250252 ORIGiNAL TO CITY CLERK . � ���� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. � '�,v2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E �� COUNC RES TION ENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WB$813�5, Ordinence No. 3250 suthorizes and provides f or payment f or overti.me work, and WHBR$AS, the Carrmiasioner c� Public IItflities has anthorized overtim�e work in the Water Depart�ent d�tring the pesiod frc� ,A�gust 8, 19?0 to August 21, 1970: therefcre be it 8ffiQLP�1, that the proper City officers are hereby suthcr- ized to pay the employe�s who perform�d sueh c�vertim� work ia accordance With the provisicas of Ordinances No. 6446 and No. 3250. � 2 $ �9��+ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays a`��`.�, ,' , ���0 Butler Caxlson � APP 19_... � �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor A gainst T�—� Mr. Preaident, McCarty �:ts�fo SEP 519T0 �� � � .� � � � OFFICB 1 of 1 /� SUMMARY OF PAID OVERTIME V d)r.. � �' �� For payroll period from ,g�� to 8121 ,inclusive `� Department Water NAME & TITLE HRS'. RATE PAY DATE REASON: &eene, I.em�ar 8. Iaspectfttg new Mt�fus� W De t Technieiaa I 1 7.0313 7.03 12 �1 Recoverable from 3nburba Mnllaaey, C. Leo nspecting new �ts C' ineer I 1 6.30 6.30 19 8eco�verable from S�buri�s St.9ani4tr, Gharles ]�. Inspecting new Maina Wa er t Techaician II 7 4.1313 30.19 10 -21 8ecoverable fre� Snburbs. S ,Y � .. • SUAM�IARY OF PAID �VERTIME LAB08 1 of 2 For payroll period from 8�8 to 8/�__1 ,__.i ,inclusive Department pater NAME 8� TITLE HRS. RATE PAY DATE REASON: Addyman, 8obert J. Jr. Contra. iustalling atorm Water erviee Foreman 2 7.9220 19.81 8 - 21 3e�wer hit b e iee on W� Ceatral, ltecasaar� to work overti t r rvice. Buechner, John L. pow 9 5 66 15 8 - 2 0 li i Caligt�ire, Domiaic J. Had to complste job in Wate c 7.2657 3.63 8 - 21 order to tnrn Water on. Casillas, J�lian M. 'pins ? 7. 25 55.69 8 - ore ard r Colonna, John D. $epair broken 6'2�ain Motor ni msnt 0 srator 2 9.12 18.24 8 -21 at Vaa ke 3c La ettt��Dc Core�ier, Fred J. Mai e s�ce Fersmau 2 8.9345 17.87 8 - 21 8s air Feeder Costella, Bocco L. Water 3ervfceman I 7 7.6500 57.38 8 - 21 3toreyard Smer enc Davia, Sarrison Jr. Bepair broken 6" Mafa Ditch Di er 2 ?.5750 15.15 8 - 21 at �att Dyke �t ant�ic Diaz, Jo�mry Cont. a traa e 1�nek Driver 1 8.3250 8.33 8 - 21 i�ith:=�service. Dnell� Renneth I, Commsrc a cco�nt, ter Wat r t erviceman 4 6.8532 27.41 8 - 21 cactld not be chaaged dnring regu ar us neas �rs Bngen, Graat W. Cont. wor ng c� Strorm sewar Water Service II <Conn) 4 7.2657 29.06 8 - 21 brdee serviee. It Was necsssa to wor overt me o restore service. Fabio, Pater L. Water 3es�vice Foreman 8 7.9220 63.38 8 - 21 Storeyard S�r ancy Francis, Georgs A. ontr, pn e cvrp servics Water 3ervicemaa II Carin. 7.2657 3.63 8 - 21 was ent off. Sad tawork o�vsr- t me tu restore sarvi ce. Frascone, Leo J. cntr. a re�n e th Ditch Di er 1 7.2657 ?.2T 8 - 21 s�rvice. Frftz, Da�inic B. �tr. s tron � w th Watsr 3ervic� Foreman 1 7.9220 7.92 8 - 21 aervice. Fritz, Joe L. Water Service Foremaa 8 7.9220 63.38 8 - 21 3toreyard Smergenep Gardner� Loa s P. Water Servicemaa II CCo�n.) 7 7.2657 54.49 8 - 21 Storeyard Bmergeacy flernandez, Jehn a ° �`1 Ditch Digger � 7.5750 3.79 8 - 21 order to.turn water on. flna eman, enry . Motor ni ment Operator WD 5 9.12 45.60 8 - 2 Oi��ing Sqnipment Inserra, 8o ar . • 8�� IIaskilled Labarer 1+� 7.4250 9.56 8 - 2 hit serviee, it was necessar� restore servics. : aYJ I� . • SUNIlKAt2Y OF PAID OVERTIME j'!'B�g 2 °f 2 For payrol.l period Prom 8/8 to 8/21 ,inclusive Department �gter NAME & TITLE HRS. RATE PAY DATE R�O�� Korutop, Harold L. Co�tr. pnllad corp & ssrvice Ditch Di er 7.5750 3.79 8 - 21 vas egt otf had to work averti� to restore service. Lanz, Jo� hn S. Had to coaplete job:;�n Ditch D �r 7.5750 3.79 8 - 21 order t� tnrn water on pitti, Thouas B. Dnsk e Laborer 7 7.4250 55.69 8 - 21 Pangal, George D. 8epair broken 6 " Main For -�1 D 2 8.40 16.80 8 - 21 at Van ke & I.ar eatenr Sanelli, Mario J. Had to complete job ia Fo --W.D. 8.40 4.2� 8 - 21 order to tnan Water on. 8,aschick, Fraa� ��rer howel 0 erator 1 9.45 9.45 8 - 21 Oilia f inent g�� ��s ontr. ad trouble with Ditch Di er 1 ?.5750 7.38 8 - 21 service. Root, SdWard B. �erc a ccoun , Water Meter 3ervicesan 4 6.8532 2T.41 8 - 21 Meter conld not be ekanged r ng regu ar s nesa flrs. Buberta, Fra D. epa r o en at TrFtck Driver l+� 8.3250 12.49 8 - 21 Van Dyke & Larpeateur. Bybak, 3taaley P. on r. ns a ng aew aervic. Ditch Di er 2 7.5750 15.15 8 - 21 had service cnt c�f it Was nscessary o Wor avarti�e to restore service Scnlley, Donald B. p 66 15 8 - 2 Oilin ni nt So�utor, DaaaO F. Contr. had service� ent off Wat 1 7 6500 ?.65 8 - 21 it was necesa t• work ovtrti� to restore aervfce Strnntz, Donald P. &epair broken 6" Maia at Wat rv c Mai s 2 7.�2657 14.53 8 - 21 Dan ke & Lar entear Tho�aason, Grant H. Li or 8 D 7.0816 56.65 8 - 2I $elieE did not shaa n Koalska, Dc�minic Bepair broken 6" Main at �$ 2 7 42 � 14.85 8 - 21 Van &e & entenr A 893.92