a build�.ng permit sin�e the Ci�y Couacil gsan�ed iaformaZ approv�Ze After Chss� bui2dix�g was near comple�ioa, th+� City Gouncil requested a recam��dat3.on from the Zouiaag Board. He su,ggesCed eha� the Zor�ing Bo�rd could sensi a 5-0 vo�e of dec�i.a 1 �o �h� City +Couavcil public h�a�ing, 4ahich he said migh� �c�?�vi.n�� the Council �hae tihe �onin� Board desire� tlaeiac paoper order �c�� r��amu�ndations. P�. SoaceasQea noted th�ti appa�e�atly pesmits were �ssu�d pYio� �� ti� Couracil's .�p,,ii 9, 1970 iafar�al approval simce the facility is nearYy comq�l�t�d, � A maa representing �he appTi�ant xaosc�d eh�� tlzey appeared be�oxe the Ci�y Gouauil ap�ro�ci.s.a�tely t�ao ye2�s agc�� a� t�kxi¢h �i�� 1�h� p�oje�� xec�iv�d approvalo Tta.e fri.$s� sr�� of dxawings Taere app�oved by Cou�cil action, Mr, Maiet6:a sa�.� �hA� $m5°�ao� s�all i� no� c�id� Epaaough because �veryo�a�: gets denr��d doo�� ar�d ��ai� ssat�es to� �iigh i�sura�,�� ga��s, Mr, Ames said the� should ira3ica�:� �o th� Gc���il the�� f.eel�tngs ah4ut i�fox�1 app�ov��. t�� M��'��C1.�� saag�e�eQd �hs�� �he Zoaieag Rc�a�d a�fer the imaCter back to �I�e �3.�y Co�aa�i.� w:�.+�hout a mo�ione 11�is wrsuld b� do� sin.ce ��e i��nilc�i�g i.a �a3.reacly= s�x� �h� site, d» feels acr��an� is �at � needed by �G�Sis Boa�cia Mr, Dave �ai�e, 1�Ofl �To�:�nwestex� Na�a.o�aal L�a�1c, asksd Che Boax'd if th�y wished ta �rs�lude am �hpi� r���:za�da�ion. tteos� of �ae ��aff a�.d �h�a� that the appli�u�� caas ������t��.e �o ��s� s��o�nd�atioa�so Mr, David No�d�1�3 451 S�l�ks�Yt.a Str�e�, i�tEox�sned ths �osrd that �t�e se� of d�awings ,�x� basr�c3 0*� �fxe s;���da��� s�C ou� in CiLy xeq�ire�en�se �e also said tha� ���y t��d es�exu�d t��i�� �he I�c�u.in� a�d R�d�v�lapmen� Aut�orf.�y atequir�?a�s �� a1�. �ha� ��quix��:z���s a M�o Ames iLx��o�� �'.ro P?flxda"'.� ����; �h��cc is ao c��e�tiaa be����� I�oas$izng a�ad Red�v�Icap��� 2 oi�hc�::��� �nd �:�� �W t�. Mra Sor��asam s���ed �&��� �hc�� h�ad ����ivec� a le�tie� f�o� irir. �oz����v� ar�d �h�t if �he s�� af d��.E�ai�gs w���� ��apprc�v�c� �y Hcusi� a�sc� lted�v��ap�at it dnes�'� �e1i��=� t�� ���I���.� �xoa� ��Zn oth�� ��x°mi.�s� �hat� ���� �ae���saa,-�a Sa.�e Ch� U�xi.lcl��g :a�.�c�ar3y* ��,i;��.� €!a�d h�s 3r�£o�rn,�.l apF�r:aval £r� �1�.� Gi�y Co�3.1, �� �c�'����,i�� ���a�c� ��s� i:do Ar;�s.Q�. I�� �lae Boa�d o� Zaz��ng aa� �his m.����xe °T�� u+��:�.o�,� z��zis s��a�.�i�c� �;;� t�. Gad`�er� a.ra� �n��ied a��.��sit�ou�ly< Mxo A�es rec�u�s�.��. �:l��t: ��� �o�,in� Bc�:�xd s��e:�s �c�c�i.vc, a �a�i�� of th� �o��scil public �a�a��?sag ca?. �:his ����c�s, �.� �.h� �z�p� f��� Cl�� ra�m��e�cs ani�� ��pgess �hefr cac.�e�t� c��°€:�C '��i��'<,,,�r�; o:� �T�c� a��aa��.���d ��:c:o��c1.3Y,io�.a Su�smittec� b�r: +Cola�,e�l �o ��ar��.ao� ltobaz� T�o ��s, �haisman --S_ X . MIPNTES OF THE PUBLIC HY�ARING BEFORE TF� Bt?ARD OF ZONING on Thursday, June 4, 1970, at 2:00 P.M, PRBS�IT: Messrs. Ames, Gaugex, McPartlin, Maietta, and Mansur af tlie Board, and Messrs. Brown and Sorenson, Mrs. Frantzen, and Miss Sperr of the sts£f. Mre Rntzick of the Board was present but did not vote. Fo�lowing the regular meeting, the metter of The Eljay Parenership was presented. The s�tomeys and applicant wished to bring forCY� further info�,at ivn. Mr. Gauger moved for rec�rasideration of the matter by the Baard. The motion was seconded, and Messrs. Mc�'artYin, Ms:�etta, and Mansur voted against the motion, and ther�:foxe :�� �ailed. Mr, McPartlin Qated that the new City Cauncil did no� send the n�atter fio the Zoning Baard in the first place; the old Cauncil did. Ms. .A�nea said thaC the new Council F�ill wonde� «hy the Board is sending a jnaCter to them without a recom�enxlz�tion of ex.ther �ppr�val or denial. Mrn Gsuger noted that zt shauld be on the agenc��. Mr. Mansur then indict�ted he wished to change his vote, snd aftes s� discussion, the motiozx and second wexe agein made, with a 3-2 vate resulting; Mr. McPart�in and Mr. Maietta voted n�y. Mra Sorenson safd that this matter has been he8rd �t a previous public heariag; if it is to be reconsidered at this meeting, it would be without property owuers be:Lng natified of another public hearing. Mr. Dave White, attorney for th� applicant, asked �or � reconsideraCion on the basis o€ in€osaiation that waen't prssented at the fas�tner Bosrd meeting. As a �esult of that infom�tion uot being available, the Board voted 5-0 to take No Action with respecC to the applicaCion and to send the mstter back to thE City Council wi�h na action resolved. tie under- stands from the previous m�eting thet that action wss taken because the building was alresdy coastructed, rand the Board of Zoning hadn't been consulted in regard to the parking ramp applfcation. He noted thet the steff and the Zoning �+oard may hav� had changes to recouanend had the maCter taken its proper course of action. Dire WhY.te stated thae over-all approval was granted in 1968; he wruld l�.ke to see what changes should be put into the ram�s. Ne noted Chat th� Board is correct in thefr feeling that they were not contacted af this proposal. He stated it is wrong that the City Planning 13�oard wasn't aware of the plan; he said that ia one of the first offices it w�nt �o in 1968. On JuYy Z2, 1968, the City Council vacated the air rights, �nd the mattex was presented by Edward HeZfeld of the Hausing and Redsvelopment Aueho�ity. Ga�a�ssioner DalgLish -I4- x . THE EI.TAY PARTN�RSHIP (6/�/70) (Continued}: ini�iated a resolution to grant a peti�ion to vacate the sir rights over Cedar Street, and as a reault of a S-0 vote, it wen� to ti�e City Attorney's office July 16, LR68, to prepare a resolution tha� subsequenCly paseed at Council by a 6-0 vote. It was made a conditian th�t the architect, by way o� the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, submit th� design of Che structure. He groceeded to resd �he resolu�ion oa July 16, 1968, paragraph 11. By l3ecpmbes, 1968, �Sr. Ames wrote a letter to �tayor Byrne that the City Archi�ect was the cooacdinating office for plans for the Skyway Building. These approvals are with the condition of paragraptr 11. One of �he Ciey offices involved, he said, was the City glanning Bosrd. Mr, Ames noted �hat it was his recognitivn that tt�e applfcant did mot have a coznplete set of working drawi:��s; the ones Presented were pre- iiminary one�. Mr< DaviB Nordale, 451 Wabasha Street, said tha� construction began on December 5, 19G8. There may ha�re bee�. miriflr revisions buC no ch8nges in charac�er, size, or shape of the buildfng wa�uld have o�curred. Mre White noted that on December 13, 1968, �he Cit� Cauncil pasaed � resolution S-0, wi�ich he read ta t�e Board. Upon the r�commienda�i.on of the City Architect, the Gouncil approved �he plan, subject to Grover Diamond, etc. The procedur� of the whole m.at��r was the concept of establishing one office in th� C�ty as ehe cooxdinating office for all; this included the City Plannimg Coc�nission. He feels it is deplorsble that it aever resched the Zoning Eoard. It l�as gone through the City Planning Cam�aission, and with its coimu�nts, went to tlae City Architect°s office, l�ack to the Ci.ty Counc.:t1, �nd at that poin� it was approved. It is his understanding tt�at the drawings shc►w th� same thfngs the staEf indicated �at �he Iast mee�ing or� this mattex. The drawings were actually availabie i� 1968. The building is there and the reca�nendations of the st$ff hava been made �n �:t�e campleCed stru�i:ure, the sta�f report was pr�sented on paper last time, and discussfon followed about parking in the rsmp. On the basis of this, the applicant asks tinat the Zoning Board considex the st�ff recamsnendations and take a ��ote on tihe metter. Mr. Amea c�.arified that his l�tter gtated they would review the matter and