250237 25�;��►`7
Counoil File No......»..._...,,.,,..,,
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the CtEq of$aint Psul,vis.:
Gr�de a�d surface with bitun�inous material construct concrete curb and
.........................._..__....................................._.................�. ._...�utter and
construct where necesssry) concrete sidewalk on CHARLES AVENUE frvia
_.�....................._......._---_. ...................................�......................�..........._............._.._.... the .East property
........... .. ... .. _..
1 ine of CHATSMIORT,�,SjR��_,�o„�h�_„���.pp�r
: ........................__ #ax..l.i.�.s�..A�lt�l.,�I13�f.x.:...�n�d..s��n..x L��.I.K.IA..
STREET froaa the North .propert�r..l tne.of.TNOMAS AVENU ~
�-�-•° ------»»� E to tha North_pro�ert 1 i ne of VAN BUREI
Dated thie.......��th....»day of.........August. '.w.�...........................19 7O Y._.......__._ AVENUE.
................ ..� ,
' . .....�.,}�,.�.�..-�._ . •.':.1.. ..:.:......._ ,
WHER,EAB, A written propoeal for the msking of the following improvement, vu,;
Grade and surface with bituainous material, wnstruct concrete curb and gutter and co�struct
�where.necessar�r� concrete.s i dewa i k�o� CHARLES AVENUE f rvm th� E . '�"""'�~��
--•-•.............. ....................................ast property 1 i ne of
CHATSWORTH.STREET._to_.the..East Propertx i i ne of AVON STREET• and on V i RG 1 N IA S ,ry� ��,� F �
_ TREET f rcm
��..�l4�'�l�..P.1C4.t?�C�Y...1.Al1�..4�...T.HQMA�_}�g�Kl��..�4._�4?�..N4rth..PropgrtY..l_ine,of. VAN BUREN AVENUE
. .............._.......... •
6aving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint P'sul.....................
t6erefore, be it .................................................._....._......
R.E80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ta hereby ordered and dlreoted;
1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigste the nature,extent aad estimated ooet of eaid improvement, sad the totsl oost thereot.
3. To furnieh s p1sn, profile or eketch of said improvement.
' 4. To stAte whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on �he petition of three ar more owners.
6. To report upon all of the foregoing ma►ttere to the Commiesioaer of Finanoe.
Adopted by the Counoil..._..................._.............AUG 2.7..1970..�..
Councilman B�tler }�� 2 7 19]0
Car 1 son Approved_........._............__.............................................._
�dexo— ........... ....._ ...----
Mr. President McCarty a�""�"'�
�000 s.s�
'�IISHED AU G 2 91���
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