03-469b3- ���
WHEREAS, Section 4A1.3 of the Saint Paul City Charter requires that the
Charter Commission shall redistrict after every federal decennial census and shall
redefine the council districts so as to make them substantially equal; and
WHEREAS, Section 4.01.2 of the Charter provides that the Commission hold
public hearings prior to the adoption of a resolurion on the redistricting; and
WHEREAS, Section 4.01.2 further provides that the districting resolution must be
adopted by a majority vote of its entire membership, and must be filed with the City
Clerk; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the above-referenced provisions of the Charter,
the Charter Commission has held public hearings on the proposed redistricting plans;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul, that the seven Council Districts for the City of Saint Paul shall be
redistricted as shown on the attached map and as herein described, said description
represenring the boundaries set forth on the attached map:
District No 1:
That portion of the City of Saint Paullocated within an area described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of Snelling Avenue and Summit Avenue, thence
northerly along Snelling Avenue to University Avenue, thence easterly along University
Avenue to I,exington Avenue, thence northerly along Lexington Avenue to Front Avenue,
thence easterly aiong Front Avenue to North Dale Street, thence southerly along North
Dale Street to the Burlington Northern Raikoad tracks, thence easterly along the
Burfington Northem Raikoad tracks to Highway 35-E, thence souflierly along FIighway
35-E to East University Avenue, thence westerly along East University Avenue to Rice
Street, thence southerly on Rice Street to John Ireland Boulevard, thence southerly along
John Ireland Boulevazd to Summit Avenue, thence southerly then
westerly along Summit Avenue to the point of beginning.
District No 2:
That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of Summit Avenue and Ayd Mill Road, thence
easterly and northeasterly along Summit Avenue to John Ireland Boulevazd, thence
Northerly along John Ireland Boulevazd to Rice Street, thence northerly along Rice Street
to University Avenue, thence easterly along University Avenue Yo Highway 35-E, thence
northerly along Highway 35-E to the Burlington Northem Raikoad tracks, then north-
easterly to Edgerton Street, thence southerly along Edgerton Street to Payne Avenue,
thence southerly along Payne Avenue to East Seventh Street, thence southwesterly along
East Seventh Street one block to the north-south Burlington Northeru Raikoad tracks,
thence southeasterly along the north-south Bwlington Northern Raikoad tracks to an
extension of Clermont Street, thence southwesterly along the extension of Clermont street
to the Mississippi River, thence easterly and southerly along the Mississippi River to the
southerly city limits of Easi Annapolis Avenue extended easYerly, thence westerly along
East Annapolis Avenue extended to Bidwell Street, thence northerly along Bidwell Street
to West Curtice, thence westerly along West Curtice to Chazlton, thence southerly along
Charlton to West Annapolis Avenue, thence westerly along West Annapolis Avenue and
West Annapolis Avenue extended to the Mississippi River, thence southerly along the
Mississippi River to Highway 35-E, thence northerly along 35-E to West Jefferson
Avenue, thence westerly along 7efferson Avenue to Ayd Mill Road, thence northerly
along Ayd Mill Road to the point of begimiing.
District No 3:
That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the Mississippi River and St. Clair Avenue
extended westerly, thence easterly along St. Clair Avenue extended and St. Clair Avenue
to South Prior Avenue, thence northerly along South Prior Avenue to Summit Avenue,
thence easterly along Summit Avenue to the Ayd Mill Road, thence southerly along the
Ayd Mill Road to Jefferson Avenue, thence easterly along Jefferson Avenue to I-35E,
thence southerly along I-35 E to the Mississippi River, thence southwesterly along the
Mississippi River to the Minnesota River, then westerly along the Minnesota River to the
channel on the westerly end of Pike Island, thence northerly along said channel to its
intersecYion with the Mississippi River, thence wesierly and northerly along the
Mississippi River to the point of beginning.
