250246 A ' 25���6 ('�,R161NAL 7'O C�TY�CIERK � , , r CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ' COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • COMMISSIONE • ATF WHEREAS, Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1969, pravides that the governing body of any municipality issuing general obligatians shall, prior to the delivery af the obligations, levy by resalution a direct general ad valorem tax upon all taxable property tn the municipality, to be spread upon the tax ro11s for each year of the term of the obligations, and said law also provides that the tax levies for all years shall be specified and such that if collected in fa11 they, �ogether w9th estimated collections of special assessments and other revenues qledged for the payment of said obligations, will prodace at least five per cent�an (5%) in excess of the amounts needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on the obligations, � and said law further provides that said resolution shall create a separate � sinking fund far each issue of obligations, and shall irrevocably appropriate the taxes so levied and any special assessments or other re�enues so pledged to that fund or account; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That for the ��rpose of providing for the payment of the principal and interest upon the $4,500,OQ0 Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1970, issued and sold, as authorized by Etesolution of this Council, Council. File No. 249938, when and as the same mature, and for an additional direct tax in an amount not less than five per centcan (5�) in excess of the sum r�- , quired to pay such principal and interest when the same mature, there is " hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, a tax for the payment of said $4,500,000 of bonds, �he following direct, annual, irrevocable taxes, to-wit: F RM APPROVED � _ Asst Curporation uunsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19�. Levine __In Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � s� ' , , , '' Page 2. �tllJ� �V '� , TAX REQUIRED BY CHAPTIIt 475, MINNESOTA BUDGET TAX FOR TAX FOR STATUTES, 1969, IN EXCESS TOTAL � P��'�PAT. �,F,.ST (�� PRINC�AL AND INTEREST � 1971 �' , $ 450,000.00 $ 229,500.00 $ , 33,975.00 $ �13,475.00 1972 ` 450,000.00 206,550.00 � ';� 32,827.50 689,377.50 1973 450,000.00 � 183,600.00 31,680.00 665,280.00 1974 450,000.00 160,650.00 30,532.50 641,182.50 1975 450,000.00 137,700.00 29,385.00 617,085.00 1976 450,000.00 114,750.00 28,237.50 592,987.50 1977 450,000.00 91,800.00 27,090.00 568,890.00 1978 450,000.00 68,850.00 25,942.50 544,792.50 1979 450,000.00 45,900.00 24,795.00 520,695.00 1980 450,000.00 22 950.00 23.647.50 496,597.5Q $4,500,000.00 $1,262,250.00 $288,112.50 $6,050,362.50 ORI6YNAC YO,CITY CLERK ����'�� , , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEIL �ATF Page 3. be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes, it shalt be paid promptly, when due, oat of the general fund vf the said City of Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefar shall 6e made when said taxes sf�a11 have been received; be i� F'URTHER RESOLVED, That there sha11 be created a separate sinking fund, or a special acco�nt in the sinking fund, for said obligations, and that the taxes received for the payment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said account, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to file in the office of the Coanty Auditor of Ramsey County a cert�fied copy of this Resolution, together with full informatian regard�ng the bonds for which this tax is levied, and th� City C1erK is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a cert�ficate that he has entered the obligations in the tax register as required under the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1969, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shalt obtatn frc�nn the County Auditor and del�iver to the purchaser a certificate of the County Auditor that the issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied as required by law, �in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Sf.atuteS 1969; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That such taJCes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other taxes of the City of Saint Paul, and when collected shall be used solely for paying the interest and principal af said bonds when and as the same mature; be �it FIiRTFiER RESOLVED, That in compliance with and for the purpose specif�ied by the pertincr�t pro�tisions of said Chapter 4T5, Minnesota Statutes 1969, said. special sinking fund jn the nature of a special account in the regular Sinking Eund of the Ctty of Saint PauT hereby is created. AUG 2 8 l�i�ll COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ? �� ��-,�; =ti v= .