250227 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �5��/�� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N�. " '`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,�� � COMMISSIONER ��Y--e--�'��v�o,�� DATF WHEREAS, David Huberty, an employee of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party acciden� on January 18 , 1970, while engaged in the performance of his duties; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of $69.50 therefor, and said employee was disabled from work for a period of time being paid his full salary, for which the City may claim credit at the rate of $70.00 per week; and WHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident, out of which the City will receive $111.50, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, tha.t the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept in full, final and complete settlement, the sum of $111.50 and to execute any necessary releases therefor, and to endorse the check of State Farm Insurance Company in the amount of $185.30; that of said sum, $69.50 is thereby credited to the Workmen' s Compensation Fund and $42.00 to the Police Salary Fund, and a check for the rema.inder of said sum, $73.80, be issued to Officer David Huberty. � E � � Cotporat on CauaseF �G 2� �i970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Butler Ve� �,���+: > .; ���0 19— Carlson � ��' Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AUG 2 9 1910 . � o�.�,�,�,��,� 250��`'1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ��� COIdMISS10NC-�! �A*� WHEREAS, David Huberty, an empZoyee of the Depart�ent of Public S�fety, &treau of Police� wea in jursci in a third pe�rtq accide� on J�nuarp 18, 1970. t�rhil� eagaged i:t th� performeu�ce of hi� dutias� end WHEP,EAS the Citp haa incurre�d medica�l axpense� ia ths amovnt of �69.� therefor, and �aid �p l�oyee aa�a diaablad graan w�orl� �ar a period of time bei�g paid his full. aalary, .��� r�hi.ch the City mny claim cr�dit at tFie rate of $70.00 per �e�� mc�d WHEREAS, a aettlecaent ha�s been tLegotiated bett��n a�d e�ployee amd the ot.her partq involved in oaid accfds�nt, o�ut �f ahich the City vi11 receive $11i.50; no�r� therefo=�, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City, 0!`f icars are herebgr authorized to accept in full, final and campl�tie settl+t�eent� the sum of , $1].1.5t? and to execute sny neces�asy releasea therefor a�d to en�dora� th�e chh�c& of State l�a�► Insaaca�e in t�a amovat of 4185 30; t�at of said avm, �69�50 is t.here credited to t�e Worhn�n=+� Cion Furct a�d $42.00 tc� the lica Salary Fc�+d� �d e�€or tht remnirui�sr af said sum, �73.80, be iasued to Officer Dnvid F�berty. , �G 2 6 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Com+�� 19_ Yeas Naya Butler AUG 2 b ,j,jQ Caxlson Appmvecl 18— �'�' Favor , Meredith Sprafka C� ��' Tedesco A 8�$t Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� r