discuss it with a'�hex d�partmen�s. TY�e reco�nendation of the City Architect was that com�en�s hsd been received. Subseqneat to the resolution, the Buildin.g Department iasued a �Serinit. Mr. Brown noted thst he chec?ced the orig�.nal b�xildf�g construction permit, whicti natE'�3 in red ink that it w�e su.bject �o m Speci�i-Use �e�mit. ..15_ X TI� EIJAY PA2tTNERSHIP (6/4/70) (Continued): In regard to this agplication, Mr. McFartlin asked why the Board should maTee a recos�endation on someChing tha� is already built. Mr. Ames asid conditions could be attached to the vate. Mr. AScPartlin s�id exiCs, etc. ahould be looked over by the Zoning Board so that ramp� ar� not built with inadequate space. He feels it is high�time that the Zaning Board can giv� some sensible recammendations. He stated the buflding is finished; wiiy shoul.d �he Zoning Bosrd have to "�ool araund" reco�nending approval or denial? Mro Ma�.ett� commented that he feels it is an inadequste parking situation. The Flanning Bosrd msy hs�re appraved the project, however, the parking reco�end�tions were not �pproved. He nmted that the minimum requir�mex�ts should be met. Mr. William Orme, a�torney for the applicant, s�id the whole affsir started in August of I967. He said this is s unique buflding and the air rights mere forced �o be vacaeed. He noted he knew there would be a great deal of cs�c�rdination necessary ��ith the City departments, sach as Lighting, Streets, Tra�fic, Cit� Plaruning, etc. He n,oted thaC Dr. Heiden of the P�anning Board had som� aesthetic recou�endations about the air righCs. A4r. Ornae said there was a continuous contact between the applicant and hfm.self, ax�d �:hey were gett3.ng eired o£ running from department to depar�ment. They felt the va�cio�s departments mfght be contradictory to each oth�r. He �aid in the end the legal �eqairements were cooxdinated through the City Attarney's affice and Bill Donovan°s office. Ms. Gan�er said the Council ��as actin� as the approv�tng body going along with the City Architect's conditions. Mr. 1+icPartlin noted he feels �:he Zoning Board is bei.ng imposed upon to vote on th3s since it is a closed matter. He noted i� is a "waste of time"o In regard to the remp, Mr. Wte�t� noted that the pillara caanot be knocked out, but staff reco�eendations could possibly be folAowed. rir. Sorenson noted that ehe condi�ions sugges�ed by the staff were in li.ght of the first staff conclusion, that the f.acility hae already been built. Mr. McPartlin noted that 3f �he staff had had the plans prior Co canstruceion, they wuuldn't be lim��:ed to meking conditio�s on a building that cannot be cha�ged much. In regard to the parking lot permit, ��r. Mafetta asked if the Building Bepertment had issued one. �ir. Ames replied ehat Adrian Brown checked it and it was a condition of �he �csilding pex�nit that the Council Speci$I-Use Permit b� filed. -16- � . � - . , • � • -- THH ELJAY PARTIYLRSHIP (6/4/7�) (ConL-inued): Mr. Nordele safd the dispositfon of lanes as against snuare footage of cars could be altered without changing the building at all. The design allows for the minimum conditions of the staff. Mr, Maietta noted that the CounciZ should follc�w-up on the Special-Use Permit; rir. Ames suggested that the Board "wind this thing up"e It was noted that on April 9, ?970, the City C+onncil granted informal approval of this application. � Mr. McPartlin said since the building already exists sud has fonual approval from the Ciey Caunci2, he moved for "No Action" by the Board of Zoning oA this matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. ri�ietta. The motion carried with Messrs. l�,ansur and Ames vo�ing rn oppositfon, �ir, Ames said he voted against the motion because he woulci prefer to vote for a motion with conditions o£ the staff. and furtiher recommendations to iraprove the parkin�g facility if this were to receive