250286 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK 250;��6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE N�� NO. LICErtsE Cor�I�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT September 1.� 1.970 COMMISSIONE ATF WFi�;F�;A,S: Proper notice has been received �.s to change of officers in Swez� Inc. 1900 Stillwater AQenue, holders of On Sa1e Liquor License No. 7718� expiring January 31, 1971, therefore, be it R�50LVED: That Harriet E. Hayes, Vice-president of record, havin� died is replaced by Deloris Rose Hayes (Mrs. G. H. Haye�)as Vice-president with no stock involved or held by either paxty� be and the same is hereby approved. On Sale Liquor Establishment Chan�e Officers Informally approved by Council August 2�, 1970 Orig. Appn. L-900 �� 1 19]0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler r���,��' � ���� Carlson °e� 19— Levine Favor Mayor Sprafka p Tedesco A Sainst Mr.; Vice President Meredith � ��tts�t� SEP� �'�� �� r � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � Capital of Minnesota �, c� /� z��-g� eUe a�tmev�t o c���CC'c �a et � � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ���� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH ItALP'H G.MERRILL,Depaty Commisstoner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector l�;u;;u�t 25, 1970 Honorable Pi�: or ��.nc� City Council Saint P�Lu1, r:in��esot�, Gentlemen anc: P�iada.m: Curr��l_�ly Swez, Inc. 190G Stillt•,�.ter :',venut �_se liolders of Cn S�.le Lic;���o-r License T�o. 771�, e�-�irin�; J�nu��ry� ;l, 1971. �l'�ie Vice-presidetlt of record, Ha.,.rriet L. H";-es, n^vin� died, at �, recently held corporatior. meeting, is re. l�,ced by Deloris F�ose H�:.;�es (Nss. G. II. ilayes� a,s Vice-presider�t. A�eitYier Harriet L. Ha�Tes nor t�eloris �ios� Na�Jesa,re stoc�;hoiders in the corp:.-r�:tic�n. ��tt: clzec� is �3, co�,y� o� her in�orr�.al <,ppiic� ti::�r. as �n of'='icer oi �tl.e cor�orat.�.oi�. Very truly you-rs, .��,���,� . Licens� inspcctor , �''✓�, l �� � N �; �. � � � . , - • • SWEZ, INC. I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct excerpt copy of a resolution adopted by Unanimous Writing In Lieu Of A Special Meeting � Of Sole Stockholder and Directors of Swez, Inc. , executed at St. Paul, Minnesota on February 3, 1969: "Resolved that Dorothy J. Hayes, also known as Jean Hayes, Deloris Rose Hayes, also known as Mrs. G. H. Hayes and the undersigned, James A. Hayes, be and they are hereby elected directors of this corporation, to hold their offices as such directors until the next annual meeting of this corporation and until their successors shall have been elected and qual if ied." � I . ,c - ! Dorothy J. s Secreta nd Tre rer Certified August �1970. . � , . , . � CZTY OF`3AINT� PAUL DEPARTb�ENT OF PUBI,TC SAFETY L�CENSE DNISTpN D�tar Juat� Z9. 19 70 �� 1. �,ppliaation for � �al�" Liquor Licsoss I,ieenae 2. Name of applicant D�elori• �os� � s, �l�o kno�nt �s Mr4. 4, H, Yay�• 3. Busineas address 19Q0 �til2wat�r zoad Residenoe 168Z J�t�srson Awoue 4. Trsde nam�e, if ar�y la�Cicva Tavera 5. Retail Bser Fed�raz Tax Stamp�tail Liquor Federal Tax 8tamp��xi1X be uaod. 6. t�i what floor lo�ated a� Number oF room�$ used � 7. Betvuasn v�at oross etreete Aassl aod xath Whiah s$.ci� of stree� $odth 8. Are premises now ocaupa.ed��Iha� busi.ness abov� FIc�+r long S y�a�� ,. .., .�� +�Y'8 P2'AITIl$A$ 210W' tXT10QOL1�118��_Haw 7.ong V�CEIYIf'i ��+�Nw�N+ p�{�j.pL1� v8a +���w��s�� 10. Are you a 'new a�ner��H�ve 'you been'iA a ai.mia.ar busin.esa before pp �1@T'8 � • � r w • .� • �18Y1 • � • • • q • • � � 11. Are you going to operate thia businesa peraoaally 1b , If not, v�o will operate it J+�aea A. i[a �a a� lt�tsidint 6 anessl l�ut:� t� of �s Inc, 12. Are you in any other bu�iness at the �esent tim�e 1b 13. Have there been any aomplaints agains� your operation of thie type oP place �o �18II�' • • • • • • • �er8 • • • • • • • ..--.�.......-... 14, I��ve you ever had any lioense revoked �,to TAhat roason and da�e • � • • • * �.... 15. Are you a citizen of the United Sta�es Yta Nat3.ve Y�s Natural�.zed • • � • - �,...�._ �_._. 16. YVhere were you born Sibley County, Minn. ��e of birth J�zly 26, 189� 17. I am unr�rried. My (wife's� (husband's� name and addresa is �I a� a Mida►) 18. (If �rried female� mq msiden n�ame ia Rose D. Strobel 19. �ow long have you lived 3,n St. Paul 20. Have you ever been arreeted � Niola�irm of rovhat ori.mi.nal �.a�r or oxdinaaoe ' ' ' .---,.._...,. ..�......... 