250208 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ��a�,J ry�
RL�SpLV�D, That the proper City c€fi�ers a�r� l�eraby ��thori�ed
�nd direated to eacecnte on beh�lf o� tla� City of 3aiat �a�tl,
�aeadment ffio. 2 to Co�tr�ct 8-1214 betv�reen the City and th�
�epart�eat of Honsing �nd �rbaa �evelopment, said Ameac�ent to
Agr��ment p�rtaini�g to the Mwaieipal Imfora�tion System Hum�
Resource 3nbspstem, � eopy of which l�aaendmeat to Agreement ia
attached hereto.
. orporat' u I
�C; �� �.97 a
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler '''�kr . ~ � �970
Carlson � ved 19�
�f _ln Favor
Meredith �
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco Against
Mr. President, McCarty
. _m�__,_....___._�..__.____ _....____ . ._. _,..... .� .__.._. ....._... ..._.. .�_�...�._.__.._..__
d �
_.,_. ._. ._.____.r._�._____ _ .
:il 4hl�HRD �C�.M SU, 1U.t I Y dG ���� I I'AGc���
. a P.� r 1 F � C q�..1 �/` t R ... � f 1 � T
s ' �;E,�,r�.�i sFr.v�crs nc�ri�ns�enTi,,N i .�,r�:.i�s,�rx��\a� (ir , �._rr.��.,�T!',T'4C�`,:/�:in�:•t�'��,�:Ts��e�3 �i� �'�[`��'� Y
FL� �.0: .. (�1 C:�} 1-:S.101 I I 1 '�'
. ��_..... _�-S____._,.�.i_a....._._.�..�..��.���.__.�...��T..�—'-V.�.�.�..•.,......._.. ..
. ��i.�AMiI:Dh�Fr.iliMOt)!:ICr.TION NO .�V 2. lffCCCVE Ul�1F �. Ri:!)'Ji..l-iIpN/PUtiClir,SE V�?QUt57 IJO. � 4. PCOJECT t�i' . (!�✓!•�ui„rGir/
2 -----_�-._. ------ . --- - -�—_—_�� �
S. I5SUFU FY . C�l 1i: � � !.. AUt,;iPH51EkED DY (1 01�ar lG�rn b!n�k S) C d--� .
I. l�- � I .
. �______ _ ..-
___ _ _ __ _ _ _ -- _____. __
' Dep�.r.�tinexit oi' Housing 2: li:�u�.rl 7cvclopt,.c;ii��
. Con�rwcts and A;reements :)ivision
Roo:n 2132
� Z^1ash�.n;tc��D�C. ?_O�E10 _ _��_
7. CUt.liRP.CTUR COI)Li _, I�AClLflY COUI: fi.
� � � " � � �SUIICITATION NO.
Ci�y of Sain�; Pa��1. . �nrEC> �s��Ero.� ��
�'���°�'� ��'�'- a Municipal Corp.�r�,tion '
ro�rr.fy, tlole, A1�DIFlCATION OF
- a.,a zir Courthouse, �,th ,�; ti-'abasha S��reets K�CONTRACT/ORDER r,o._L-L-121?i..�.—_
CodrJ Saint Paul, P,2inr:,sota. 55102 �
� � DATED^i'Y�_'""__($ec�lxk I 1)
� The otwve n�mbered�olicirotion is amended o� s:�t forth in block 12. -TF.e hour.ond do�e specified for receipl of OReis� is eatended, � is nol er.le�:ded.
� O(ferun musl ocknowledpe rcceipt o(lhis amendn.ent pr�or to the hour and date .pecified in�the wlicilotion,or os omended,by one uf the follcwing n�ethodz: � •
� (oJ By s�gning and rcturning__copies o{ this�rnendment;(6J By ocknowledging receip�of lhis omendmenf o� each copy of the offer submitled; or(�j By�eperote ietter �r telcgrc
which incl�des a refrrence to the solicitation and emendment numben. FAIIURE OF YOUR ACKOWLEDGMEN� TO 6E RECEIVEO AT THE ISSUitJ.i GFFiCE VF.ICR TO THE HOUR A�'
I`ATE$PECIFlED MAY f�ESULT IN REJEC710N OF I�OUR OFFER. .If,by virtue of tF�is omendnrent yoo desire to c�ange an of(er already submitted,sc�d��chong^ rnoy be mcde �q tr�eprc
or let!er,pro�ided such telegrom or letler makes rel�rence to the solicitotion and lhis omendrnent,and is receivedprior to the opening hour ond dut�:pecifed.
�10. AGCOUK�ING ANO AfPP.OFP.L�iiOtJ DATA (If:eqriire�!/ � � . � '
� N�� .
