250253 OR161NAL TO CtTY CLlRK �5�/' �� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa •` �" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fILE NO. . � COUNCIL R UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rmbert F. S rafka COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The City has entere� lnte a tri-party agree�nnent Mo. 563�4 (S.P. 6201-39), Centract No. 13803, �ubiic Morks pr0,joct No. 70-l�-03�� witta t�e City of St. Paul , the Chicagar, Milwaukee, St. Paul an� Pacific Railroa� Cc�apany, an� th� State of Minnesota for the engineering and constructicn of aa overhea� grade separation of West S�venth Street ower the rai 1 road ca�,a�y's ''Short Lic�e" Tracks, an�i MHEREAS, The proper City officers were autiomri�r,e� a��i �irected to execwte this agree�nt by Ce�uACii Resolution 247860, dated March 12, 1970, snd MIHEREAS, Tbis Agre�went gives authorization to tFaese City officert tc a�prove Supple�aentml Agreements to ttais St�te of Mipnesota Nig�wvay Agree�aent No. 56394• and be it RESOIVED, That the Gity approves Suppleaiental Agremment No. 2, providing for reiraforce� f�tings to be placed 0n tt�e linestone float for Nanhole No, 12. �OR qppR VED t Corpor tio C s i q�G 2 8 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays `'�;r , � � 1��!� Butler �'�'�� �" Caxlaon roved 19— b�n iae-, Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ��_ A gainst Mr. President, McCarty -� 'p�SNED SEP 51970 � . .�`a��_w� � ���:,� .4t�_ :'.. . �;kri. 4� i�j't�t•� •,�.t� � � �� ti��4�y� i�; .�.y;.._,�o.���e�''.�1�: .�}�_..y'� 'v. STATE OF MINNESOTA � �j�S�� DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY3 v �- CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT 9 19A6 UNIVERSITY AV6NU6 ST. PAUL� MINN. 55104 July �']� 1970 Mr. Richard Schnarr Chief Engineer City of St. Paul ' 234 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In reply refer tot . S.P. 6201-39 (T.x. 5=111) Y�est 7th 5treet between Erie Street and St. Clair Avenue Overhead Brid�e No. 62066 Supplemental Agreement No. 2 Dear Mr. Schnarrs Attached are two copies of Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Contract No. 13803• Approval is required by the City as� pro- vided in Section XII o� the Tri-Party Agreement. , ICindly furnish a resolution approving said Supplemental Agreement. Sincerely, ���n�. �. M. J. Marttila Pro�ect Fr�gineer � , R � ,� � IV � � . EQ ��� �1_./� ��PUBI►C WpRKS NMGi�R � �o . ......,.., � � !'orm Z,i�Dd �F • •�,,'���,UF MINNESOT�'��3EPARTI4IENT OF HIGHWAYS Supp. to Contract No. 13803 No. 2 � SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT Caatrsctor Fed. Project I State Pro9ect No. Sheehy Bridge Constructiott Co. State Funds 6201-3� A�ese O West nteur Avenue Location T.H. 5 between Erie St. and St. Clair Avenu� St. Paulf Hinnesota - 55113 iri St. Paul Thie contract is amended as followe: � 1�iHEREAS: i9ie Contract provides, among other things� for the reconstruction of Manhole �� No. 12 by Special Designt and �°� WHEREAS: The Special Design called for placing the reinforced footing on a firra founda- � tian of solid sandstone beiow a layer of limestone float and a layer af mixed '�� soi.Is as indicated on Sheet 14 of the Planst and �g� &Q �IH�:ttEAS: Upon exposing and examini.ng the limestone float the Highr+ay l�epartment�s Foundatiass Er�ineer w�.s called in to investigate tY►e existia� conditions and $` cansider a redesign which would place the reinforced footing on the limestone `��, float* and �� 4dHEREA.S: Accordingly� the Foundations Eh�;ineer has recommended that the reinforced .