250232 o�s�•��c�a c��t , - ' i� ORDINANCE �50;��2 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / �✓� An ordinanee amending �he Zoning Code, Ghapters 60 to 64�, incslueive, of the �aint Paul �,egi�lative Code, p�rtaining to Use Districs��, Hei�h� Di�trie�a and Rezoning of aerta3.n prop�rt'i�s in �he City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE �I�'Y OF SAINT PAtTI� D4ES ORDAIN s Sec�ion 1. Tha� �he 2oning Code, Chapter� 60 to 6�#, inclusiv�, of the Sa3.nt Paul LegialativE Cod�, perta3.ning to U�e Districts, Height D3.striete, and R�zoning of Qert�.in pro- p�rtie� in �he Ci�y of Sain� Paul, as amended, be and th� �ame is hereby further am�nd�d so a� to rezone the following de�- cribed prop�rty from "A" Resid�ne� Di�trics� to "C-1" R�sidenee District, to-wi� t Lot 6, except the west 1�5 feet thereof, and all of Lot 7, Block 3, except the north 60 f�et of the we�� 150 fee�, and except �he west 125 fee� lying south of eaid nor�h 60 feet, Hudson Road Garden�; aituate on property loaated on �he north side of Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and North Hazel Streete in the City of Saint Paul, sub�eQt to the eond3tion �hat p�oper buffer zone� be provided . Section 2. This ordinance �hall �ake effeat and be in force th3r�y (34) day� from and after its pa�eage, approval ' and publiQation. � P�T1TIdN TO uEOI�iS .N-:.�^- < ..0 , A petition havin�bsen S1�A r�es�- in� that Chapters AO to d4. incl., 3t, Paul Lc�iala�tive,Code� re Zosie�, etc.,j be amended so as to rezone p�op�I described�as Lot 6, exCept.ths weSt 1 feet thereoL nd all of Lot 7, Block 3,�� except the n�rth 60 teet o�the west 150! feet and ex t the weat 19S feet 1ying south ot sa north 60 feet, Sudsan� Road,Gar,de� qn the .ndrth•�aid+e oi Wllso�I Ave. betWadn � DYke and Hazel Streets. to'"C-Y"'"�eatdence Dls- trict, the Council of the City o4 Saint paul ha�8xed the�th day of August, 1970, at ten o'clock ffi the forenoon in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said eiiy, end at aaid time atid piace,the-Counc9l will hear ell pea�sons� and a11 obdections.and recommenda- tions zxlative to said pmposed amehd- ment. Dated August 6, 197b. HARRY E.MARSHALL, � Cliy Clerl�. _ (Au�udt 8. 1l70) Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council SEP 1 1 1970 Butler / Carlson �a 7n Favor Le��. �J _ � � sprafka SEP 1 4 a1��0 Tedesco .�-- � A ro t t• ice Pres�;!; Ci Clerk M a�� �orm a�proved Corpor�#ion Counsel By ' 19�0 PUBLISHED 9 - -- Dyuat�t.PrLbr • ` ' ORDINANCE 250��2 COUNqI FILE NO PRESENT� BY ORDINANCE NO- /��� r ! Aa ordiaan�e aa�uW iqg t�e ic�aisg �ode, 4�tptar�t 60 to 6$, iaolusi�►a, ot th� �tiat l�etal �rglila�ire Qod�r, g�rt�ai�in8 �o II�+e Distri.at�, A�eigt�t 3�ttri.at� �1 �atsvn3.mg of atrtain propir�#�� ia t� �i'�' vt lisint la�tl, s� aM�dod, '!Ri � 4�' TA� �!?'��F �ZR! l�9L � 4�� i�r�toa 1. 'lba� t�t imalt� �, ��ar� �Q t+� 64�, inolasi�re, ot the 8aiat la�l �1alstiT+e �, p�a�iQieg t�► IIs� Bistria�f�, Beight Mstri�te, aadt ARSa�air� a�f 4ert�ti� �rcr- pertie� iet tk�e �ity at S�aint Fa�l, �e �, D�t a�d the �sas is here'b� tr�rtl�er se�r�drd s0 as to res,� tha ! �.la�x�is�g dss- oriD.a gre�p�ert�r s'ro� "a* lt�eider�e� l�i.�.et to �-1" �s�ts�dt�t. l�istrl.et! �a-�tit� �ot �i, es�spt �be reat 12Si r�t# fih�sritof, �tud all o! �ot �, Dla� 3: �ca�ept t�u gr�rth 1� !'s�t ot tc,e t�t/Et 154 !�lt, an�! �� t� wtlt ig5 �t IUrtmg so�th o! s�id avr�h 6� r�et, ��ron Ro�d 4as��a�; •it�t#� oa prvp�► l�ta+� on �b�e nar�h si� tat Mil�a�t �4� �t�s�n 1fa� l�jdt a�d �r��i �a3+s1 S�r��� in tt�t Qit� o! �i3a� lh�i, s�bjs�et t� � tvr�ciiticn tbat pra�r battir aae�t� 1w� �!'