250283 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6FtK �5�����3 � ,4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ` CO RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONE Robmrt F S ra _ � A� .J APPR�VAL �F PLANS RESOLYE�, that ti�e plans a�d spscificatio�s as aub�itt�d for grading and surfacir+g wlth bitu�i�cus iaatmriai tt�e eastwest all�y in Blk. 1 Lovaring's A�ditioM to IJnion Park from Wersch�l St. to Aidi�ae St. (6-1922) undar Preli�inary 8rrer Ik>. 247392 approved February 10, 1970 ana Final Order Mo. 2+48808 approved May 12, 1970. Also regrade �. su�face with bit�iwor�s a�at�riai the all�q in Blk. 2 Jolnn A. Cokes A��itiop (6-19�6) �r�der Prsli�inary Ar�ier N�. g�►7037 app��d Jan�ary 15, 1970 and Final 0r�er Ma. 2�675 approvmd May 5. 1970. Also gradt� t surfaciAg with bituaair�erus Nwt�rial the aliey in Bik. 11 LeMr i s' (2aa) Add i t i on to St. Par�1 , M i nn. f roia the N. 1 i ne of Lot 21 i n aa i d Blk. ii to May2ata St, (6p1930) �nde� Prelia�inary 0rder Mo. 247532 spprove� F�braary 19, 1970 and Fi�ai Orde� Mo. 249292 approved June 16, 1970, be ar�d the aame aro h�r�by approved awd tine Cc�missioner of Public Works is haroby dir�ct�d to ord�r said w�rrk �one c�nder Pubiic Morks Ccntract Nc�. 70-6-1949, be it FURTHER RES4LVED, thet the cost of tt� a�ove ta��rov��nts i ncl�i ag engi�rie+g and t�spection expmnses to 6re i�cluder witi� the assessoient agai ast ben�f i te� propert�t. S�P 1 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butaer �E'� 11970 Carlson A rove� 19— Le�ine �n Favor �i'�4it'pf'---- yor Sprafka V A gBiriSt Tedesco Mr, Vice President Meredith pUBLtSHED s'EP 5 �97Q � ����T"���� CITY OF ST. PAUL ���,� 25Q��� � �' ` OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK FILE � � ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�6WTED�lf A�obart i. Sp�afka COMMISSIONER ^AT� AP�.�.��...OF rWii R��OL.YED, thst tir PI ans am1 spaci f t cat tons u subwi tt�1 fer �ra/i rg � s�rfaet�p with bitu�inous wMtsrial ths �asb+sst aii�y lA �ik. 1 Lowri�p's A�Niltton to Unlon �uk fre� IN�sahsl St. to Ai�.teM St. �a-19�2) w�dsr Pnilwl�ry► OrNr Mo. 24739Z �pProw� �'�brwry 10, 1970 a� Final Orrsr No. i1i�8 apOrov� Nay 1�. 19T0. Also n�raiM i. su�fap with bituwlaous �l�rial tNs aii•�r tn ilk. Z John A. Colas A�iitlo� (li•19Z6) unN� �csllwinary O�M� Ne. 24�0�7 apprv�l J+�nwry i$, 1970 and Fin�l Oras� No. 248675 apProvN M�y S. 197�• Ai�o 9�a/t�g i rurfaet�g wttb �Itu�tnous w�t�rial tl,� �i lhr in dlk. i l t.�►is' (2M� A�iltion to :t. �aul. Mfnn. tro� ths N. tl�s of Ls� Z1 in sata �l k. i l to Ma�►s�ta tt. (fi�1930) �Mr ►rsi iwln�ry Or�� Ib. t47S3! aOprov�l f�brwry 19. 1970 an�i Rin�1 ON�r Ib. 2494g2 aRpro�wr Jw�s 16. 19T0. b� ae� th� s� � Mrnby aPprow� an� tM Co��tssion�r sf ��ii le Yorks is h�r�hr �ir�ctw to or�r sa1� �k rawi w�r !'nbl ic Yoirks Coatract Ib. 70-6�1949. bs it � FtMtTMER ItEi9t.YED, that tb� �ost of tM M�e�w i�ov�ats lAClwilny �n�i nNr i n� aml i nsp�t ton �xps�s to b� i na 1 udaa wi th ths ass�ss�nt a/i t�at bsn�#i tN prop�rty. �p 1 1970 COUNCILBZEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—.. Yeas Nays ��(� 1 1'�d Butler Carlaon Approvc�id.. 19— Levine T„ Favor ...�c�ec�ith Sprafka �� t Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith �