250254 OR161N(tL TO CITY CL6RK /J�� �0`a CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. � � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Spraf - �� COMMISSIONE M�iEREAS, The City has entered into a tri-party agreement No. 56394 (S.P. 6201-39), Contract No. 13803, Pabiic Wo�ks Pro,ject I�o. 70-M-0326A, witM the City of St. P�ul, the CMicago, Milwauke�, St. Paui and Paciftc Railroad Co�a�y, aad the State of Mtnr�sota for the •ngineering and co�:tr�ctioa of a� ove��ea� grade sepa��tior� of INst Seventh Street over tt�e railroad company's "Short Line" Tracks, and WHEREAS, TI� proper City officers aere authorized and direct�d to execate this agreenient b�► Council Resolution 247860, elate� MarcM 12, 197A, and MHEREAS, This Agree�ht gtves anthorization to th�se Ctty officers to approve S�ppl�nentai Agreements to thia State of Mia�egata Mighway Agrae�nt No. �6394, and be it RESOI.iiED, that the City approves Suppieme�atal Agreeaie�t tio. 3. providing for a change in de�sign of Pier No. 1 wl�ich will per�it it� co�structioe+ prior to relocation of a 16" rater main which serves the whole we►st side of the City of St. Psui thereby eaabli�g the contractor to nwke up tiaie due to an �anavoidable delay a�d ai lowing foc a co�letia�a d�rir�g the carrent constructton sesson. �0 App VD . Car �� o �n� r AUG 2 8 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler A /�U('a 2 8 1��0 19� Carlson pp �� Tn Favor Meredith n/ Sprafka �J �y� �_ A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHE�D SEp 5 i97D � � `F„�„� + •::.�s.;:.. - � �� ����° ,,,,,r �. � ,��, C�'�` �, STATE OF MINNESOTA �S�Z���� DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS � CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT p illA UNIVERSITY AVtNUt 8T. PAUL. MINN. Sd104 August 17, 1970 bIr. Richard Schnaar • Chief Engineer City of St. Paul 234 City Ha11 ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In reply refer to. S.P. 6201-39 (T.H. 5-111) Yle�t 7th Street between Erie Street and St. Clair Avenue Overhead Bridge No. 62066 Supplemental Agreement No..� Dear �Ir. Schnarrs Attached axe two copies of Sup�lemental Agreement No. 3 to Contract No. 13803. Approval is required by the City as provided in Section XII of the Tri-Party Agreement. Kindly furnish a resolution approving eaid Supplemental Agreement. Sincerely, �'����e�.�� E. N. Ellram Project Engineer Attachs . Two Copies •of S.A. No. 3 � RECEIVED� a�}u a �. �,�� p�r�. p� pUB��,W�ORK�-- ) C��L'F �o .,,.z��. .� �r p i3ao3 " : ,. _ 4ThTs C� MINNESOTA—DEPAItTMENT;OF IiiGHV�AYS Supp. to Contract o. , - ' 1, G Page 1 No. 3 . � �� ` ��a SUPPL��di��'lY�4L AG�EF�IE�VT r c Contractor • Fed. ProJect Stste Project No. eeh Brid e Construction Co. State Funds I 6201-39(�•H•5) Sh y g AddreM 360 '�'lest Larp�nteur Avenue • LocACion St. Paul, Diinnesota • Between Erie St. and St. Clair Avenue II T6is contract ie amended ae follows: pJi��f � i � �� ���_ � Contract No. 13803,among other thinge, the construction of Hridge No. 62066, o � and � 8 CIHEREASs The east interior �ooting pad o� Pier No. 1 cannot be constructed before the �� 16" water main at that location has been abandoned and removed, the granular �� backfill removed, and the resulting excavation has been backfilled with Concrete � � Mix 1A43 as per SB-22 of Special Proviaions9 and , � � YVHEIiEASs This water main, which services the whole west eide of the City oP St. Paul, �� cunnot be abandoned �mtil the relocated we�ter ana.in, which +vill be placed into � the new bridge fill on both enda ot the bridge Yor a oertain distance, is a�� in service, and . ' � � � 9VHEl3EA3s The construction oY the fill south oY the railroad tracks was delayed, since � �'s the State rras unable to authorize aecese to Psrcel ?� seheduled for removal I� s 9 on June 1� 1970� until J�].y 8, 1970� and � � ' i � � �R E A gt T h is w i l l d e l a y t h e c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e v r a t e r m a i n r e l o c a t i o n u n t i l e�b o u t Se ptember 2; I °° • 1970, and '', i5b ' �'' ��.