250244 � � 250��4 OR161N`AL TO CITY CLBRK � ,� ,, . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ' • -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . , COUNC RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WIiEREAS, Chapter 475 , Minnesota Statutes 1g6g, provides that the governing body of any municipality issuing general obligations shall, prior to the delivery of the obligations, levy by resolution a direct general ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the municipality, to be spread upon the tax rolls for each year of the term of the obligations , and said law also prodides th at the tax levies for all years shall be specified and such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of special assessments and other revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations , will produce at least five per centum (5�) in excess of the amounts needed to meet, when due , the prineipal and interes� payments on the obligations , and said law further provides that said resolution shall create a separate sinking fund for each issue of obligations, and shall irrevocably appropriate the taxes so levied and any special assessments or other revenues so pledged to that fund or account; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED� That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the principal and interest upon the �10,000,000 Civic Center Bonds, Series 19'70B, issued and sold, as authorized by Resolution of this Council, Council File No. 249939, when and as the same mature , and for an additional direct tax in an amount n.ot less than five per centum (5%) in excess of the sum required to pay such principal and interest when the same mature, there is hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in additionr to all other taxes , a tax for the payment of said �10,000,000 of bonds, the following direct, annual, irrevocable taxes, to-wit: FORM APPROVED sst. Ccrparation Coucns I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19` Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � �� �5���4 , � . Page 2. ` � � � TAX REQUIRED BY � CHAPTIIt 475, MINNESOTA BUDGEP TAX FOR TAX FOR STATUTES, 196`�, IN EXCESS TOTAL F�,_ PRINCIPAL INTEREST QF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST TAX 1971 -- $ 600,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 630,000.00 1972 -- 600,000.00 30,000.00 630,000.00 1973 $ 300,000.00 600,000.00 45,000.00 945,000.00 1974 300,000.00 582,000.00 3t� 44,100.00 ,� ,� 926,100.00 1975 , 300,000.00 �(� 564,000.00 � 43,200.00 " 907,200.00 1976 � ��'� 300,000.00 U� 546,000.00 ` 42,300.00 888,300.00 1977 " 350,000.00 528,000.00 43,900.00 921,900.00 1978 350,000.00 507,000.00 42,850.00 899,850.00 1979 350,000.00 486,000.00 41,800.00 877,800.00 1980 350,000.00 465,000.00 40,750.00 855,750.00 1981 350,000.00 444,000.00 39,700.00 833,700.00 1982 350,000.00 423,000.00 38,650.00 811,650.00 1983 350,000.00 402,000.00 37,600.00 789,600.00 1984 350,000.00 381,000.00 36,550.00 767,550.00 1985 350,000.00 360,000.00 35,500.00 745,500.00 1986 350,000.00 339,000.00 34,450.00 723,450.00 1987 350,000.00 318,000.00 33,400.00 701,400;:00 1988 350,000.00 297,000.00 32,350.00 679,350.00 1989 350,000.00 276,000.00 31,300.00 657,300.00 1990 350,000.00 255,000.00 30,250.00 635,250.00 1991 350,000.00 234,000.00 29,200.00 613,200.00 1992 356,000.00 213,000.00 28,150.00 591,150.00 1993 400,000.00 1.92.,000.00 29,600.OQ 621,600.00 1994 400,000.00 168,000.00 28,400.00 596,400.00 1995 400,000.00 144,000.00 27,200.00 571,200.00 1996 400,000.00 120,000.00 26,000.00 546,000.00 1997 400,000.00 96,000.00 24,800.00 520,800.00 1998 400,000.00 72,000.00 23,600.00 495,600.00 1999 400,000.00 48,000.00 22,400.00 470,400.00 2000 400,000.00 - 24,000.00 21,200.00 445,200.00 $10,000,000.00 $10,284,',000.00 $1,014,200.00 $21,298,200.00 � � . ORIGJN�L TO CITY CLCRK ��Q 1 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' �� � � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON ER DATF Page 3. be it FURTH�R RESOLVED� Thai; in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the proceeds o� said taxes , it shall be paid prompl;ly, when due , out of the general �und of �;he said City o� Saint Paul , and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That there shall be created a separate sink- ing fund, or a special account in the sinking fun.d, for said obliga- tions , and that the taxes received for the payment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said account , and tYiat the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to file in the o�fice of the County Auditor of Ramsey County a certified copy of this Resolution, together wi�i;h full information regaraing the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a certificate that he has entered the obliga-tions in the tax register as required under the provisions of Chapter 47�, Minnesota Statutes 1969, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made ; be it FURTIiER RESOLVED, That before the said t�onds shall be del ivereci to the 1�u�:•chaser� the Council. of the City of. Sa7.n.t Pa.ul