District No 4:
That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an azea described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of North Hamline Avenue and West Hoyt
Avenue, and thence westerly along West Hoyt Avenue to Snelling Avenue, thence
southerly along Snelling Avenue to Como Avenue (City Boundary Line), thence westerly
on the City Boundary Line from the intersection of Como and Snelling Avenue to the
intersection of North Cleveland Avenue extended, thence northerly along North
Cleveland Avenue extended and North Cleveland Avenue to West Hoyt Avenue, thence
westerly along West Hoyt Avenue to the westerly City boundary line, thence southerly
along the westerly City boundary line to the intersection with St. Clair Avenue extended
westerly, thence easterly along St. Clair Avenue extended and St. Clair Avenue to South
Prior Avenue, thence northerly along South Prior Avenue to Summit Avenue, thence
easterly along Summit Avenue to Snelling Avenue, thence northerly along Snelling
Avenue to University Avenue, thence easterly along University Avenue to Lexington
Pazkway North, thence northerly along Lexington Parkway North to Montana Avenue,
thence westerly one block along Montana Avenue to North Dunlap Street, thence
northerly one block along North Dunlap Street to West Hoyt Avenue, thence westerly
along West Hoyt Avenue to point of beginning.
District No 5:
That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of Hamline Avenue North and West Hoyt
Avenue, thence northerly along Hamline Avenue North to Larpenteur Avenue West,
thence easterly along Larpenteur Avenue West to Edgerton Street, thence southerly along
Edgerton Street to the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway tracks, thence
westerly along the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway tracks to the
Burlington Northem Railway tracks, thence westerly along the Burlington Northem
Railway tracks to Dale Street North, thence northerly along Dale Street North to West
Front Avenue, thence westerly along West Front Avenue to North Lexington Parkway,
thence northerly along North I,exington Parkway to Montana Avenue, thence westerly
one block along Montana Avenue to Dunlap Street, thence northerly one block along
Dunlap Street to West Hoyt Avenue, thence westerly along West Hoyt Avenue to point of
District No 6:
That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of Edgerton Street and East Larpenteur Avenue,
thence easterly along East Larpenteur Avenue to North McKnight Road (City Boundary
Line), thence southerly along city boundary line to Stillwater Avenue, thence westerly
along Stillwater Avenue to Wkute Bear Avenue North, thence southerly one block along
White Bear Avenue North to East Seventh Street, thence westerly along East Seventh
Street to 7ohnson Pazkway, thence southerly along Johnson Pazkway to Bush Avenue,
thence westerly along Bush Avenue to East Seventh Street, southwesterly along East
Seventh Street to Minnehaha Ayenue East, thence westerly along Minnehaha Avenue
East to Payne Avenue, thence southwesterly along Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street,
thence northerly along Edgerton Street to the point of beginning.
District No 7:
That portion ofthe City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of Stillwater Avenue and North McKnight Road
(East City Boundary Line), thence southerly along east city boundary line to the
Washington County line, thence westerly along the Washington County line to the
Mississippi River, thence northerly along the Mississippi River to the extension of
Clermont Street, thence northeasterly along the extension of Clermont Street to the north-
south Burlington Northern Railroad tracts, thence northwesterly along the north-south
Burlington Northern Railroad tracLs to East Seventh Street, thence northeasterly along
East Seventh Street one block to Payne Avenue, thence northeasterly along Payne Avenue
to Minnehaha Avenue East, thence easterly along Minnehaha Avenue East to East
Seventh Street, thence easterly along East Seventh Street to Bush Avenue, thence easterly
along Bush Avenue to Johnson Parkway, thence northerly along Johnson Pazkway to East
Seventh Street, thence easterly along East Seventh Street to White Beaz Avenue North,
thence northerly one block along White Bear Avenue North to Srillwater Avenue, thence
easterly along Stillwater Avenue to point of beginning.
FLTRTHER RESOLVED, that all references to streets, avenues, boulevards,
parkways, and raikoad tracks shall mean the center-line of said right-of-way; and be it
FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the secretary is hereby directed to file this
resolution in the office of the City Clerk.
Moved By �c ar P � �,�,�
Seconded By v � �� ��
Tn Favor��
Against �
D ��/��/d�
Gre opel d, President
Saint Paul Charter Commission