�'�i1R1l1'�. _ 8#�fi'►1QD . T�1s Ol'd1Ail�lR Abill fiilc! !1'1"!!t-� i�'Id D! 1�1 lbra� �hir�,� �34� d�t?'i fro■i and a�' its gsssa�$a, �pProTa1 ��d �tbliva�tioe�. SEP 11 1'J70 Yes� Councilmen Naya Paeeed l�y the Council Butler � Carleon �� Tr'Favor '2�re�h--"— o egAinet SFrafka . ._ .. . - Tedeeco ' � A��«t: �SEP 14 19Z0 AttsstMr. Vice President Meredith City Clerg Msyor �� Form s�gr�ved Coxpox��3on Couneel By _ , • M r .BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 _ August 18, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk �, � Room 386 City Hall �L�J J� J � Dear Sir: � This is written in response to the petition of Albert and Genevieve Hafner to rezone from "A" to "C-1" Residence to construct an apartment house property located on the north side of Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and North Hazel Streets. This property is further described as: Lot 6, except the west 125 feet thereof, and all of Lot 7, Block 3, except the north 60 feet of the west 150 feet, and except the west 125 feet lying south of said north 60 feet, Hudson Road Gardens. This matter was considered at the July 16, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff report noted that this property, consisting of 31,724 square feet, would allow 17 units, if rezoned. The site is generally lower than Wilson Avenue which it fronts on. This street is presently unimproved but does have sewer installed. Staff conclusions noted the other "C-1" density rezonings to the east, the property's lack of street frontage, and the potential adjacent uses argue for multiple-family use. The staff noted, however, that this rezoning would extend the westerly limits of this apartment area. One letter was noted in opposition. Mr. R. William Reilly, attorney for the petitioner, answered questions from the Board and one person spoke in favor of the rezoning. Several neighbors then spoke in opposition, noting that the rezoning would reduce privacy, may cause additional on-street parking problems, and may require additional public utilities at the cost of existing residents. After some discussion, it was the finding of the majority of the Board of Zoning that the petition requests a reasonable land-use. Consequently, the Board, by a 3-2 vote, recommends approval of this petition to rezone, subject to the condition that proper buffer zones be provided. Very truly yours, T� J. IETT Secreta , Board of Zoning ..--- PJM:gaf I�� �,,�'' CLS � U r.,. Z. F. �k6995 a� - ,� r O . - Hd�ry E. Marshall c�TY oF Albert B. Olson �ity Clerk and �`*��� � : Counoi,l Recorder Commisaioner of Reeistratian � `� IBa��� . '�;s -- - �M1-' OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS S88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota. 5510� June 9, 1q70 Zoning Board, C�omerce Bld�. Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached petition of Albert M. arxl Genevieve Hafner to rezone Lot 6, except the west 125 feet thereof and all of Lot 7, Block 3, except the north 60 feet of the west 150 feet, and except the west 125 feet lyin� south of said north 60 feet, Hudson Roa.d Gaxdens, located on the north side of Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and Hazel Streets, to "C-1" Residence District. Ve ul,y yours ��`,i' ' I C it • lerk hp �. �i; lr� -- ,.: ��� ,��,� ;�: �,�'.•R. � r�/�I: ��,�;� , � � r •,:. �. 't � � � - /' ' ` ; .i'� �a,f � ' ; �F�.:4{l`P's�;'r+'d , �'. • ,::�,�'�3 ,�•,-�'+•e �rr„ t.l�.;��. ��t� �� � a . . — � � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,55102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone: 223-4646 June 9, 1970 To the Conncil Citq of St. Paul Gentlenen: I have checked the attached petition of Albert M. and Genevieve Hafner, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lot 6, except the west 125 feet thereof and all of Lot 7, Block. 