� � � ��� foating be glaced on the limestone float based on the following findings: Eo� l. Due to peakin� of a branch collector sewer to within l� to 3t of the o g elevatior, of the top of the exposted sandstone in the side of the �anhole� � �� some support problems r.iay exist if the ori�3.nal desi�n was followe3. g o ° 2. The Iimestane float and the mixed soi.ls� between the float and the sand- s �� stone� with uniform pressure distribution� wi11 provide bet�er support than ��-e �he �istir,g sar,d-s Lane a].or.e. ��� WHEREAS: The Engiaeer ��ncsrs ��rith the Foundations �ineer*s reconimeadations a�nd has �: a ordered the hereinafter described plan renisions. �$ ��q NOW, TH�'08:�, IT IS HEI��Y MUT[TAI,LY UPIDERSTOOD AND AGRFED TIiAT: �;� 1. The Contractor shal.l build Manhole No. Z2 in accordance �A�ith tne Pl��s, z �� Speaifications and Sp�cisl Provisions except as modified �by the Founda- �g� tions F,r�gineer�s follo�i.n� recommendations: � <�s . Iadac � Itam � Qa�a I Quarta � Fund � Conn4 � __ __::-.-_ _.__.__ Amoaat Requeated = • _ � Dated _19— ' Apyro�d b7 Yroi�at Entinser or AroLiteot OP�flal L'OIIYnCt -� ' - Pre�. Additions ' Dated 19— AeesP�b7 Contruwr - ' TOtaI t0 Ditte s . _, , ._. - , gy . . . Pereeatsge—increase—decxes�e � • .. . .. ,. Dated 19_ Appro�ed u to form and ezecution APPROVED: D��� Comml�sioner of Adminbtrsdon � �'` Dated l9_ Ari�fant ALWroe�a6en! By . ADp�ed b�Aiena�He�d r►at�a l� � _ , _ .1 1—ST�TE AilDITOR 2—COMTRACTOR 3=A6ENC� (A'4iteori[iwe!) (Pis�E) (Gold�n�od) . ?� �orm 213!L�I s� a - �Z'�:='E„OF MINNESOTA-DEPARTM�NT OF HIGHWAYS Supp. to Contract No. 1�03 " No. 2 ' Sl�PPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT �e � Contractor Fed. PtoJect State Project No. Sheehy Brid e Construction Co. State Funds ( 6Z01-» wddrese 360 West Iarpenteur Avenae Locadon St. Paul� Minnesota � 55�-3 See Page 1 This contract is amended as followe: � � a. The brick liner in the area of mixed soils be reraoved, �� b. The 34" steel casirig be lengthened to extend from the bottom of the re-• �Q inforced footing to approximately 4 feet below the top of the sandstone� � � c. A weak grout be placed under pressure between the casing and the man- �� hole wall for the full 1�n�th of the casing. � 2. P�yment shall be made at the contract unit price per lineal foot of man- � �° hole recoiistructed as sho�rn in the proposal schedule of prices� plus $75.00 8� per lineal foot for additio.