a recammendation of approvel £rom the Zoning Board. rir. Mransur said he feel.s as P�x. A�s does, and that this is a s�.tuation thaL haa to be deal� with and staff recommendationa should be followed. A1r. Gauger noted �►e �oesn't fe�l the motter should be before this Boarci caith previous Gouneil scCion talcen. Zoning Board members will receive nntific�tion Grhen this matter goes to Council„ Submitted by: Colonel L� �orenson Robert Lo A�aes, Chairman -17- K ,�City�lerk , " � � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 June 12, 1970 File X887, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on June 25, 1970, on the application of The Eljay Partnership for a permit to install and operate a 656-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with the Skyway Building on the property described on the attache� sheet. The property is located on the south side of Sixth Street, 120 feet east of Wabasha Street to Minnesota Street. For further infozYnation, contact the Planning Board, Room 1014 Commerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance 55 � , x Yf _..._�...�_..«�... .M —.�._.__._�...�.—___�__.� �........_�_�.....�.....�..�..�....._......-.. .��..�. .�__._.�_"'__ ,rv���...�..�w.a + , . . � / �' . Cit of Saint Paul hiinnesota � �� � y � .��3 AI'PLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUivCIL USE PEI�SIT � (Please print or type) TO TI� HONORABLE NIAY08 AND CITY COUNCIL � % the City Clerk C1ty of Saint Paul, hiinnesota Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : No. of tanlcs and capacity; QPAItKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (pvblic use) (other) � � Capacit of g (indicate type) � y parkin lot �5�% e�rs To be used in connection with; ���/��+�y 8u i 1 c3���q � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Dxive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) . Capacity of parking area: *Location . bth S�re�t frt�t�t ��?tl� E. c�t tlatrastt$ ta Fii�tnesota St�'��C Legal Description : Lot ��� Attach�d Block Addition Applicant's Name : Th�i �1 J�y F'�rte��r�h tr� Home or Office Address: Phone Number , �`l�-cs7��p FOR/BY THE A.PPLICANT � j � -' ...��;�i!. .r °j . �4-�°�tl (Signature) �� (date) Address . �4i��3 i�c�rt�-staest�rr� t3�tiacsa3 Csa��k t�ui idfn�s� St. {'�ul,, Mtnn�s�ta 5�tt}1 Phone No.: ��7•7�,�;� When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tBe prelimznary Lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City HaYZ and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota � Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side oS Main St. between First and Second St. x J Zonin� ??oard Comme�rce Bld�;. St,. Pa.z1 t'Tentle �ien: T�:e City C�unci]_ t�day d over efinitely the application a° Ti�e Flja�� Par. t f� t- for installation and operation o'' a 65�-car n r�mp t . used in can,junction wit�. the Skyway ?iuildinn o roperty 1x .ted in a pprtion of the bl.ocks b�unded by E. Sixth, i'nn�sota, E'. ��'th and L�abasha Sts. , Very truly yours, City Clerk n� . � " � \`�� ��a,�aa� v\ X _� � _ _ '7�' ' � ��• � , �`` � ,��'�� ,��►" .. J`� .. P`�� 5� � � � �� .r'�a �Q �`��♦� � ��� �� ,a \`� ��` '� • \ , � , c� �(�, �'^ '� � ` , .y . �` ��� �� �� � P-��°� �'`� -, ,l, . � � �� � � � , p �, ,- , .,.i �.a`' Q . .� � �Q V �{�� ' i�'�'��,P '�' 0.P � ��� �p����� .� � � . � � , �� � �P �\ ' � , . � �� �`o atL � \ . (r�� <<1-t�,� �P.yb � \ �✓(,(y� O�� ,� v ��a, t ,\� \\ y/ � p�1� O 41 .� �.nt ! �( _/ v � \ /' /` ` \\ \ �V ' � \\ \ / � t \ �� � . yq L � ` �`� s , `� .S'� ?�?• �,� `m �� '�` i � �� � ` � � �c `O i �� ��ae \ ♦V�� / J� �`'� . s ����P� �/ , � � . , _.-� �a o� � 1 _- r _`�•��� 1b� . 2e / . 1 �'b.��i- �t / _�'j ` �a0 � �/ / . -+' . r ` i L,--- �'� '� `, --- t�. �- �� --- % �/ j J APPLICANT The E�;ay Partnersh�� LEG�ND pp Install and operate a b56-car PUI�f— D�jE parking lot to be usecl in conjunctioii �AND UJ� witti thc: Skyway Buildin�; O ONE-FAh�iILY PRESENT ZONlNG ���ntnE'r�'�ai `O- TWU-F�!'