3, except the north 60 feet of the west 150 feet, and except the �est 125 feet lqing south of said north 60 feet, Hudson Road Gardens. The property is located on the north side of Wilson Avenue bet�een Van Dyke and Hazel Streets, fro�n a Class "A-1" Residence District to a Class "C-1�' Residenc� District, aad find that said petition is sufficient. Yours verq truly ;��� � ��� �..�. Rosalie L. Butler Co�issioner of Finance Re: X904 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 100� Parcels Eligible - 10 Parcels Sigaed - 7 or 70� Needed - 7 or 66-2/3� ��O BOA`RD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION July 16, 1970 nL3t I�dp ��42 ' Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6995 : '+''. :. 1•;�.:I'f ';:; NA'iF� , Albert and Genevieve Hafner �,. C���,;,SIi'ICA'CION , u Amendment 0 Appeal ❑ Yermit � �ther X-904 , . ���`k; �,��, , Rezone from "A" to "C-1" Residence to construct an apartment house !+ � L'iCJiTI.OTJ , North side of Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and North Hazel Streets � . �,LC;A;.� D�SCRIPTIO�I : See file v� P:��SI;idT Z�t�dIPJr; "A" Residence % . '',1''tS�,iA?JT 1�� 7onin�? Code Chapters 64 Section: .06 Paranraph: S . ;;TAE'F Ii1VESTI�ATION � REPORT: D3te; 7/9/70 By: ATB A. SUFFICIENCY: The Co�niesioner of Finance, in a letter dated 6/9/70, found t}ie petition sufficient with the owners of 7 of a possible 10 (70%) tracts having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: None for this property. C. PROPOSED USE: To develop the property with an apartment house. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This is an irregularly-shaped tract with a frontage along Wilson Avenue o€ 172.31 feet and an area of 31 ,724.3 square feet allows 17 units at "C-1" Residence. E. AREA ZONING: The area to the west and south is zoned "A" Residence; adjoining to the east is a parcel that ia being considered for rezoning to "C-1" Residence. Other sites to the east have been recently rezoned to "C-1" Residence. F. COMPREIIENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan had recommended low-density class- ification for the area but recent rezoning in the area suggests a re-evaluation of the plan in this area. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is generally lower than the surrounding street grades and appears to be marshy or a ponding area. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke to Hazel is unimproved. Hazel Street between Conway Avenue and Wilson Avenue is unimproved. Work is being done on Van Dyke in this area--the work is either sewer or grading. `>., ROARD ACTION: T<� Recommend X� Approval � Denial Counci l l etter llated : Moved by . Doody Ye83 Nays g/18/70 Gadler x Date of }iearin�; Seconded by: Rutzick Gauger x Maietta $/20/70 Secretary's remarks: Mansur Subject to proper buffer zones. Ames - Ch. X Council Action McPartlin (Alt.) �42�Xc.�.�i� ��4�X� D a t e X Rutzick (Alt. ) x Doodv fA7r 1 �, 1�lINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFQ1tE THE BQARD OF ZQNING on �'t�ursday, JuLy 16, 1970, at Z:00 P,�:, PRBSEN'Tt Messrs. Ames, Doady, Gadler, Diaietta, and Rutzick of [he Board, and r:essrs. Brown and Sorenson, Mrs. Frant7en, an� A3isa Sperx of the ataf£. ALBERT AND GENEVIEVE HAFNER: A petition to rezone from "A" to "C-1" Residence to construct an apa�tment house property located on the narth side of Wilson Avenue between Van Dyke and North Hazel Streets. Mr, Sorenson