250292 OR161NAL TQ,CITY CLBRK 250��2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /) �O CI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� COMMISSIONE ATE �E����EB, �ha.t the �roper City oi"`ticia�ls are hereby at�thorized aa�. dir�ctdci to execute on behalf of t�e City of St. Paul, e.n a,pplication to the Land Cc�ei�sioaer of 8a�aey Couaty for the canveyance of certe,in tax-forfeited lsnds for ro�se by the City of St. l�,ul for street p�rposea; a de:cription of the tax-forfeited laa� is aa follors: Part of Lot 3 �o�th of a line run east at right au�gles xith the xest line �f and 2�0 feet srn�th i'�oa tl�e northrreat eorner of said I�ot 3, Block 5, �ogers and Hendricks Acre ,LAts �ber �. ,EOR APPR E . Cor t' n uns ' SEP 1 1970 COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Naya But�er ove.�EP 11970 ls` Carlson Levine �n Favor =i.iere�=`�r-- Sprafka � ���r A gainst Tedesco � . Mr. Vice President Mere ith �g(�SHED S'EP 51970 � , , � PU!hICA: �� PRII::LR , ���e iV� ,J,`� t ,� ; ��'� � C!T'( Or ST. PAU� Fo`r:ci� NO. �' V ,, .. _ O��iCE OF THE CITY CLERK `� �` COUNCIL RESOLUTiO�---GENERAL FORM PR�SEivTED 6Y � � COMMISSIONER DATE . � t �, � . R��SOLti��D, ih�.� �he p-rope-r City oiiicials axe hex�by autho-rize1 an�i ; di�eci,cl to el:ecl.te on be�ali' of th� Ci'�f �i ��. Pau1, �.n a���lica'cion # to tre L^x�1 Cc-��iUsionc� c� ;�scy Caun�y fo_ tre convcyancc a� c;.r�ain � t�x-s"o,wcitcd la•r:cla for u�c by tlzc Ci�y of Si. Pai1 fo� s�rec� 7u:���o;cs; i a clescrip�io.•1 oi �he tax-foyfeited Ian� is as �ollotirs; i � ; a pa;rt of Lot 3 South of � line run east �tt ri�:zt an�l.es trit?: � tl:e i�lest lir.e o�' a.r�d 220 iee� south i'rc� the nor�ta::c�t corr.cr � o� sai3 3,oi, 3, Block 5, Ro�ers and �endr3c'�� Ac-re I,o�s Td,r,bec 2. ; � . � � � � � � ; , . r � � 1 � � 1`��,t��'7J! r..^ '�.'r;i l-�� t. d.�,�' '�y_> �.J: � • \��..� �.! :.tl:.�! :��� .. , , ���`� �"� . :.,. . i.',:.:. .,_ -.�"i(:C? , � A?j i:.�. :.�.:�'.:.',. � � � ! r*+ ' ��:�/, �;r�I^ j � � . '/`�• t`%.-�.�;�/ c,V✓ ' � . �-;..�i-`_..'y^�Cl't}� Cfe(it � �� \ ` `t � ; i - - -•�_ = i COUNCILI�IE?�I Adopted by the Council 19� , Yeas Nays ,. t. .,�. , , Butler Carlson Approvec� 19—_ ' Levine Tn Favor �-'r�GT�:�T'— Spraf?�G ll�ayor A gainst Tedesco �i;=_. Pi-esident, :�Ic�arty ,.,r. `.�:�;�. , ..._.. _ " .. ....�._E?+ � . . � . � � �..,'__-."�.�� , � . ,- �3c���ta� o� ; R�1.�►7�Y COVN�` Y COl?�1W1IS�1OLr��.B.'�.� OFFICE s OF THE CLERK i $TATI: O1� 1�IiNN1:SOTA � - . THOMA9 ..7, KELLEY � � CHARLES P. MCCARTY ARTHUR T. GIB80NS COUNTY AUDITOR CMA�RMAN GEORGE A. HARDENBERGH JOHN E. DAUBNEY ROY P. NADEAU 132 COURT HOUBE MR3, DONALD .M. DE COURCY ED SALVERDA � SAINT PAUL, M�NNE50TA .. sa�oz September 14, 1970 Refer to County Board � � � � File 434-231 � � Cammiasioner of Taxation Centennial Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Sir: Forwarded herewith is an application of the City of St. Paul for conveyance af tax forfeited Land described as: Part o£ LoC 3 south of a line run ea§t at right angZes with the west line of and 220 feet south from the northwest carner of said Lot 3, Block 5, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots Number 2. This app2ication was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on September 14, 197d a.s evidenced by the certified copy of the resolution of the Board of County Commissioners attached tn the aforesaid application. _ . If this application meets with your agproval, will you pleas� forward the State Deed to Thomas J. Kelley, County Auditor. Yours very truly, .._ THOMAS J. KELLEY, County Auditor : By " 3. D. Swan, Executive Secretary � JDS:hr Attach. • CC: ity Clerk ��.