21. Are yoez a regiatered voter 3.n the City 4f S�. Faul = Yee No. , (Ans�►er fu].l and aom le�e7. . These a licatiax�s ara thorou hl aheoked and an laification ro�].1 be aauee for en3a . �` tC"' c/C � j � . 22. N e�° af 3.2 places within �L�vsro blocks • Noae - . 23. C oso5t intoxicatin� liquor place. �n Sale peross the Stre�f Sale 24. N rest Church 10 biock� Nearest Sehoal 10 �laeks : 25o N er of baoths Tables Cha,irs Stoola 26. at occupation havs ;,�ou fullowed f or �Lhe past five ysars. (Give names of employera a a a�tes so empTo�neaol od ia otlutr activit �otr bix� Qac�pt as aa s ?sa. 2�, G ve names and addresses of" tw� �raons, residents of St. 1'aul, ll�inn,, �dio esa�a gi�re i farma-tion eoncerning you. Td rn�� a��ald Eav Address 1688 Jefferson Ave., St. Paul, lfinn. I�T �, Gordon Lantry ,Address 9�3 Oakdale, St. Paul, Minn. � ' �� � Si�na ure of App iean a t6 of �!I:u3n.a s�ta� )ss C unt�r of Ramsey � . Dslosis �s� �t• being first duly sworn, deposes and says u on� €�a�h that he has rea the foregoin.g sta�ement bearing his sigr�atu�e and lrn.vws t 8 eontents thersof, and that the sar.�e is true of his own l�.iowladge except aa to � ose m�-�ters �herein sta�ed upon infarmation and belief and as to those matters h be1''..e-nes �hem to b� t�tz�. _ _ - _ _ , 1��6�6�-� Si�na�ure of Appliaant � Sub�cr� bed and. s�ao�. t� bs�'o:ra me this Z9th day of J� I9 70 r - 1 �0'�& � P'E�`J11Gy �.lIlt�� �221T1@S�& � FRANCIS J. NAHURSKI ?dy Ccr,�ission xpires N��ry Public, Ramsey County, nninn. ,M�Cpm.,,iccinn EYOires Aoril 20, 1976. (Ne�tes �h�se statement forms are in duplier�te, Both ce�i.as must be fully filled out, na�tai• zed, a�.d t°e�urned to the License Division��tl . � , , � AFF ID.��IT B Y,APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LTCENSE Re s On Sa1e Liquor Liaen�e Na� of applicant Dtloris R�os� Ha 4s �lsa knc�m a• Msa. G. H. H,a a Business addY^ess 1900 8tillwates &oad St. laul Kiooe�ota Are �rou the sole awner of this business?_�e 3P note is it a partnership? pp corporatian� y�� ' o{�he�°'� � � � � � . � � t?thers intereated in bus�.nass, inelude those by loan of money, propert�r or otherwiaei � Sols �tock2wldsr asd Nams ��� �. �y,�s Address 1682 J�ftosaon Awaw Hc�r Diractor and Officsr rt. Paul� Kinnawta l�rotbv Js $a�s 1682 Jei�t�raoa Awnve Saer�tary 6 treasurer St. ta�l. tsinasiotu If a csorporation, give ita name g�s� �c. l�re you interested in any �way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buaineaaR � As aole awner? � Pertner3 po Stoekholder? � (}thex°a�.se? (Through loan of money, etce Explai.n.) �pp Address of such business and nature of interest in same p� ignature of applicant State of Minnasota ss C owxty of' �maey _ D�loria aos� Hay�s bei.ng �irst duly sv�csrn9 deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and l�ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his rnm knr�wledgea except a� to thoae matters therein atated upon inforn�ation and belief and as to those �t�era h� believes them to be true. /\ ►�f/����o Signature of applicant Subsaribed and sworn ta before me �hia Zgth day of J�e 19 70 � � N ary ublic, County, Mi.nnesota FRANCIS :J. NAHURSKI ��No,teary Publi amsey County, Minn. � t3�ss].on explr68 s April 20, 1976. f w , � + � �. � STATE i�' �1NNESOTA� ) S$ C(7UNTY 4F RA�SEY ) Deloris jtose Hay�s being firat duly axorn, doth dep�se and say that � he makes thia af'f'idavit in. oonnection �ith appl�.oation f ar " pp Sale" liquor licenae (" On Sale�' mal't beverage license) in the �ity o� 3aint Paul, Minnesota; �hat your �ffiant is a rersident of the State of Minnesvt� and has resided therein for years, months, aad 3.s noor and has been for the time ahotre mentioned a bo� fide reeident of said State and that :he now resides at 1 2 e fs A St. �'aul 1tim�aaot• Addre�s , Minnesota. City dr Town � ��� Subsoribed and st�orn to before me this 24th da of J� 19_]�_ � ^ � ry blio ey County, �d9.nnesota � Co�i1881o21 eapires FRANCIS J. NAHURSKI ' , unty, Minn, My Commissfon Expires April 20, 1976� Aug. 25, 1970 ,----r-..______, Hon. Dean Meredith, � Commissioner of Public Safety, , 101 E. lOth. St., ��`�-,, v' St. Pau]., Minn. � � n: Mr. D niel P. McI�aughlin Dear Sir: �� Th� City Council taday� lly approved the application of Swez, Inc:�:94Q Sti , �ater Avenue, holders of On Sa1e Li e�or Lic ' e No. ` �18, rin Jan. 31, 1q71, for a chan�e in off �rs as foll � s:�' g The Vice- sident of ord, Har�iet E. Hayes, having die , Deloris e Hayes (Mrs. G. H. � r i as Vice-president. ther Hearrie y�s nor Deloris Rose Hayes are stockholders. Will you p ase prepare the ewstomary resqlution? Very truly yours, City C:Lerk hp