auimnarized th� staff report, a part of the file, noting that the petition was au£ficient with the owners of 7 of a posaible 10 (70%� tracts havfng signed the petition. This is sn irregularly-shaped tract with a frontage alcsng Wilson Avenue of 17?.31 feet and an area of 31,?24.3 square feet which would allow s maximum of 17 uni�s if rezoned. The are� to tt�� west and south ia zonesi "A" ResLdence; ad3oining to the east is a parcel thst ia be#ng considered for rez�aning to "C-1" Residence (Daerfler�� Other aites to the east have been recently rezoned to "C-1" Residence. The Comprehensive Plan had recou�nended low-density cl�essification for the aree but recent rezoning in the area and other public de�isions have ir►diceted a different direction. Wilson Avenue between Van Dylce to Hazel is uninproved. Hazel Street between Coaway �ud WiLson Avenues is unimproved. In conctusion, Mr. Sorenson noted that other petitions to rezone to "C-L" Residence �.n this ira�nediate area have been grant�ed; the eite lacks frontage and does not seem sui.tab�.e or desirable f�r singl�-�ami.ly or du}�lex conatruction; the muiti-fa�►ily zoning and use sisauZd �ot extend west of this site north of Wilson Avenue. He then expl�ined a suggested develonment plan for the area preparec� �t the time o£ previo�as r�zonic�ga. Mr. GadLer questioned the ? petit�.on signers as to whet�;er they sre property owners in the area. Mr. Reilly anawer�d that they are. Mr. Doody asked if there is any "C" Resideace land in the vicinity tti�t could be developed foz apartmenes, rather thaa changing t�a zoning on this particular site. Mr. Ames noted that there isn't any Land of t(nat nature there. Severa �l neighbarhood residents spoke in oppo�s�tian: Mr. Donald Sandin, 456 Van Dyke SCreet, said there are too m�xnq apartments there nowa He noted there is L0� vacancy in the gresent unite, and Cher� is atill » great parking problem. He stated �hat his iot has been in the family for 47 years, sc�d he planaed to have privecy by living on the Zr�nd, Becsuse the l�nd is not low where the r�xoning is proposed, he nated that singie- £amily homes are feas3bl.e. In reply, Mr. Reilly noted that as to the v�cancy ratio, Mr. bo�rfl.er h�s a waiting list now; the lok f�nediaCely behind Mr. Sandi.r�'s is alseady� zoned for apartments, and cons�.raction conld begin at �ny timeo _a_ ALBERT AND GENEVTEVE IiAP'NER (7/I6/70) �Continued): Mr. Thomas King, 449 V�n Dyke Street, wanted Cn know who would have to pay for aewers, etc. Mr. Ames nated that improvements would be peid by abuttiag land ownera. At this point, Mr. Ames suggested that the staff obtain � report from the sanitary section of the Public Works Department for aew�rs in the various areas for conaideration at Zoning Board meetinga. Mr. Reilly noted tihat with a private rs�ad for the apartmenta, the coat of improvements wouLd be barne comnletely by �he owner o.f that lanci. Mx. Frank Schneider, 411 North Hazel Street, noted that if utilities ar� put into Wilson Avenue from Hazei to Van Dyke Streets, he would be atuck for double gasessments. Mr, Daerfler, the petitioner f.rom the previoua mstCer, noted that sewer and water ar� puh in to accammod�te the number of anits conatructed; he said the Public Worka DepartmenC inform�ed him that present improvements could acco�nodate another apartment d�velopment. Diacuasion fallowed as to whether the t��ro rezoning petitions ahauld be handled aeparately or as one. Mr, Maietta noted they are aeparate; Mr, Ames suggested that since they are b�ck-to-back petitions to rezone to "C-1" Residence, they can be voted on separately aince hoth staff reports had been heard. Mr, Maietta asked what grade �a'ilson Avenue between Hazel and Van Dyke Streets would be relative to the properey to be rezoned. Mre Sorenaon noted that sewers are already in on Wi3.son Avenue. The site petitioned by Mro Daer£Ler slopes up; that of Hafner slopes np from west tv east. Mra Maietta asked if peat would have ta be remaved, an� Mr. Reilly said 3.t would. As a reeuZt, Mr. Maietta noted that it does no� so�.