250212 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK /�o��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� � �1i�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO . C NCI ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF WHERE.AS, The Committee on Lands, com?-�^se�, of �tie Ma,-;-or, the Purchasing ���e_1t, the Comr:�issioner oF Fi_nance, and �he Commissioner of Pa,rks and Recreation and Public Buildings of the City of Saint Pau1, has secured an �greement for the nurchase of that certain property described as follows: Lots four (4�, five (5), and_ si:� (6) in Block three (3� in Cor�o Pros-oect Addition, acc. WHEREAS, The property described therein is necessar,y fo� the Loeb Lake Park Site, OUen Space Land Proiect No. Minn. 09A-81 (DL),and the price at which the �roperty ma�r be nucchased is at the total amount of �17,500.00, a fair and reasonable price according to the appraisal obtaine� by tne Comm�ttee on I,ands ; a,r.d W��RE.4S, Sa.id Cemmi�tee has recommended the �urchase of said property � at the nrice stated above, as evi.denced by the letter of said Committee • � submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it � v RESOLVED, That nursuan.t to Section ;03 of the Charter of the City of w o Saint Pau1, the Council of the Cit,y of Saint Paul does hereby authori;e the � � �urchase of the land d.escribed as: a `oa n- o Lots four (��), five (5), and six (6) in Block three (3� in `= V Como Prospect Addition, acc. � n O � RESOLVED FURT?�R, That the pro�er CitJr Officials are hereby authorized "-� and directed to pay to Ruth F. Dabe and Ju1ia A. Da.7�e, record fee owners, the sum of �17,5G0.00, said surn to be �aid to the aforesaid vendcrs from PIR Fund Ccde 6000, to be reimbursed from Fund 976g-5o2-ooi, upon thei.r fu�nishing evidence of good marketable title in ;he aforesaid vendors, an� the total payr�ent to be made u�pon tender b�.T said narties of apnropriate deeds ccnveyin� tiitle to said propert,y to the City of Saint Paul. AUG 2 b �1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Butler �� 2 � 19�� Carlson Approve� 19— �� �1n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor � A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty AU G 2 9 PUBUSHED 1970 �� � �5�;��� C,ity Counc�l City of S�.ir� Paul Gent.lemen and Madam: The City of Saint Paul, actin� through its Valuatior_ Er�ineer, ha.s ne`oziated �o nurcnase cer'r,ain prooert,y described as follows: Lots four (�+) , five (5�, and six (6) in B1ock three (3) in Como Prospect Addition, acc. The oi�rners of_ the a.bove d_escribed land, Ruth F. Dabe and Julia A. Dabe, have accepted an cficr tendered them b.y �he City in the amount of �17;500.00 as' compensation for the sale of the land to the City. This �ropert,y, including land and. builuings, is needed by the City of Sain� Pau� fcr Lceb LaiLe Pa.rk. In vie�•a of the reasr,,nable �rice for w:hich it can be pur.chased, said nrice bein� the a�praised fair and �^easo�_�ab1e market value t'�erefore, �ae, the Commit�ee oi1 Lands, do recommend to tre C�unci� cf thP Ci+;r of Saint Paul that it �,uthorize �he nurchase of said land i_n lieu t�f cond:�mr�a�ien proceedin�;s a� the nrice of �17,500.00. V? ` tT'll�_', �"�'a-rs, j��,�,IO� � _. -�PUrchasing _t l Commissioner of .rks, _ ecrPatiion ?,rd P�:b7_�c Build.in" , � Co. _ �_ssior.er of F� ance ������ _� �- � � Pascel ido. 1� File T?o. 17�+2G