250281 25a�,�� oll File No........,.._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. T6eunde�edhereby proposeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of$aint Psul,vit:,: „�,_�,,.._6rade.8,_Surface..with.bit�iwous �nateriml and constrwct co�cr�te curb and gutter �_,op_ tb�th_Park Drive .frc�m..Ruth..St._.to.MintMrop~.St.•..Aiso.constrw N~ �.'w.,...�.... ---- ..... . . _..... ct sewer for �storm,�v�tesr ��rposes.... Also_ w�astruct Nat�r service . �........�.... . coeanectior�s (6-1950� ......Y..� .. ..... . ... •,� D�ted thie.........., ts� »•..............................»...�........................................._..�.._................................................._�._......... ..dsy o4...................P.tembe�_ I9 70 ...............� .. ' ..... ...... .. ���. oilms�n.� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER.EAB, A written pmpoeal ior t�e malang of the following impmvement, vis,; 6rade..�.,Surface,w�th bitcawinous Nat�risl a��d constrc�ct concrete curb and utter ........................ .........................................___.. �.......__ ........................................................................_ o� North Park �rive frcwa Rr�th St. to Vinthrop St._,,.Alsc construct sewmr for ........................................................ _...........��ora�.K�!�e�..P.4!rP.4�e�.:.....A.��4_44��t r�!4X.w�te r..�e�:.Y.i ce.connect io�s.�..�.C-1�0 .... ...�.............. ................................................•--......................_............................... 6aviag beea preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul............................... .. tt�+efore, be it . .......---••........................._.....__.... R,E$OLVED, 1`hat the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ta hereby ordered and direat�ed; 1. To inveatigate the neceesity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the totel ooet thereot. 3. To furnieh s plan, pmfile or eketoh of aaid improvement. , 4. To state whether or noB esid improvement ie asked gor on�he petition of three ar moro owners. 6. To report upon all of 4,he goregoing mattsre to the Gmmieeioaer of Finanoe. Adopted by the Counoil..._..................._............._...�'��.........:...:.$`..��� . Ysse Counc i lman But ler S�P 1 1��0 Ca r 1 son Approved.......__....�.....__.............................................._ Levine Sprafka Tedes co ......_.:. .... ._........ .. . ., 4 x � � • :_ vhx..;.. . ��0�� � �bM. Vice Pres�dent Meredith 6/� pu�usH�p SEP 51970