�d feasible for single-family development. Mr. Sorenaon notpd a le�tex in opposition to both rezonings, frrnn Mr. and Mrs. David Hau�h�.an, 4L7 Van Dyke Street. In fsvor of the rezonings was Mr. Joseph I�omhardo, 1929 Hillcrest Avenue, who noted it would not be suiCable for single-family homes. Noting further o�posi.tion, Mrs. Agnes Inman. 478 Van Dyk� Street, said she ia very much against any further anartment development, and informed the Board that her neighborc, Mr. Albert Haag, 462 Van Dyke Street, couldn't be present for th� public hearing but is aFsa opposede Mr. Doody astced if any buffer wi11 be provided for the Hafs►er proposal; Mr. Rei1ly said the peCitioner is willing to instal� approprfate buffers. Trees will be planted if the petitioner says they will be pnt in. Mr. Gadier noted concern over one citizen being blocked in on two Eides by apartments; bit b� bit �he whole area is being invaded by multiple-family developments. He �ot�ed that citizens musC be protected t�g�inst this. _g_ ALBERT AND GENEVIEVE HAFAYER (7/16/7�) (�ontinued�: Mr. Daody moved for approval of t�e petitian to rezone, with the condition that proper buffer zonea be pravided. The moCion was seconded by Mr, RuCzick, and carried with a 3-2 voCe. Mr. Am�s voted againet the proposal since he would like to hold the north-south liae £or ap�rtment deveiopment; Mr. Gadler also voted against Che petitiori. Submitted by: Colonel Lo 3ozenson Robert L, Ames, Chairman -10- , . City C�erk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 August 7, 1970 File R904' Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing wi11 be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on August 20, 1970, on the petition of Albert M. and Genevieve Hafner to rezone fram an "A-1" Residence District to a "C-1" Residence District the property described as follows: Lot 6, except the west 125 feet thereof, and all of Lot 7, Block 3, except the north 60 feet of the west 150 feet, and except the west 125 feet lying south of said north 60 feet, Hudson Road Gardens. The property is located on the north side of Wilson Avenue between yan Dyke and Hazel Streets. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010, Ca�omerce Building, or telephone 223-415I. This notice of a public hearing has been sent out from the Depart- ment of Finance in compliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance O � - ,,.- ._---..., �' . July 10� 197� �`� '�t . Attentions St. Paul Board of Zoning City Council Court House c/o City Clerk � Dear Sirs: We received a letter from the Sec, of Zoning Baard "P�ter Maietta" on petition of Albert & Genevieve Hafner to rezone from "A" to "C-1" residence to construct an apartment �uilding located North sfde of Wilson between Van Dyke and North Hazel, We are strongly opposed to the rezoning. ' Mr. Mrs. David F. Hou�hton 417 Van Dyke St. St. Paul� Minnesota 55z19 • y � y� ' . . . _ • ` , _ _ ,.' ' PETITION FOR REZONING i TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ��� / c/o The City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall � � (� � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � 8 Pursuant to Section 64. 