sha]_1 obi;ain. from the County Auditor and deliver to the purchaser a certificate ol the Coun�;y Auditor that the issue has been entered on his regis�Ler and tha�; a tax lzas been levied as required by law, in accordance �aith 1;he provisions of Chapter 4'75 , Minnesota Statul;es 1g6g; be it I'URTHER RESOLVED� That such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in • like manner as other taxes of 1;he City of Saint Paul , and when collected shall be used solely for paying the ini;erest and principal of said bonds when and as tYie same mature ; be it FURT�-IER RESOLVED, That iiz compliance with and for the purpose specif.iecl by �Lhe per�Line�1�; provisior�s oi' said Chap-t;er 475, riiilnesota Statutes 196g, said special sinking fund in the nature of a special account in the regular Sinking ru�za oi the City of Saint Paul hereb is cre�.ted. AUG 2 8 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler rove� AUG 2 8 19�� 19� Carlson � �n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor V �_ A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED SEP 11970 � q�u6`w�Flt To�RIN7sle. . � , ne CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNC�� NO �50��4 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PItESEIiTED/Y COMMISSIONER DAT� WHEKEAS, Chaptsr 475� Minne�ota Ststuter 1969, providea that the governin� bodq ot' eay �oaloipality i��ain� general obligations ehall, prior to ths deliv�ry ot the obligetione, levy bq rerolution a dir�ot �en�ral ad valorw� tsz upon all t+e�eble property in tho �unloipalitg� to b� �- spread upon the tas rolls ior •aoh �a� o! tb� t�xti ot the obiigations, and •aid lar alro pi*o�d.id�• t6at th� taz l��le� ior all year� �hall be �peotiisd an�d �uoh �h�►t ii o+all�otsd in �ull they� togather r►ith esti�atsd oolleotion� ot �p�oisi a�sasgseatr and other revenue� plsdaad !or the pay�sat oi •aid obligstion�r„ Nill prodno• at lea�t liv� per o�n�u� (5�). 1n esos�s oi th� a�ount� ae�d�d �»x,p �est� Mh�a dn�, the prin�ipal and int�rtat pay��nt� on t6• oblisationa►� sad �aid lax iurthe r provid�• that said rs�olution �hall orsate s r�psrate sinl�ins Zaad ipr esoh i��n� oi oblisation�, snd shali irre�ooably aFpropriate ttie tau�e� so xevied sr�d sny �p�o1a1 a��e�sseat• or othsr re�enues •o plsd`ed �o tha� iund or a000uat� now, ther�=ore� be it "��'"`� ` �SOLVED, That tor ths pu�p�"e oi ps�ea� oi ths p��di►na !or �hs prinoipal sad iatsrost upon th� ��t0,000,000 Ci�io C�nter Hond�, $srie• !9?OB, i��wd and •old, a� anthorised by �te�olution oi thi• Couaoii, Qoaaoil Fil• lto. $49939, ah�n snd aa the sa�ae aaturi� �nd ior sn a�dttionsl direct tas is +�n a�cnnt not le�+s thaa iiv� p�r oeatw� {S�ij in aso��• o! �b� �n� requirod to pay �evh pr#�vigal � f.ntero�t Mhen the •a�e �atnr�, �th�r� is h�r�by le�i�d Qa sil oi ths tazsble px�op�rty in th� City oi 3sint Paul„ in additioa to all ot�h�r tas�r, a teuc ior th• payMn� oi �aid #10,400,000 o! bonda! the lolloMins dirsot� annual, irr�vooable tue�, �wwa�� COt1NCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approv�� 19_ Levine T� Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r A gaingt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . � .; Pag e 2. ���dl/ ' . ~ TAX REQUIRED BY � �� ' CIiAI'TER 475, MINNESOTA � BUDGET TAX FOR TAX FOR STATUTES, 196 9, IN EXCESS TOTAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST TAX 1971 -- $ 600,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 630,000.00 1972 -- 600,000.00 30,000.00 630,000.00 1973 � 300,000.00 - 600,000.00 45,000.00 945,000.00 1974 300,000.00 582,000.00 44,100.00 926,100.00 1975 300,000.00 564,000.00 43,200.00 907,200.00 1976 300,000.00 546,000.00 42,300.00 888,300.00 1977 350,000.00 528,000.00 43,900.00 92�,900.00 1978 350,000.00 507,000.00 42,850.00 899,850.00 1979 350,000.00 486,000.00 41,800.00 877,800.00 1980 350,000.00 465,000.00 40,750.00 855,750.00 1981 350,000.00 444,000.00 39,700.00 833,700.00 1982 350,000.00 423,000.00 38,650.00 811,650.00 1983 350,000.00 402,000.00 37,600.00 789,600.00 1984 350,000.00 381,000.00 36,550.00 767,550.00 1985 350,000.00 360,000.00 35,500.00 745,500.00 1986 350,000.00 339,000.00 34,450.00 723,450.00 1987 350,000.00 318,000.00 33,400.00 701,400.00 1988 350,000.00 297,000.00 32,350.00 679,350.00 1989 350,000.00 276,000.00 31,300.00 657,300.00 1990 350,000.00 255,000.00 30,250.00 "635,250.00 1991 350,000.00 234,000.00 29,200.00 613,200.00 1992 350,000.00 213,000.00 28, 150.00 591, 150.00 1993 400,000.00 192,000.00 29,600.00 621,600.00 1994 400,000.00 168,000.00 28,400.00 596,400.00 1995 400,000.00 144,000.00 27,200.00 571,200.00 1996 400,000.00 120,000.00 26,000.00 546,000.00 1997 400,000.00 96,000.00 24,800.00 520,800.00 1998 400,000.00 72,000.00 23,600.00 495,600.00 1999 400,000.00 48,000.00 22,400.00 470,400.00 2000 400,000.00 - 24,000.00 21,200.00 445,200.00 $10,000,000.00 $10,284,000.00 $1,014,200.00 $21,298,200.00 ��•�������� CITY OF ST. PAU� ��N�,� �50;��4 ' � �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO , ' COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY COMMISSIONEe ^A*F Page 3. be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the,. proceeds