�> Butler Carlson � AP 19_ vin —�In Favor Meredith ( ) Sprafka �J or A gainst �e�eseo�^ Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED SEP 1 1970 �� ., �uruc�ro.n�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca �5O��6 • ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRB�IT6D 6Y COMMISSIONER OATF , M�iEREAS� Chapter 475. Minnesota StatutQS 1969. provides that the gorerning body of any municipality issuing general obligations shall, prior to the deliv�ry of the obligatlona, tevy by resolution a dtrect g�n�ra1 �d valoreai tax upon all taxable proporly 1n the municipelity, to be apread u n the tax ro11s for each ysar of the term of the obligations, and aaid law also provid4s tl�t the t,ax levies for a11 years shall be specified and auch that if collected in f�ll they, together with estimnted collections of speciat aaaesaments and other revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations. wilt produce at least flve per centun (5�) in excess of the a�ounts needed to nieet, when due, the principsl and interest pAyments on the obligations� and aeid 1aw further p�vtdes that sald resolution sha11 craate a sepera�te stnking fund for each issue of obligations, and shall irrevocabiy appropriate the taxes so levied and any special assesa�nents or ather r�wenues so�pledged to that fund or accounti now, therefore, be it RESnI.YED, That for the purpose of providing for the payiaent of fihe prl�cipal and interest upon the S4,g00,p00 Capital Improve�nt Bonds, Series 1970, lssued a�nd sold, as �uthorized by Resolution of thls Council. Cou�cil Ftte Na. 249938, Mhen and as the sauae rnature, and for an additionel direct ta�c in an eu�ount not less than five p�r cent� (S�) in excess of the sun re- quired to pay su�h principal and inter�st afien the sdme mature, there ia h�by levled on a11 of the taxable prop�rty in the City af Saint Panl, in additton to a11 other taxes, a tauc for the payment of said $4,5�,OOQ of bor�t, the following dlrect, annual, irrevocable taxes, to-wit: COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 18� ���'e —�In Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A ggingt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . ' . � • ;, � � �5�� �Ej Page 2. TAX REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 475, MINNESOTA BUDGET TAX FOR TAX FOR STATUTES, 1967, IN EXCESS TOTAL YF�,�,.AR� PRTNGTP� T�,TER.EST OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST TAX 1971 $ 450,000.00 $ 229,500.00 $ 33,975.00 $ 713,-475.00 1g72 450,000.00 206,550.00 32,827.50 689,377050 1973 450,000.00 183,600.00 31,680.00 665,280.00 1974 450,000.00 160,650.00 30,532.50 641,182�50 . 1975 450,000.00 137,700.00 29,385.00 617,085.00 197b 450,000.00 114,750.00 28,237.50 592,987.50 1977 450,OOOo00 91,800.00 27,090,00 568,890,00 1978 450,000.00 68,850.00 25,942.50 544,792.50 1979 450,OOOo00 45,900.00 24,795.00 520,695.00 1980 450.000.00 22,950.UO 23�,..647.50 496,�,597.50 $4,500,000.00 $1,262,250.00 $288,112.50 $6,050,362.50 � 25a��fi ox►�u�„tE';n�R�rrme . , CITY OF ST. PAUL �NCi� NO. • ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ^ATE Page 3. be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event any principal and intereat t�e due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes. it shall be paid promptly, when due, out of the general fund of the sald C1ty of Saint Paul. and reimbursanen� therefor shall be m�de when said taxes shall have been received; be it FURTHER RESQLVED, That there shAll be created a sept�rate sinking fund, or a special account tn the sinking fund, for said obligattflas, and that the taxes received for the payment ther�af are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said nccount. and that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to f11e in the office of the County Auditor af Ramsey County a cer�iPied copy of this Resotution, together with fult informmaition regarding the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a certificate that he has entered the obligatlons in the tax register as required under the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota - Statutes 1969, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made; be 1t FURTNER RESOLVED, That before the;;;�aid bonds sha11 be delivered to the purchaser, the Councll of the City of a�nt Paul shall obta�in fram the County Auditor end deliver to the p�rchaser a certificate of the County Auditor that the issue has been entered on his register and that a tdx has been tevied as required by 1aw� in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 475. Min�asota Statutes 1969; be it FURTHER RESOI.VED, That such taxes shall be collected and pdyment thereof enforced at the sa�ne time and with and in like manner as other taxes vt the City of Saint Paul, and wh� collected shall be used solely for paying the lnterest and principal of said bonds when and as the sa�me mature; be it FURTt�tER RESOLVED, That in compliance with and for the purpose specified by the pertinent pravisions of sald Chapter 475, htinnesota Statutes 1969, said speclal sinking fund 1n the nature of a special acconnt in the rege�lar Slnking Fund of tt�e City of Safnt Paul hereby is created. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�►UG 2 � � 19— Y� xa� AUG 2 � 1970 sut�� Carlson Approve� 19� � L�n Favor Meredith Sprafka C� �y°r � A gainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� STATE 0 F MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY O.F RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 31st day of August , 19 �� , a certified copy of Council File No. 250246 adopted August 28, 1970 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $4,500,000 Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1970 as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof wh�n due. It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 675 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 31st day of August � 19 �� o TH024AS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY • B Entered in Bond Register Deputy Auditor eputy Auditor ;�;� � �,.�,i, � ..'...... .. .),.,..� ,.J r�..:�_���;�i �p y �� �� �y � ?`='1 � d... �{ G..-N �7��� STATE O F MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY 0 F RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTE R I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 31st day of August , 19 70 , a certified copy of Council File No. 250246 adopted August 28, 1970 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $4,5Q0,000 Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1970 as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. . It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 675 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 31st day of August � 19 70 . THOMAS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY . - � � B Entered in Bond Register Deputy Auditor . . Deputy Aud tor :;: `;, -i �� -,:,j ; ' �: , �v �J �. ,� ' .:� i.i ,.__)J , , �� � la� �j � j ��� � �o�-�t� STATE O F MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY 0 F RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 31st day of August � 19 70 , a certi:fied copy of Council File No. 25024b adopted August 28, 1970 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $4,500,000 Capital Improvement Bonrls, Series 197Q as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. . Tt is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor`s bond register File No. 675 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 31st day of August � 19 70 . THOMAS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY • - . . B Entered in Bond Register Deputy Auditor . eputy Auditor ��,��:i;,,�,���, �S . �a��»�� ���,t��-,� ,���i� , `�l. �:,�!�Y � � �,��.� �.��a.� c �---� ��� �- �� Au . 31, 1970 r-_____----', � ��_ � �-� � Hon. Thomas K.elle,y, Count,y Audi� � C�urt H�use � �?ear Sir: � � �lttached hereto is a c �opy\ �a resolution, C. F. '�'S��+�, adopted by the City cil on ust ].97�, levyi.n� taxes f�r the payment 7f ¢4,5 000 Ca.pita Impro ement Bonds, Series 1�70. In conformance with t e terms �f e res�alution, we woul_d a�preci.a�e your provj.d3ng us wi six ori 1 �r duplicate ori.�ina2 certificates t� the eff you�h red the obli�;a.tions in the tax re�is�er and the levy has been e. Very trul.y yours, City Clerk ng ��h ���� r� � sept. 2, �.gTo , i `�°--`_--.�..�.�..e.� { 'd...--.—..>,.._,�„ �t "°`-`. \..`\ �.��,��`� Pdr. Stephen T. Casroll, Vice Presid BAN.KERS TRUST CONII'ANY � 16 Wall Street / New York, New Yor�f �✓� - ,'c)eax Sir: /�� � � � Enclosed is a certi�'ica of Thomas . Kelley, County Auditor �f Ramsey County, to the e ct that he s lev3ed taxes to provide for the payment of princ 1 and in eat nn the bonds described in the certificate:�, ____, V�x'y truly yours, City Clerk ng RE6ISTERED N0. ` � ,,� ; POSTMARK Of Value , ; �1: De�'�1 �ry ; p��b����1� / 5 ReB.Fes i , � ReCeipt ; C�1� (,�'�f.. ��g ; . �ry� ; ���gEP ���� � a �. �ee s �� Mni� � 1 q�� �,. POSTMASTE (By) G7 Y ' FROM- - - — �- .__ �S '_ O - - -- - � = � - - - �- `e -----�-� � - -- ----�--- ------ =�* o �'� T�-�Y.�'--^,�•�l`^- __'- _ ___'� .•_._. ---------�--�'- "� - -�=`� =------- -----•- � � � �� r ��� V . . • J(u � , , SAVE THIS RECEIPT FOR ,REGISTERED MAit - COVERAGE—Domestic insurance for,registered mail is limited b �l)the value'of the article at the timr of rriailing ar the cost of re- placement if lost or totally damaged. or (2) the cost of repairs �overage'may not eacceed the limit faced for the registry fee paid. Consult postrr�aster for additional details of iosurarice°�li�tits•�r� CoVera�e for domestic registered msil. FIUNG CLAIM=CIaim mus� be filed wi'ahin 1 year from the date of InailinP. Present this receipt and sulrmit evidence of value, cost aR repairs,or cost of duplication. FOREIGN C�UNTRIES--�onsult p�c�rr�ster as ta insuraucs cevera� en regisReroi articles addressed to fereign omuntries. . . , . OM N!-NL.��O " .. . . .. . .. POD F�f111�Mi.ltl�l 1li� � Capltal.Improvement Bonds, Series 1970: �Mr: Stephen T. Carroll, V.P. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY 16 Wall Street New York, New York 10015 ___________-�______ �, v