06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners 4 of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% 6 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: 6 7 Lot Six, except the W 125 feet thereof and all of Lot Seven (7), Block Three (3), except g the North 60 feet of the West 150 feet and except the West 125 feet lying South of said 9 North 60 feet, Hudson Road Gardens. �� from A-Residence District to C-1 Residence District, for the purpose of 11 establishing and operating an apartment house facility on the subject property. � RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION , (1) Frank A. Schneide j ' %�' ��'' 6 Hudson Road is C ���� Helen A. Schneider ,�,� `/�,' " �� Gardens 14 , 16 �2) Virgil A. D,oerfler '�`:./,;; -�/����.4_ 3 Hudson Road Sharon V. Doerfler � ,,'�' ,,v Gardens is ' (3) Virgil. A. Doerfler �� f' 3 Hudson Road � 17 Sharon V. Doerfler �! Gardens U 18 (4) �irgil A. Doerfler ���i; � t � � �� 3 Hudson Road Sharon V. Doerfler ��� ' ; "� , ; , Gardens 19 �',-��'7 :>•- L Cs� �";, i (5) Paul Heinisch and,;���:.� �„�.��V125 feet of the 2o Alice M. Heinisch � ')�/',,, , , South 57. 3 feet Hudson Road ��"�'`�° `�7"'''"�'''"'`�`af Lot 6 3 Gardens � 21 � (6) John Tancheff and � ' W125 feet of Lot 22 Mary Tancheff • 6, except the 557. 3 Hudson Road �, _ " "` '�, feet thereof 3 Gardens 23 �'� (7) Richard V. Andersory i; '�''�� 24 i� '=� „�125 feet of Lot nd -°/�,. ; � ,, y . 26 Mamie Anderson . ��,except the N60 Hudson Road ',�"'a-�r7 � ,y�eet thereof 3 Gardens 26 � � � __. (8) Albert M. Hafner "�-�� ' �, �%Lot 6, except the 27 nd `� _ W125 feet thereof Genevieve Hafner�����:;�' °�� �� �;��� �a.�d all of Lot 7, 28 �$lock 3, except the � N60 feet of the W150 � feet and except the Hudson Road �o W125 feet lying Gardens South of said N60 gl fee t 3 32 `Indicates Contract purchaser. 3s :_-�.. n�� lAW ORPIClB OF � ' BTACKER, $ILVERSTEIN, �"�W�� �rwwyM+' ,,,�14;, BURKE & RAD90M MINN[BOTA BUILDING iT, rAUL� NINNESOTA 00/01 . _� ` { . �r � . ' � ` . _ , . 1 $ STA TE OF MINNESOTA) g ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) 4 b Edward Loney being first duly sworn, deposes and sta.tes g that he is the person who circulated the within petition, consisting of two (2) pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of q the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the s signatures above are tlie true and correct signatures of each a d all of the parties so described. .� 9 10 122 merce 11 Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: Buil 'n this 11 th day of Ma , 1970. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 � � , Telephone No. 224-1341 is F�. t,li:'�.l��� R£�[,.L.Y 1,1 R��+#�..a;t f�.rE�s:i��, �t�a,F�6�!y ���urtt,A, /Msate, $f,Y�isrn.za�:+kan �teran �s. 1�, :�Y� is is i� � 19 � 21 � 28 24 2b 86 2T 28 r`+�'�, e� ���>. : �,t � r�.�' �� �r� �' l�es 8� � � $2 88 �ww o�r�ces or BTACKER, SlLVERST6IN, BURKE & RADBOM MINN660TA sU1LDIN0 OT. PAUL� MiNN680TA 60f07 July 1�, �1970 I � i `� ��" `� � ...\ '\ � 7,onin� Board j Corrmaerce Bldg. � __ St. Paul �-' .�`.,�,`�,i� Gentlemen: �. � ��__`_...., �.```r, � '� � �.Board the attached letter The City Council refc ed to ��e�7on3:� of Mr. & Mxs. David . Hou�hton 17 Va I�ke St., expressing their oppositian t he rezonin f property on the north side of Wilson between byke axid . Hazel to "G-1" Residence for construct3on of �n rtment b ding. ,�_—_._^, .,���' �%'��J Very truly yours, / / 1 �` Ci.ty Clerk ng � . . �� t ,y �.: �MNIWM I'� � . � { . �'f -�� . � . L� t�T �,t + ,,� �t�A�h � � t. M!� �� � �''1 ,��,' '� r ':�i4`3 � �S��'ITl i��, Z9'l�Jl � ��M1nne`s$Ca Unf rm CaMSS nslns Hlsnkt tiaa � � v {ndi�l �io �IRt "Maqn a � �c�, p R ,h P � a 1.' � � �: " �I x �' 9'�:�' P .