of said taxes, it shall be paid promptly, when due , out of the general fund of the said City of Saint Paul , and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received; be it FURTHER R,ESOLVED, That there shall be ereated a separate sink- ing fund, or a special account in the sinking fund, for said obliga- tions , and that the taxes received for the payment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said account, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to file in the office of the County Auditor � of Ramsey County a certified copy of this Resolution, together with full information regarding the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a certificate that he has entered the obligations in the tax register as required under the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1g69, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall obtain from the County Auditor and deliver to the purchaser a certif icate of the County Auditor that the issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied as required by law, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4�5, Minnesota Statutes 1969; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other taxes of the� City of Saint Paul, and when collected shall be used solely for paying the interest and principal of said bonds when and as the same mature ; be it FURTAE R RESOLVED, That in eompliance with and for the purpose specified by the pertinent provisions of said Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes ig6g, said special sinking fund in the nature of a special account in the regular Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul hereby is created. � 2 8 197U C O U N C I L M E N A i�p t e d i n� t L� C o u nc 18� Yeas Naya A�G 2 8 197Q. Butler Carlson Approvp� 19� '�°�' � j�+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �►Y�' �d+esco---- —�-Agaznst Mr. President, McCarty . , �� STATE 0 F MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY 0 F RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 31st day of August , 19 70 , a certified copy of Council File No. 250244 adopted August 28, 1970 by the City Council of the City of Saint �aul levying taxes for $10,000,000 Civic Center Bonds, Series 1970 B as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 678 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 31st day of August � 19 �� THO�NIAS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY . • sy Entered in Bond Register puty Au itor f puty Au or '�;.°:;i4i '-���';� �S 3��a�,> ��:E��-�� .��.�a €^1 i� � �j �� � 4��, ° ��a . �; 0311,� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUP�TY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 31st day of _Au¢ust , 19 70 , a certified copy of Council File No. 250244 adopted _ Au�ust 28, 1970 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $10,000,000 Civic Center Bonds, Series 19'0 B as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. , Zt is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 678 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 31st day of August � 19 �� TH02•SAS J. ICELLEX COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY • By Entered in Bond Register D y Au ito � puty Au itor =�i ., �'7 n�,� �� •l�,:i�t Ili �:��;�� �::��iu::I� �..�.�� (' � ,, , � T ,•� � a�, ; p;�, ,• e �::: . • Q3ll� STATE 0 F MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certi.fy that there was filed in my office on the 31st day of _ Au�ust , 19 70 , a certified copy of Council File No. 2502G4 adopted _�u�ust 28, 1970 by the Cit}� Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for _ $10,000,000 Civic Center Bonds, Series 1970 B as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. . It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 678 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 31st day of August � 19 7Q THO;IAS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY By Entered in Bond Register Cy Au itor eputy Au or 'r"�Is 1;�� 'it{;':1 1S ��l��0 S�,�,'�.1:�"1�.�;�i;a . �'!�. ,;� �iT �� � G==; �;41��1!I_.� � �� ,2Sz� z Y �f Aug. 31, 19?0 �_�� � � ._.._� ����,� Hon. Thomas 'Celley � .�� County Auditar �. C�urt House / Deax Sir: � Attached hereto is a cer ' �opy ���"� resolution, C. F. 2502�+�+, adopted by the City Co on�.. st ���,�, 1970, levying taxes f�r the payment of $10,000 0 Civic ter B�ds, Series 1g70B. In conformance with t terms of resolution, we would appreciate your providing us wit ix ori�i or duplicate original certi�iGates t� the effec you e en d the obligati�ns in the tax register and that t ax evy ha`s ade. Very truly yours, City Clerk ng ��1. ��� Sept. 2, 7Q r-•-�------_.� ! �...m...�.,_ ___._.�'`_� ti _ `� Mr. Charles C. Hofineister HAR.RIS TRUST AND SAVINGS 111 West Monroe Street Chicago, I1linois Dear Sir: '�_`��` � .`� Enc7.osed is t� cert' cate of Th s J. Kelley, Ramsey County Auditor, to the ef et the,t he levied taxes to provide for the payment of incipal inter�st on the bonds de- scribed in,�ha__�erti ate. / ``�,% Very truly yours, C3.ty Clerk n