250233 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 250;��►3 ORIOINAL-•• COUNCIL NO. �GITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION F"-E . NO 3?8 1 FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS � PRESENTED BY HON DATp' 19__ • RSStn.YBD� That the Cc�uneil �crebg oncurs �a the axard of t.be Ccu3tract Cceaao4ittee t,berePor a�nd hereby awards�c tra,ct for f'tirnish3.ng all labor, ma�terial and elui�at neceasary or incideat�l. to the regair of aerter washaut ia the vicinity 0f �R RaAD A� ETNA 3TREETS Por the Tiepartment of Pub]3.� iicrks to ��RT� Cal1TRACTII� CCI�ANY for the contract p�ice of ��1,515.50 (Plus Bngia�ering and I�spect3sn 10°�,, $7�251.55) in accordanc� i+itb plans and speeiPications and InPor�i Bid �o. 1E344 of sa3,d I�crthers Cmntracting Ce�pany ara� s�ch bid beit�g ttbe lawest snd t2� �m.rpc�z�,tion Co�sel be and hereby is directed to draPt the pro�er for�n of cositrset therefor, and the prcrper City Officials hereby are authorized to execute said caaitract an l�ehelf of the City of Saint Paul. P'UR�AS�II� At�B� is hexeby au�horizad to award Infor�al Bid �fo. 10�4 for repsir of Belt Line Sexer in the vieinity of W�,rner Ro�d. aad �taa Stre�t in the amou�t of � �'�,515•50 as an emerg�aey rep�ir urader �ectimn 291 of the City �►r�er in that � failure to act proerptly wo�ld result in a hea.lth �azard in tbat due to �asho�at of se�ver� rar seWerage is presently beirig discbaxged into the surro�us�ding a,rea. � Nortl�rs Coatracti�g C �ri.11 be re�uired to enter ittto contraet Kith the City 4 ttirni rmarace bor�d im t.l�e amo�t of the contre�ct. a� - � G��,�._ 2 �011TIiAC� Ct�lI'3� � CL�M�[If�8I U@R1C� :�T . CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - • - S ��/�s5�����0 • DEPT.CONT.fiO. � ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION l�F - - � - � - � - � - $ / �G51�SS WATER DEPARTMENTC03T5 $ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: vn�unTioN AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - - - - - - - $ i OTHER CITY SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ �ORMAL BID NO. �� COLLECTION CHARGES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S TOTAL " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ 1 3�����wJ NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FVNDS AVAILABLB BY COMPTROLLEft sEFORE PRElOiTINf3 TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED P'OR COST OF THiS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY•5 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-481 $ 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. S 4. AP-ROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 5. COUNTV AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ 8. MINN. HIGHKJAY DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT NO. �. Local I�prov�ane=rt (1�4) 09e�-781 s. 79.7�'1.U5 '�j►_be fin�anced by Metro �i�'r��"rd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� 79�76'T�5 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CBRT�FY THAT THERE If AN UNENCUMB6RBD BAL- - CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN TNE ABOV6 STATBD ArPROPR1AT10NS TO �CAL �M��y��,�,� COMPTROLLER RBIMBURSE TNE PtRMANiNT IMPROV6M R6V VINCi PUND � PUBLIC WORKS IN TH_ E ABOV6 AM PURCHASINIi /I4'/�•._. (���•r�' DATE FINAL ORDBR ADOPTEQ COMPTROI�C BY COUNCILMEN �� �] � 1��A Y�S �yg � ADOrf'm BY TNE COUNCI� � a� �� _ • DL�4�Y� � �N FAVOR ��G Z � ��!O �P18AI1 � Meredith ��tOV .��wsr �"pT8�8 � r. resi snt,�C�i2"t31 �/2�/Zo�o/�tdnt� PUBLISHED AU G 2 91970 M�Yo � o