� ��REA3s Thi� v:ould na::e it i�poVyible to conplete ths brid�e construction this con- � ° struction season� and 8�b ��� BEiF�EA9s A chan�e in design of said Pier No. 1 will permit ita construction prior to . , � �8 relocation of the 16" water main. o � NOW� TIiEREFORE� IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY UNAER5TOOD AND AGREED THATs r �� l. The Contractor shall change the interior east pad of Pier No. 1 as sY�own ��� on the revi�ed plan �heet� labeled R7 and R9 to Supplemental A�reement No. 3 E ��� and dated July 9, 1970, copiee of which the Contractor hereby acknowleclges having received.� �ne.a [c.,n tao. Owrtn rone Conna Amouat Requested S DatetL _1! ADV�►�d bT Pioi�M Ende�er sr Are6lt�at Ori�inal Coatnc� Pre�. fldditione . �t� ➢'— Aee.pt.d M Co�k.eeor 'Y'ot�l to Date �t B� Percentaga—inae��e—dccna�e °Jo D�t� 19— ApproreA �� to torm �nd �ecutlon APPROVED: p�$��► Commbslonee ol Adminhtr�tloe ,� -- B� pote+6 • 19_ a�.a es es•°a a..a • e.dN.ot ee�asa a.a.r•t ' DIItE i—fTATE AYDITOR !—CONTRACT011 7—A6ENC� , (l�'Atrs�ri�i..n (PiwA) (CoNrw►o!) . �:. •iene` t.t. : ��..p Y.. _ •--- ... ...�.►.Y. .r_.» �TA�TE QF MINNESOTA—DEPARTMENT,OF I�IGHWA�S Supp. to Contract No. 13803 ,. . . . • - Pege 2 No. 3 SUPPL�A�E�VY,AL /4GRE�1VIEtVT Cootnctor Fed. Pro)cet State ProJect No. Sheehy Brid�e Construction Co. State Funds 6201-39 (T.H.S) Addrea 360 Ylest Lurpenteur Avenue Locallon St. Paul riinnesota Between Erie St. and St. Clair Ave. T6i� oontraa� ia amended se follows: • �� 2. Payment for the above changes eha11 be made at the Contract unit prices. 3. Due to the delays caused to the Contractor by thie extra work, the completion �8 time Yor this bridge shall be extended by two working deya. � $� 4. The Contractor shall not make claim oP.any kind or character whatlsoever for � . any other costs or eapenses which he may have incurred, or which he may � � hereafter incur, in performing this work and furnishing the mateMsls � � . required by this Agreement. ' � y ESTIMATE OF COST ��' . 5�,� Ite,_,_ m No. Ytem ' • , . � � �-- . • 2401.501 'Concrete �iix No, 1A43 6.0 C.Y. B$34.18/C.Y.. _ � 205.08 �9� 2q01.521 •Structure Excavation, Clgss E �. 10.0 C.Y. O 7.70/C.Y.' a 77.00 ' ��� 2401.521 • 3tructure Excavation, Olaee R 4.0 C.Y. 0 33.00/C.Y.: a 132.00 ' 2401.541 •Reinforcement Bars � • 1160.0 I,bs. O 0.135/Lb. � `0 • �s � � 7lotal Inerease a � 570.68 ,/� �g� DistMbutione S.P. 6201-b2066 •- 100� � 9 , �� ��s . . � . �r� ��� �� <�� Ind� Itun Q�u Qn�rler lund (7oun �'�� o'' .S S "7/ 270 fj /¢ Amouat Itequested $ �- A S�4 lo� �eeaJulx lo_09.20 �• . �����/ • A�pro►�d D� ProJ�oe En�ineer or Arohiteae OriginaY Coatract 7� 333 �� � Sheehy Bridge Pre�. AddiNons �� � � `� 19�''- Constr�eti nn Cn_ re �ry / �Q�C AaeeP�d br Con4�etor /' '['otal to Date i �� (� ` �c� /. %. � �/ $y _,� G�..�..^u✓� Percentage-�i�ee-decrea N6 .,, � � o,o z 7 0 197 S � � � a d lon APPROVED: �� �'__•��"���n-��l- Depu n�.�.+e��� Commlaioner of Adminbtr�Non . Da�a 7`/D 1lZ0.. ! �t�.�a.�►, B� Appeo.ed br M..er H..d A�t�nt Atbroqr Oea�nl . � � . 1-STATE AYOIT011 !-CONTRACT011 3-A6EMCr (WAfa�ri�i��. IPis4) (Cd/�sn� o��,�►TS.��,� 250;��4 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION�GENERAL FORM rResa,r��,r R�ob�rt F. �p1�'allr� CAMMISSIONER D/1T� MIERtA=, �M C i ty liu �+t�st^� i�to a t r t�rtY a�r+M■rst Mo: f b►39�► (s.r. 6so1-3!). Co�e�act Na� t38o3. ��rl i� farics �ro�.�t la. 7o-1w0�1►. J tw1RA t1M CIl�/ of =ta l�wl� tM Chi�o� M{iM�YIN�� =t+ 'aul � i+�lltc Ra�tr�o�+i Co�►�n�i. a�i tb� ttat� of MI�►t� for t�M �ia�etlrg a�l oo�stru�tlen oi ap o�riw�a/ �ra�ls a�'aratia� �rt Il�at �th itn�t �sr tM ral l rval q�y's a�ort !1 rMr" Ttae•!ts r ani Mi#REl1�, Ths pra�par C 1 ty etf ie�rs � autlar i zN �I ,�t rrtt�li tv �tt� Rh i• pr�rnt Ir�► Co�ne t 1 R�sot ut tvN Z4�60� Mk�! Ma'tw {2, 19T0, ani 1�1EREl1i. Thta II,r+�Nt 'iws wdart�tton �o th�st C i t�► ortt 1an �s a�pr� f��p t�ta i A�rww�Rts te th 1 a itaq ef M l�r�ota M 19h�1 ll�r+�wnt No. 563l�►. ani bs 1 t � ItEl�L11Ed, ZAat ti� C1l�► �rv�ws iyh►i�r�atal It�r�at No. 3i pr+o�rlitn� for a �gs ia Msl�a ofi �t�r Ib. 1 rhtch K111 »ewlt its e�snst�yation prtor t�e rriocativn of • li�' n1�t�r Nt� �tah s�rws tM �s1� �wst siM �! ths Cit�l ofSft. �ani tMniry s�ilu� tM e�t�acter Lo •�1r �p ttNr �s t0 a� wwwr►1�1• �Ihr aa�l ai ta+l� fer a a�t�tlo� �i� tM� cNrn�t qastr�ti�n �ason. AUG 2 8 1970 Cp�C�N Adopted by the Cotmcii 19— Y� xa� AUG 2� 1970 But�� ��n Approv� 19_ �'�'e � Favor Meredith Sprafka Q �� �� A8'ainst Mr. President, McCarty ��