�0 . � , . BUARD OF RAMSE�' CO�INT`5►.' �O1V][MISSI4NER� oFF'�E OF THE CLERK STATE OF AIINNI�SOTA TNOMA3 J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR CHARLES P. MCCARTY ARTHUR T. GIBBONS . � CHwiaMwN� GEOR6E A.FIARDENHERGH .IOHN E. DAUBNEY ROY P. NADEAU 132 COURT HOUSE � . $AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � MRS. DONALD M. DE COURCY ED SALVERDA �g10f„J September 14, I970 . Refer to C.B. File #2062 Mr, Kermit Hedman Sheriff Dear Sir: The Beard af Ram�ey County Coa�nissioners in session on September 14, 1970 concurred with an action of the Joint Court House and City Hall Couunittee and authorzzed th� Sheriff to employ a patrolaaan as a security guard for the building at an esti�ated cast of $2,490 for the balance of the year 1970. � One-haZf of this amount to be provided from County funds and the ba2ance half to be paid out of City funds. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. KELLEY, County Auditor By J. D. Swan, Executive Secretary JDS:ns � CC: County Auditor, Attn: William J. Peters 3 n Lansimark, Custodian ity Clerk for AktenCion of the City Council �t;:.>,L r , � ,-� ��.��n o�r � J�b �� Ji'3�..����.V�.� 1 ��Vl�ri` ]� ���1�'lt���Y��TL'iS�l.iJ OFFICE � � . OF THE CLERK BTATIL OF AIIIITNESOT.+►. ' THOMA3 J. KELLEY ARTHUR T. G1880NS COUNTY AUDiTOR CHARLES P. MCCARTY � � � CNA�RMAN GEORGE A. HARDENBERGH � JOHN E. DAUBNEY ROY P. NADEAU 132 COURT }-IOUBE SAIN7 PAUI� MINNE507A MR3. DONALD M. DE COURCY ED $ALVERDA 55102 e f 's i September 14, 1970 � , � � Refer ta County Baard File 434-231 ; { Commissioner of TaxaCion Centennial Building ; St. Paul, Min�iesota 55101 ? Dear Sir: ? Forwardad herewith is an applicatian af th� City af St. Paul for convey�nce of tax forfeited Iand described as: Part of Lot 3 south of a line run east a� rigt►t angles with the west line of and 220 £€:et south from th� narthwest eorner of said Lot 3, Block 5, Ragexs artd Hendric�s Acre Lo[s Nun�ber 2. Thfs a�plication was approved by the Board of County Cornmissioners on Septemb�r lk, 1970 as evidenced by L�i� certified copy of the resolution of the Board of County Commis�ion�r5 attached to the aforesaid applicatian. _.- If this agplication meers with your approv�l, will yau please forward the �tate D�ed to Thamas 3. Kelley, County Auc2itor. Yours very truly, .... THOMfiS J. RELLFY, County Auditor �y J. B. Sw�n, Executive Secretary � JDS:hr Attach. �� CC: ty C1erk ��O _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ,. . i. � at . . . . . . � .. � . . . ' � Denartment oi Taaation Form No. 92, � APPLiCATION BY GOVERNh1E�dTAL SUBDIVISION FOR CONYEYA�iCE OF TAX—FORFEITED LANDS Under Minnesota Statutes, Section Z82.01, Subdivision I. In the Diatter of the Application " or_ City of St. Paul a Governmental Subdivision, for a Conveyance of Certain Lands. . Comes now— The CitY of St. Paul, a municipal corporation and alleges• (Name oi subdivisionl i. Tnat applicant is g �a� municipal corparation, in Ramsey County, State of Minneso�a 2. That (t,) Attached hereto is a resolution of the City Council of the City of St.__Paul for acquisition of the land hereinafter described 3. That there is situated in the County of-_ R�1T1S@y � certain tax-Porfeited ' land described as follows: (c) Part of Lot 3 south of a line run east at rigbt angles With the west line � of and 220 feet south trom the narthwest corner oP said Lot 3, Bloek 5, _ Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots Number 2 4. That said lands are (d) Necessary and desirable for street purposes 5. That applicant desires to obtain said land for the following purposes and reasons: (�) _ �o be L d �or �trPP±, p�poses only Wherefore applicant prays that said lands be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. C� � 1 _ , � � I� M Yor � � ,: � and -'%�_ / / •-r�L1— �� _ its City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ) s s. • COUNTY OF RaAtS@3r ) - Charles P. McCartv and Harrv E Marshall each being first duly sworn, depose and say, each for himself, that they are respectively the _ HIa.y02' and C1.ty Clerk of the C1t.Y Of St. PB.ul i that they have read �he foregoing application and know th thereof; and that the matters stated therein are true. _'\ �. � . . . � �_,�/Ji /7 `? � ii � '��,.