�'iILY �� THREE-F�',�JiILY PETITlON SlGidERS FOUR- �1���ti.Y � MlJLTI-�°�"�ti�ILY FILE No. 6a�3 � • • nCaMM����lAL N°RT" � n ItVDUST'RlAL v VACAN°� St. Paul Pldnning E3oard, Date: s/14/�0 � Property under considvr�tion X . June 4, 1970 ?30ARD OF �ONING REPORT AND ACTION May 21, 1970 Plat Map �� 1 . , Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No> , passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. " 6973 6979 1 . �PPI.ICt1N'T 'S NAME : Tlie E1 jay Partnersliip Also 2 . CI,ASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal D Permit � Other a-8h7 3� PURPOSE Install and operate a 656-car parking ramp to ' be used in conjunction with the Skyway Building '+. LOC;ATION In a portion of the blocks bounded by East Sixth, ' Minnesota, East Fifth, and Wabasha Streets � , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file 6 . PKF.SENT 'LON][�G ; Commercial 7 . PUIZSUANT TO '/,oninK Code Cha�ter: 6� Secti_on: •Z3 Parafira��i►: ��. � 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: llate: 5/15/70 By: ATB & CLS A. HIS'I'ORY: The property was cleared as part of the Housing & Redevelopment Auttiority's Capital Center Project. Part of the project's blocks D and E are to be developed as tlie Superblock with a 656-car parking ramp and a drive-in banking facility. B. AREA ZONING: The area is zoned Commercial. C. DESIGN STANDARDS : Parking facility has entrances from 6th & Sth Sts . with exits to 6th & Cedar Sts . Parking space widths range from less than 8.5 feet to 9 feet with depths up to 20 feet. Maneuvering lanes for one-way passage are 11 feet and over, and maneuvering lanes are 13 feet and over. The transient portion of the facility can meet tlie minimum 8-foot width and 180 square foot area Code requirements anc3 still maintain a normal minimum 16-foot lanc. Ilowever, this would meet current recommendcd standards. 7'he contract portion of the faci.lity is below Code requirements fc�r �arkin�; space minimum area. D. FR�N'i'AGE AND AREA: The building fronts on E. 6th St. from Minn. St. to approxiniateLv mid-block between Cedar & Wabasha Sts . Also fronts on the westerly side of Minn . St . from 6th St. half way to 5th St. The building bridges Cedar St. The area of the building is approximately 75,000 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer reviewed the plan and under informal Council approval approved the driveway to the ramp located on E. 6th St . and the exit on Cedar St. with curb cuts two feet wider than indicated on the plan. The Traffic Engineer made other comments that pertain to the drive-in banking facility (Z.F.��6979) of the Northwestern National Bank. • F. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: They report that the design considerations are a ll in confc�rmity with the RedeveloPment Plan for said Project lieretofore a�proved hy the Ylannin�, 13oard ancJ Cit_v Cotulcil , and will be upon completion a si�;ni C�icant c�ntribi.itic�n t� rlie Project and to the llowntown automobile E,arkin� prc,hl��i7i. G. ST7'E COND�iTIONS : 'The building is under construction witli the parkin�; ramp strtiun located between Cedar and Minnesota Streets in operation. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The Osborn Building and the Northwestern National Bank Building are adjoining to the south. Dayton's and the block east of Dayton's due to be razed are to the north. 90 BOARD ACTION: To Recotmnend � Approval � Denial Council Letter k "v0 ACTTON" Dated : Moved by : McPartlin Y�aS Nays (�/?�/7O X Gadler Date of t[earin�r� Seconded by: Gadler X Gauger X Maietta 6J25/70 Secretary's remarks: Mansur Council Action Vote indicated is that of 5/21/70 meeting. X Ames - Ch. Matter was reconsidered 6/4/70 resulting X McPartlin (Alt.) in same reco�anendation -- see minutes. Adkins (Alt.) I)ate Rutzick. (Alt.)