�al casing and grouting required over that which �� is called for in the Plan. �� 3. The Contractor wi71 not maise c?a�m of any_ kind or character whatsoener for �b� any other costs or expenses ��r;ich he may have incurred� or which he may �;� hereafter inc�xr� in performing this work and fnrni.shing the materials $o� required by this Agreement. t �9� ESTIMATE OF COST ; � Increase s o� a O� e � . � . . ' l. 0 5 s Itez� ilo. Item tTnit Uni� Price antit Amount � ° `.._ �_. = ��� Casing and Grautir�g L.�. S?5•00 8 �600.�0 ��� Total Increase $600.00 8rg a� o Decrea.�e . , , - o��- Item :Vo. Iter� II�ni_t_ Unit Price antit Amount s o� ?,50b.511 Reconstruct Manhole E�� Desi�n Special � L.F. $210.00 10 �2.100.00 $ � � TotaZ Decrease $2i100.00 6$� Total Net Decrease $1�500.00 Di�rihuti on t S_P_ 67n1��i9 ., l� iadez Itam Ciaw Quarter Fund Connt� , a , sot' � i �'o I o� I s7/ I y-7o � a 7f� I /�igM sE y . HAS BEFN ENCUMBERED FOR i' OBLIGA- " ' � �fON HcRECF AGAINST THE F EfyBf�di#� Requeated = � �QQ Cr: . � � �GZ�it�.l�L UNENCUMSEftED E3ALANCES OF T E PRv?ER � �� = Dated_sI11A�..�y19�� APPROFRIATION ANO RLLOTME . ,���E��� �,;� . orig�na conrracc ,759 �'33,�G _ � JUL 1 � 197 �t� ,�.,� s� �9,L Shee Brid�e� �on r Co , Pre�. A ditioas 75'O.OQ Aaa�pt�d br Contraowr • WILLIAM J. 0'BRiEN, Stat '� By � Total t Date i as� s83. 7(. gy � �c.�_�.�,�•µ"-��: Authorized SignaNr -J� .�. Per ntage—iw�e—d� v! % . � i � �„J t�L � �97�,_ Approved s o form an ezecuti APPROVED: . Deputy Distriot Enaineer IasIoner o Adminbintlon ' c�� ^ Dated 7-7— 192Q�''il�w.�lYw� �.-� A fant t ey Gm By ADpro.ed by A�encr He.d Dat� ���7� �^ 1 .1 i i; . 1—STATE AUDITOR 2—CONTRACTOR 3—ASENCY � (fY�itr orijiwan (Pin�F) (Goldsu�od) 4:i I��: : .. . . .' 1 t';+ � � y_, � �• . .. . 'i.f- . . 1 . . . . 1 � o�,�,�,��,� 25�;�,�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���DBY fnrafka COMMISSIONER �~rt �• DATG M�IttA:. Ths cit�t iNS �nt�rral I�to a :rl-��t�► a�rwwat Ns. Sb3lb �:.�. i301-3lI. �traet Ms. 13�3. '�bi lc Marks Ko��t Ils. 70*�1-032�A vltM tM Cfty ef it. 'aul. ths Ch1ca�. Mll��►, =t. �at1 aM I�a�itle Itat t roar Co�pa�►, a� ths itat� of Mi an�seta f�or tl�r �apl�erl n� aa� ooAStr�tioa of an o�wrMa�i lra�M sp�ration et M�st �awMtl� �tnst rwr ths rai 1 roN a�ar�l's "i�ort 1.1 n�" T�adcs, an� iMEREAi, TIN proMr City eftlasn Ms�+s �tsrri anr 1ir�tN tio �wt� thi�t a�r�at iry Co�nai! R�arol�tlea t��i0. Vq�1 Nan� it. 1�?0, an� MNEREAf� This ll�r�w�t �tws a�tborlratia� tio tMs� Clt�l eftle�rs � M� �/!1�snb i ll*r�rnt# to ti�I s =tatt of Ni iwtsota M 1�iNrirY A�rMrAt Ns. S�3l4. a�l �s �t RE3A6tlE0. Tiwt tM Cit�► �re�s �►t�ta1 II��E Ib. !. �ari�l�y for nlaf�reN fo�tl�qs to i� �rta� �n tM l iw�ston� tta�t fK N�nhol� Ns. 1Z. q�G 2� 1970 COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � 2 8 1970 Butler Carlson Appmv� 19� �'e' ��Tn Favor Meredith . -- Sprafka 6 �� '.Pet�eses" A°'"�t Mr. President, McCarty �� � � � �.�U �-�'�3 Aug. 28, 1970 i � � r----.----_._�! � .�_...�._...��... ` Hon. Robert F. SpraPka °"�,`� Comsr. af �ublic l��orks ���� Building ��,'-�' �.� Dear Sir: / Nttached please find 2 copies o� unc' /I'iles Nos. 250253 and 25c��5�. �, ,�--,.., `�,_ < / ---� �. Please tr�nsmit one c�of ea� �to t�e�hicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacif3.c ilroad Co td%the State af M�.nnesota Highway Den�rtment. Very truly yours, %�� ,�...�� / / i City Clerk ng