250230 ( ! .1 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK ��o��o .� CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO rd f� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the City Couneil herebq concurs in and approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of William McGivern, 1852 Pi.nehurst Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as a member of the Ramsey County Welfa�e Board, to fill the unexpired 3-year term of Mr. Frank Widerski, said term to expire July l, 1972; and Harry J. Budde, 1444 South Mississippi River Blvd. , St. Paul, Minnesota, as a memb�r of the Ramsey County Welfare Board, to fill the 'unexpired 3-year term of Dr. Byron B. Cochrane, said term to expire July 1, 1971. w. AvG 2� �'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays '�; � I l�T� Butler Caxlson Approve� 19_ / � �In Favor Meredith or Sprafka � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AUG 2 � 1970 � : � � � �� .� ., s 0 .� , ,ti �P ^C OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 2Sj���� v CITY OF SAINT PAUL � EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Charlss P.M�ca.�Y August 27 , 1970 Mqyor The Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioners : I submit herewith for your consideration and approval the appointment of William McGivern, 1852 Pinehurst Avenue , Saint Paul, Minnesota, as a member of the Ramsey Coun�y Welfare Board, to fill the unexpired 3-year term of Frank Widerski , said term to expire July 1, 1972 ; and Harry J. Budde, 1444 South Mississippi River Blvd. , St. Paul, Minnesota, as a member of the Ramsey County Welfare Board, to fill the unexpired 3-year term of Dr. Byron B. Cochrane , said term to expire July 1, 1971. Very truly yours , CHARLES P. Mc R Mayor CPM/jr , ���� � � �����p �u���a��'� ���i�� ca�r��� ���� St. Paul, P►'iinn., Fiie Rlo. 65_lt?50-- - Resotutiosa 9_2G3 ' f'�d.- -- ---- August 27 13 70 Tlze atter►tiox� o# Mr. Frank C. Mullaney, 1978 Summit Ave. ; Mayor AScCarty; Welfare Board; County Attarney; ,G�ity Clerk; Mrs. Rosalie Butler, Chairman, W�1L-are Budget Advis�ry ComMittee; is res�ectf.�,lly called to the folowiug Resolution of the Soard of County Com�i�isaionera of R�ui�c:y County, 1�'Iinnesata, adopted at the meetiu� Iield on August 27,' 1970 By Comimieaioner Hardenbergh • RESOLVED That the Board of ltamsey County Commissioners hereby concurs in, and apprnves the appointment by the Chairman of the &oard, of Mr. Frank C. Mullaney, 1978 Sununit Avenue, St. Paul, Diinnesota, to the Ramsey County � I Weliare Board to fi.11 the unekpixed three year tex�m of Harry riaberg, ending �i July I, 1972. � i . 1 t � Tk�O��� j. �a�.,LEY, Cou.n�y Aa.e �r � � � Q. S. Fq:n,ava.zoo $ .____�De�aifty. . , ���r�sp ����to�'� �f�ice ������� ����� St. P�u?, Minn., Fife Ido. 66-1051_ Resolution 9-264 rdo. ----- August 27 �9 70 The aitention o#Mrs. Robert F. (Kathy) Young, 2256 Alrick Place; � '; Mayor ricCarty; Welfare Board; Cour.ty Attorney; City Clerk; i Mrs. Rosalie Butler, Chairman, Welfare Budget Advisory Committee; ia reapectfully calleci to the £ollowi�ag �esolntzon of the Board of County Comzniesioners of P�u�sey County, Minneeota, adopted at the meeting helrl on August 27, 1970 � , By Commiasioner Hadeau ' � i ; , ; ; RESOLVED Th�t the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby concurs in � � and approves the appointtaent by the Chairman of the Board, of Mrs. Rob�rt F. � � i (Ka.thy) Young, 2256 Alricic P1ace, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, to the Ramssy County Welfare Board to fill the unexpired three year term of rirs. Joseph P. Kalisch, ending July 1, 1973. `" ... i TIiOi�/��3.5 j. �.,i.I.�Y', county A Form Aud. 200 B — .--�UC�Ut�'. � �Co�a��p ���►�tv�'� ���ice cou��� a�s�� St. Paul� Minn.' File No.6b-�..Q,S,�___ Resolutior� No. 9-2b5 � i August 27 x4 70 � The nttention of Mr. John M. Ames, 1930 Hyacinth Ave. ; Mayor McCarty; � Welfare Board; County Attorney;�ity Clerk; Mrs. Rosalie � Butler, Chairman, Welfare Budoet Advisory Committee; � is reapectfully called to the followi�g Aesalntion of the Boacd of County Commieaionere of Ra�x�eey = County, Minnesota, adopted At the meetin� held on August 27, 1970 � � By CoYnmissioner Gibbons • j d i � � � � � i RESOLVED That the Board of Rams�y County Commissioners hereby concurs ` in and approves the appointment by the Chairma�t of the Board, of Mr. John M. Ames, 1930 E. Hyacinth Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to th� R�msey County Welfare Board to Fill the unexpired three year term of Sam S. Grais, ending '`� Jul.y 1, 1973. � THUId�� J. �ILI�,E�', Cortnt,y Ata i�or Fom,a�a.20o g _—Ik;puty.