�• !� r '� ,� ��x -.,� � �� ��p �°�' �"'�i,; Kj�,�„L r,:^�.�4�"u� '� n r �t'.,� � - f_ ��� ti ,. r.�+}r �'. ��� � �' �, p""e � �' `'z�`' ,�11,�,��'I�iE�,�33.tL1.�'e 1Kad� this_�-____�c.��!1!-----dt�g/ oj_ - - -�� �}�,•�� �r �": `t" '�� � �:`b � .. . , t �`' . , `� � , ' ° ' �' '� x.z��a�.;��._�-Y-�d-�.ARQL_ANPL.KE,E.Y,_b��a an.a...��:� ---- =�T- �:'' � � � ,� be����en,,����- , ' `� � " ,'� �"}�����r �= " �� ��, �� � �a,�, � �°' ' � . � `� } '� JRa s Minnesota par�_8es �,;' `p� t�s �ou �i f= ' � e� ---and State of- - , _ �� � �� �° f n� �, VIRG�L_A._DOERFLER_ and_ SHARON_V,,__DOERFI��_��.���A�.. r �'' � of,the first part, and_ - -- of the County or � wife �� ;� � ----------------------------- - ---- ----------� � '� + '' Ramse.�_ _and State of___-__Minnesota ______ �,pccrtiea of the r,econd part, �' '� ` _+ WITN�SSETK, That the said part_ie�f:the�irst part,in consideration of the sum of---------- �" '{� , . or,1_an�i_v�.lu,able._cans.i�ierat3n'n.-_____=--BOLLARS, .��, � `_����18,r:.an,d_s�.thex_�a p�^•� �'',�•,�o:t.h�e�t.___in hand paid'by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl-� +,,. � � ' ectged,do_____hereb� Grant,Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the aaid�arties of the$eaond 1�a�'t.u�s •�, *�+ ;� , , ,.,�� �oint tenants and not as tendnts�,n common, their assigns, the survivor of said parties,and the heirs an�3 �,, � ,��' assigns of tlae surv�ivor,Forever,,all the tract_____or�uarcel_____of land lying and being in the County o�� � f • , f , to-wit: � ., . ��� .,. �,�,y__-_---- � ____and State o Ma�enesota descrzbed as o ows yNti �� ����; - Lots four �4) and f ive (5) , Block three f 3) , J�udson . °�„��'., ` " ` Road Gardens, according to the plat thereof on file' and of ;� record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and' ' for Ramsey County, Minnesota. �, .`;, ;;; .✓,�;p� Yy,�'S:pF�� y•y��,-. . . 1 6r�3`='i, . . 4�k;su''�' �z.: � g x k r��.�� � � � 1�+y' �e �;,: YY'M,��e' . . . �,1��•� V. V . ' � � ��. . �, 1 � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all the hereditam�nt�:and a�npurtenances- � . �thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the said parties of the second part, tkeir assi�ns, tha at�trviyor of said parties,and the heirs and assigns of tke survivor,Forever,the 8aid g►arties of tke second �art td]�ing ccs joint tenants and not as tenants in com»con. : � their IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Tke said part_��-----of the firat part l+a-4.'�-hRr'e'+�nto aet________ hand_�._tice day and year first above u�rdtten. , _`'�� ; -- -- �`���� "- �. � jn� e Michael F. Krey ��� ��± ' - - - ---- ----�------------ 'j/�------ �_--- ------------------= � - , ��_-- - -- -- -,-�- �,^ -�� Carol Ann I�'ey , ��' _���_ �- �t�'c ------ -------------------------- ----------------- r'� � , ���° � �k�� . , - � �"h � •� �.;�� � - �, �q� i� . � � ' _ . � R� �r_, » -1, ti.1 . `'dL�''�!� . 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'F � � . ` � � ,�� � Bnt�nonld detanit be made in the payment oi yrincipal or interest dne herennder, or oi aay psrt therea�, to be b7 k i ` �% a�oond psrt.Y____�paid.or ahaal�_..___h e�_ Sail to pay the tazes or ssaeeamenta �on esid land, premiums `;�F . �F',� npon aaid insnrance,or to pertorm aay or either of the covenants.agreemeata�terms or conditions herein contaiaed.to be ' +' by aaid second part_�l_��JcepL or perloraded,the asi�i part_��5.__oi the fl�t part map� a��---��.�.