250226 _ , . . A ORI3INAL TO CITY Cl6RK /����� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �E NCIL NO. ~� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI TIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Spra COMMISSIONE pqrE WHEFtEAS, By authority of the Laws of nnesota for the year 1g59� Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959� the City of Saint Paul�. may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewa.lk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHEREAS, It ha.s been determined that the following described paxcels of property be relieved of the following amount: Descript ion Amottnt Lot 9, Arrol's Re. $23�+•93 Lot 10, Arrol's Re. $23�•93 (bc. 30. 25 ft.) Lot 1, a.nd (ex. so. 25 Ft.) East 12 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 21, Nelson, Stevens & King's Add. $283.14 So. 120 ft. of Lot 1�+, Blk. 21, ldelson, Stevens & King's Add. $180.42 '-n West 50 ft. of Lot 17 & West 50 f't. of Lot 19, B�• 3, � Q Audi�or's Sub. 36 $232.04 Lot 7, P.R. McDonnell's Re. of Blk. 66 of Banning & �o -�'p Oliwer's Add. to West St. Paul $ 27.82 ,� � � Lot 8, P.R. McDonnell's Re. of Blk. 66 of Banning & _. m Oliver's Add. to West St. Paul $ 5�+•5$ � Lot �, P.R. MeDonnell's Re. of Blk. 66 of Banning & OlivJer's Add. to West St. Paul $151.92 � Lots 10 & 11, P.R. McDonnell's Re. of Blk. 66, of Banning & Olivier's Add. to West St. Pa�l $1�8.97 Lot 12, P.R. McAonnell's Re. of Blk. 66 of Banning & Oli�er's Add. to West St. Paul $148.97 , ���� � . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— �'� � Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �� , � . ��t���'b OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONEQ Robert F. Sprafka . ^ATF WI�REAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $1,697.72, now therefore be it� RESOLVID, That the Corranissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Ixnprovement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 the amount of $1,6q7.72, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1969 Sidewalk Contract 69-M-�+79, District No. l, Levy No. 6, L-7156, in the amount of $1,697.72, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-�+61 (1970) � �l AUG 2 6 19�7�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ,Q�� � f ���� Butler Carlson Approve� 19— �^ � Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ��r Tedesco A8'ainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty !pllBLISHED �,�G 2 91910 �� .. _-. . , , " A DUPLICATt TO NtIMRR �O�/� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� ��'" ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�sr��u er Roba'R 1�'� gpY'1►!!d► COMMISSIONE� eAr� �� � ��.1'rr � �� �i � � t�' ti� ,�r 17l7 f Cbap�a 3a4, &l�. 21� sad nti!'iid lry C.l. l�o. 19221b, �aco�►rd lM� 8, 19S9r the Cit,r ot Saiat Pwl. �4 pq a par�ia�a► o! �h� ass+aa�l� carts o� Sid�a+ralk Coostrua�io�t Mlua an�ch �ts �aoaNd �!� �tita to th� �Y �_� i1j�1�A8� I'� hat b� d�s�t�in�d tbat � iell!1�� d�aerib�d pare�t a� p�p�r�jr � r�li�nd o! t,h� lo�llvMin� �a�rts �. D�ses�ioa �t i.e� 9, As�ral'a 1��. �234•93 s�o� lo, A�rro�7.•s a•. �3�•93 �a�. so. Zs �.) i,ot �., .na (.z. so. 2s ra.) s�s� �.a rc. or �at 2, s�a�. 2�., u.1.on, st..�u a zs�s�. �aa. �283.i4 8ti. 3�0 !'C. ot Lot 3�►, D1k. 21, l�lscrn, Strr�s d� tins'a �d. �3r80.�! ti�at St? tti. ot Le� 1T d� N�st 50 t'�. ot T.o� 19, Dl�c• 3, An�dito�'a �. 36 #232.Ok Lo� 7, P.a. liaDo�].1.'s a�. o? H1l�c. 66 a�t Da�m3a� i ty0.iw:''s Ad�d. �o N�st 8t. lh►ut # 47.82 I� 8, B.R. NeDau�eli'r Re. o! H1t. 66 at 8annin� i �i.�'s Add. to il�at St. Pau]. = Sh.SB !a� 9, P.x. Dtclloon�ll's a�. � D1]�. 86 et D�ia� b Oliw�r's A�d. Lo �1at St. P�av]. �1�1.9E L+�ts 10 3 11, l.R. IIk�Da�a11'� Rt. o! D�.t. 66, ot Da�i� b 07.iwr's A�dd. to Nq� tgt. lawl �•9't Le+� 32, p.�. �faso�msll's R�. ot blt. 66 e�! DsmiM �,9"f a CO.iwz'• A�+tl. t0 iTl�st 8t. �stil COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m�+� 19_. Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Appmv� 19— �°�e T*+ Favor Meredith . Sprafka �,9�' A paninnt Tedeaco Mr. President, MeCarty �� y �DUlLICATt TO lRIN7=1! /�/(50/ //'� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F,wca ND �►���v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �g�� Sober� T. Sp�atlta COMMISSIONER �A*� �� � f'i0'Wrt � fi� ai�bA�O �'r• fr�'i! �r�� �y � �i �rl��•'l�� laoAl t.�i�7c!l�0�'� b� it� Rm�.YID� That tht Cca�issioa�r oi Pab11C W�lcs 1� asd l�e is h�r�by an�horlt�d to pq lro� t.h! Pu�a�t �aro�nt a�ralt►ing ?�tnd, Cod� �i0A0 th� a�amt at �1,69'7•'T2, a por�ioa o! tlu vaa�abS� aoats o! Si�s1t Caostruatica vm�tr the 1969 Sid�t+atk Contac�aC 69-1[-�►7'9, Diatriat lto. 1, Lrr�► xo. 6, L-7'156, in t.h� �tnct ot �1,697•'T2, said ru�a� �■Qarav�tl� . R�roS� lnnd to b� r�isbmrs�d lrat th� City's Slnuy of Looat �re�s�uoct /1id !'�uod, �920��I�i]. (19TQ►� �G 2 b 19�D COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�� 19— Yeaa Nays ��G 2� j�l� Butler Carlsan Approv� 19_ �' n Favor Meredith � Sprafka ��r Againat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��