-�/ . Subscribed sworn to before me this �`� day of , 192a ���-r� /��-� �- Notary public, . a�` Coimty, Minn. My Commission Expires " (al State facts relative to 1ega1 organization. (bl State facts showing authorization of acquisition of land hereinafter deS�ribed, by resolution of governing body or by voters, as the case may require, attaching copies oi resolutions, �f 3ny. ' (c) Show name of Governmental Subdivision in which land is situated. � (dl Describe nature oP lands, use oi surrounding property and other similar facts. i Iel Give statement as to the speciPic use to be made of suc6 lands. � i � ,� �.; . � � � � . . ; � ; RESOLUTION OF COUN7Y BOARD UPON APPLICA710N � t WHEREAS the County Board of Ramsev Courity County, Minnesota, has examined into the � a legations of the application of City of St Paul dated Sentember 8, __�, # 1�L, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described; now, � Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board oP RamSey County, Minnesota, ; at it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be oranted. $ County Board of said County. ATE OF MINNESOTA ) - - ) ss. �1 i,�:�.EY � C UNTY OF � � I� J D. S'•T,2.12. DP�Ll'��T , county auditor and clerk of the Cowlty Board o j{�,�G's�r County, Minnesota, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing c py of resolution of the County Board of said county with the original record thereof in the minutes o the proceedings of said board at a meeting duly held S°n�A�'���'z' �� �s7a � 1 , and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, a d that said resolution was duly adopted by said board at said meeting. I further certiPy that the a plication referred to in said resolution is hereto attached. Witness my hand and seal this l�t�� day of �eo�'):itb8z" � 19�• Txor:�� J. �r� , co�t:�ty Auaitor �� Deputy County Auditor and Clerk of the County Board. � R?TT��Av County, Minnesota. � ' I •OF'FICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION St. Paul, Minn.� • 19 Upon due consideration of the within application it is ordered that the same be and it is hereby GRANTID REJECTID. � Commissioner of Taxation By � ' �� . I � , � � , . . i . . • �v��� cn n n. .� .. .� „� D � � c :� .P >n3 e � � ry " � °- .�R�Z � °' ^ `�° o ` •U.• ' � � G>�G� ty � o � :.? 7 z a a � . 0 Q �—�?� � a 7 2 .ni. � � p a . r-�3 z � --'� -- o � � o °acn � � c �� ° � �."� n . `��If�lf�T�� i �+ ,o � Z �olo� tC` '\ '� �' $ � � ;� � � , . r � � , . , � . � � � -- - ---- ._ _ .__ -- _._----------------------T- 3 � � � � � . � �v - o -f���f�-H-�-�}— --� — — � -� � � � . . . r w � . 0 � � . Z ...__ __ . � � . ��,:�°�t8��•, 123.2� 32�,_ 4 �. . ..� g � � ,� - . . . � �G ' � F ' ,��o . . � � - ao , . � � , v, • , �4 `' � '� � S` � � � : V� v � ' � � - �, ' N � ..:� �t . ,� . ��_._ �e C�4 4 y . . . " < o �l �No . . Ts ,�ic� . . , ti�� s . . . . . � �F � ` `� � . ��\ . . . . . � � � . � . - � . . - . . 3 . . - -� • `� _� +^ m� � . ° � . � . . , � -��p°o�� � . . . . o ����3 , , � • � � 0 a � � ��'-,t C��C��C37 z n�o o -} 7�c.� ;�G; � -h`C � �� -�c -����� c -� , ` .. a- -cn-�o � �. 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