��--__opf3om� �'' 4;,. , � by written notice declare thia contract caacelled snd terminated,and all righte.title and intereat accinfred thereander by . ,�; esid second part..Y__-�.aball therenpoa cesae sad terminate. and all improvemeata msde npon the premiaes. and sll ,, paymenta made herennder shall belonQ to said part���.---of the firat part as Iiqnidated damages for breach oi tt�ii � 't coatsect by said eee,wnd part_L� __�_. said notice to be in accordancs with the atatnte in euch case made and provided. , e `� Neither the estension oi the time oi yayment o!anp enm or sum9 oi money to be paid hereander,nor any aaiver by t1�e :; part__l��__oi the Srat part oi__��e iT___�ghta to declare this contract forfeited by reason o!any bzeach thereof.sLall ia ;� "� �� any manner a�ect the right o!said patt_��s__to cancel this contract because of defaults subsequently mataring, and no , ' eztension of time shall be valid unless evidenced by duly sigaed instrnmen� Fnrther� after aervice oi notice aad failnre to remove. within the period allowed by law,the default therein specified,said par�Y______ot the second psrt hereby specii- icaUy agree5�----,npon demand o!said par��.@�__of the firat Part,qnietly and peaceably to anrrender to---�'LBD1---- •-- posaeasion of said premises,and every part thereof.it being nnderstood tbat nntil snch defanit. said part X______o! tbe secoad part_-�---1 S-----�--to have yoeaeasion of said premisea. � � I I IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED, By and between the pdrties hereto, that the time of pdyment sh,a,ll be an essential part of this contract; and that all the covenants and agreements herein contained sha,ll run with the land and bind the heirs, executors, a.dministrators, successors and ¢ssigns of the respective parties liereto. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The pdrties here.*,o have hereunto set ticeir hands the dccy and yedr first above written. In Presence of ���/� ��-� —�`---------- r J' overd- e---�-- " -- --------- --�o- --- - ---------° � ------------------------------------- uth Adale Coverdale Vi�'Si1'--oe�,f ler-T------------------------- . �;� ------------------------------------ =1 �1� �'====--------------------- � - L:,. _ ---_. �.. .__ .... _....,�-,.,.. ,..-.,M»�.___. .._ ...... . _ _ __ . _..,��1,��.? .�'��Qp ._ . ___ _w...�__ _.._�..L. �� � ) ;. _ _ '�. , State of Minnesota, Cf U y ss � , County of--------Ramsey------------ On this----------- ------------------�� �f--------FebruarY---------,19_70__, before �ne,a � --------- No�ary_ Publ��------------------------with,in dnd for said County, peraondlly appeared ----B.is,�UU.d_.I._�9_Y.�.Cds31S_s'�iC1S�_8Ut}�_Ads�.�.�_�4YgT�s'�,L��_�11���.�1l1�_���_�N�f��-���------------- ' ----Yir�i�1..�Q$rf1.�----------------------------------------------------------------------- to ma knourn to be the persan�_______deseribed in, and wlw executed the fore�aing instrument, and t acknowledged that------the-Y----__executed tlae sa�ne as-------- their ---------1ree act and deed. . ,, ------------ ---- --------=----- � �eia ld-�'.-�ri scfi_________ ' Notary Public------------Da ko ta---------Countll,Minn. ' . . � . . � ..M:�, February 16th � , My eommissaon expdrea----------- - ---- --- �; 19_7b �� '� . . ' . , . . . 1. �' . . 4' .��^� .-� .. ., .. .. . . . .'. ,, .. .. . � . ' �t..;,+. ,.. A�! .� , : �, a . ,;, . . C ,,,;,. - ,. . ... ; ,., ,�.. .y:-..: � , �_ i -,._ � ° �,, -- „ �v '';. .�� ,,�; z� yi f' ' • _ . � .��._,�-: �% � cs 1 3� 'ei ao •� a� j a r � � �a � �* .. , �,, � � � � i . i i . � � � g I , � � �" �'�" `� t ' ' � i t^ �•�i 1 1 w 1 i� i 1 1 1� � 1 1 � I p�j �' 1.p � � 1 1 1 p�`j � 1 L' 1 l�p i�� f C . 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