. . (a) � This Chonge Order is issued pvrsucnt lo.. - �
. ihe Chonges set for�h in block 12 cre mo:+e to Ihe obore numbered contraC/order. . �
jb) � The obove numbered confracl/order is r.iodifed b re0ed the administrative c,honges(soch os changes in poying office,opproprio�ion deta,etc.)ut forth in biock 12
- - (:) �Thi:Supplemental Agrecment is entered i=fo pvrsuont to aWhority o{ `+1- IT-S.C. �rL��'.�+,LJ -
It mudifies Ihe ebove numbered controct os set forih ia block 12. �
. ti,THFREAS, clianges are ti�requ'_red on the cost accounting an i repor�in� �o this corit;ra�t;
j�'�E�S, these changes ha•re no effect on tne costs of t ie contract;
1n'�iERE1�S, a bilateral cont:�act amendment is required. to °eplace tre P3otice o�: Contract
� Amendment dated .lune 30, 1970; ',
NQW, TI-�REFORE, Contract ;I-121�+ is amended as foLtows:
1. In Article I'T A., the term "June 30, 1970" is deleted and the term ,
"September 3�), 1970" •is �substituted thexef�r.
2. In Art�cle V A. , the estimated cost and to:,a1 obliga�;ion axe changed frcm
$140,000.00 �:o $150, 710.00.
Eacepf os provided herein, oll lerms and conditions of 1'�e documenl re(erenced in block 8,as hereto(ore chongad,�em�iin�nthonged and in fvll force ond eRect.
1-1 �:AM: Gf CONiRACTOR/OFhfP.OF (.,1,1�1'`-�,:;' -,�'-'II�;'i, _�.',;UT,�! —^-----. V-..UNITED $TA�E' Of AMf.FICA --�--�—_--'---
6I._--- — --. BY------- __�.__.--
T(SiynaMr�of ponon �.dhoritod to iipn) (S�gnature of Ccntmcd:ig Ofilccr)
M—aY-°-r— -- — — .
15. h!�ME ANJ TIiIE OF SIGNER (Typt or Prirr7�OLZI1 ersigned: I6. NAMF Of CC�ITRA:TING OFFICER f ly/�r or priutf
� �� T1�.t1�.�LY1 B�c'].C��Er
L_...�- -- ..-.- — -- ---- _•-_.
� ' , �� 1I � Amendmeii�: No. 1
� � �;o H-12111
• I
. I
-- - - � '3. The proT,-i�:.ons af -Appc�nd._i:; _r•, attached he:�eto are incorporated in�;o- -
the contract. �
This-amendmen�; takes thc� place of no�;:i.ce of' contract :�mendmen�; dated June 30, 1g70
witY� regard �;o fundin� �.nd the period oi' performance. �
. .
� �
� �
- 2 -
, , i
. � i . Appciadi;; A
. �. � f�o }i-1214
� �
l. Art:i c1e T1:1: oi A�t;Laehri��n.i; 1�, , Ccn�;r.ac�: lI-�2�-�+ is hereby F�rnended by
-_ _ _ .. . __._ �__ dc:�_e{�5.n�; ttu_ ���r:;i: t�,o_l:�r.t::�-�herco£ and su:�sf:l'�:U'tlll�', '�;�1C' fo1_l.o�•rin�,- in -�-----
� ' liea •l;liereo?': � '
. � ,
. "III. Sc et.ion VIII-B, Yeriodic Worl, 1Z :p�r.ts, is hereUy
• amplif: e�. �s follows" . •
2. Article 7:II, � 2, d, l, (a) oi' I��;tachn,en�; A , Co��tract Ti-1214 is l�ereby
� amended by cTe:.eting t;he f9.rst line therecf' .3n;� substitutin� tlze follotiain�
in l:ieu the:_•ec�f:
"(a� . I�_it9_a1 Task Comp�.etion Reparts ("T" itetns� , wi�;h"
� 3. ArticleTTT, A: 2, d, 1, (c) , Attachment A , ;ontrac�; H-1214 is hereby
arnended by c1e:,.e�L'ing �;he fixst line ther.ecf ind s�abs�;ituti�zo i.he follo��rin� -
in 1.ieu thc�rei�f:
� "(c� . Initi.al and Periodic ���orlc ProQr,ss Reports ("P" items� :" "
: � �}. Artiel'e N of Attachm�nt A, Contxact H-l�_l�+ is hereby deleted in its
: entirety an�� �:;he following a.s subst5_tutec: t iere�'ore :
"IV. Ot-ier Changes to Attachment C; C�ntract H-121�+� dated
� March �+ , 1970, a s amer.de i. '
' � A. • The USAC P�Ionthly Project �hase Activ�.ty Report
? � hereinaiter cited as the 'F�ase Ae�ivity Report"� is
� � hereby made a reporting r•c qu irerient for the Contractor
� . �� and each Subcontractor; a: s�t f or�;h hereunder.
� - 1. Rela�;ionship of the PYas� Activity Report to
Other Reports Requirec Uzder Contract H-1214.
' a. Charts A, B, C, ar.�. D as amplified in Sec�.ion
� � _ III, A of AttachmF�nt A, as amended.
