250256 . � OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �5��:�� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E N�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO t�l ESOL ION—GENERAL FORM � C MM SSIONE Robert F. Spraflc� �,F August 26, 1970 v WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and Village of Little Canada have entered into an agreement pertaining to the authorization of the inter- connection of public sewers bet�een the two municipalities. �iHEREAS, certain charges in the agree�nt are based on the amount of sewage f1oW from the Village of Little Canada and WHERBAS, in 1968 a flosa of 53.6641 million gallons per quarter was used for billing purposes and WHEREAS, in 1968 the flow was 5.36641 mil�ion gallons per quarter and WHERBAS, in 1969 and the first quarter of 1970 a flow of 53.6641 � s� million g�llons per quarter was used for billing purposes and � WHEREAS, in 1969 the flow Was 4.1884 million gallons per quarter and WHERF.�iS, the correct charges have been computed for 1968, 1969 and lst and 2nd quarter of 1970 and it has been determined that the Village of Little Canada is en.titled tq �t refund of $18,317.34 now therefore be it RESOLVBD that the proper ci�y officers are hereby at�tl�orized and directed to transmit to the Village of Little Canada the CiCy of Saint Paul's draft in the amount of $18,317.34. ,EO APP V t. Corpo ti n un el COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 2 �' 197�g_ Yeas Naqa � 2 $ 1910 Butler Carlson Ap rovp� 19— �' n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor T�^ Agaiust Mr. President, McCarty pugus�n SEP 51910 �� i . .OU}LICA�'i TO PRINTtR ��o/t(J6 ' ClTY OF ST. PAUL �,�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "���D�' �ob�rt !. Sprafka Au4urt Z6. 1970 COMMISSIONER �A1E i1OE1iA=, tb� Citp of 8t. lvaul atid Yilla�s o! Littl� Caoada have anter�i iato an agr�eo�snt partainias t� t6s anthorisatiar oi ti►s iat�s- connsation of public te�era bata��a t1w tMO Manieipalitiis. WHEIWS. csrtain charg�a in f�� �s�ernt �ira baNd na ih� a�amt ot saw� !la► �sw tL� Yillass o! Littl• Caaaia and Ii�W�s, is L�i� a flo+r e� 53.6641 �illios pliooa p��c q�urt�r Msi wsd tos billi,s� pr►rp�sta saad W8�R1iA8, in 1968 th�e flow Maa 5.36641 aillion gollau P�s 4wrtsr aad - W8�EA8, in 1969 and th� firrt qwrtar of 1970 a flov of S3.6b41 sillion �llon� p�r qwrt�r ras us�d for �liiaj �rpos�s and �WA=. in 1�969 the flar Mas 4.1884 �illioa �,sllau p�r qwrt�r aa�d i�l�l►�, tha aorrect chsrg�i have besn caepnt�d for 19ia, 1969 and lst aad 2nd qwrtsr of 1970 snd it l�as baa dat��in�d that t6s lliilag� � oi Littl� �anada ia eatitled to Y r��uad of �18,319.34 naM ��s�tor� ba it WOLVSD that tb� Pr�par cit� otfi�ess ar� h�r�by aulhoris�d �nd directad to trana�it to ths Yillass of Littl• Cauada tha Citp oi �aint Yaul'a iralt ia dt� arouat o� 518,317.34. �;, 2� 1970 COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Cotmcil 18— Yeas xa�s AUG 2 8 1970 Butler Carlson Approv� 19— � � ��n Favor Meredith � �� Sp�'� Aoaruinat �� Mr. President, McCarty ��