� � These charts are r_ot afi'ected in respec� to �
conten�;, scope, oi• f requency of preparati.on by .
' the requirements i'or t�e Phase Activity Report.
i b. Cost Vouchers sha�1 follow the same general tininF;
' - cycle, as does the Pl:�se Activity Report. In boi:h
� cases, actual datF, (not estimates) is requir°d.
� c. Inz�;ial and Perio��ic Work Progress Reports.
, � •
The Initial Wo�k 1'rcgress Report has be�n com-
' . plete�., except for revisions in �;hat report
� required in the Gc�vern�ent Technical Represent�ti�re
(GTR) letter acce.r�tin� the report.
. _ 3 _ '
! ,
• I •.��N�,�,u.Ln t�
� • •� to �I-121�I
- � `l'h� :;t�me si�;u�t7.on �pplies �;o �;hc firs�i• }'��r:iod:e
. Idor;i ]'r•a�;re�: lscpc�r�, i•endei•ed :iri Jur�c 1.<)'j0.
•---._ _---- -----_ --- - - -- ------ - --- �
� The }?liase. lictiv:it;� :.Zerort has ane ina jor r:tfect
� � on �;he 1'eriodic Wc�r t �'roE;ress }:Zeports i•eqtiir.ed
� �for the .r.ema:indc:z o C tlie con�;rac�; period : �.��e
� ' • Cost Report, c�escJ�i��ed in Section VIII-13-2.6
� of Rttacl��meilt; C, Co itrac�; Ii-1214 �S del.e�;cd as
� . - a xeportin� require n�zii;.
2. Retroac�;ive Prov9.sion:�
� � � This .ArtS.cle sha11 ap��l.,� only £or the period from
� . � Jun� l, 1970 throu�h th�� last day of �;he coritractu�.l
� � - � activity iznder this CoTi�ract �I-1-21�+ . NotYii�lg iil
� � � this Ar�ticle shal_l be c �zzsti�ied, hot�rever, to reliel�e
' � �;he Contractor .of' his c �ntractual obli�ati.otl to
xevise und�or c.orrec�; t.lese reports as required by
! GTR responses to the:e .�eports respectively, or to
` restr:�et tlie posvers of ;he GTR to require revision�`s;
' � � to �re Initial j�lork Fro;ress Report and to �;he fir:�_t.
? - �nd later, Periodic F;�ri Progress Reports.
,. ' ,
f3. Period of Time to be �o,rered by ?��ach }.'hase Activit�,
� Report;
, �
� ; � . �rr.�.� R�port sha11 cov�r tre ac�ivity for each r,ontt:,
: ; . , from the first calenc7ar day thereof throu�h the
` '. � • � last cGlendar day there�f inclusive.
� ; .
� ,
�F. Delivery Requirements
' : a. For all Phase Act.i_v ity Repor�;s subsequent to
_ � the June 1970 rep�r�:, to inc]_ude the last full
. or partial. raonth ��f activity under Contract
� H-121�+, �he Ynase A :tivity Report shall be
� delivered to the i"o.itracLing Officer iiot later
than the tenth ca.te idar day of the� month
• following the mon:,h being covered in -L-he Phase
' Activity Report. .
. ' b. The Phase Aetivit;� ��eport is to be delivered ir.
. tYie same number a� :ire �ot;her project reports
' Attachment C, Se�:t ion VIIT-A-3) . Z`taenty-five
� : �25� copies are t�� '`�e provided to the Contract:.nF.
� Officer, with the o:�iginal bei.ng held by �;he
� Municipal Project L:ader for purpos�s of_ (any)
. . ' required revision�s) .
� � 5. Responsibilities fdr l?r��aration of the Phase
Activity Keport
' � a. The Contractor s71ul:L be responsible for
. prepar.a�;ion oi the ?hase Ac�.ivii;y Repor�;. `1'hi:
res��onsibili�.y �hal:l include preparai;ion of a
_ 1� _ ,
••.t . �
� .
• � • A}�};�enci i.x. 11
. , � ,t �o }i-1214
Ph�se AcL:iv:i.ty l;e�•ort :�^G�1U11 i'o.r s.11 pe.r�:�o�Ir�el
ot' �t;hc: Contr.r�ci;o�� e1�;a�ed iii projeci; r�ctiv:i.�;ies
------- -- ----------- —ilu��li;�;-t���e moz�th < oi�cez•uca, as-well ns for --_._ ----
� r.epo���:]n� of cocit��ibu�;ed rr:anpo��er oU�Laiiicd '
ixom other argani,.ai;ian� otl�cr. �l;han �;hose of tre
� ' � • . contractor �a�d sul: contrz�ctor orgr�n:i.zai;ions. �
' - � � 7.'he seeo��d res}�on: :ib:ili.ty oi' the Contr.zctor is
� .� " to nssure tlie tirnc�ly and accurate prepa���tion
. . of subcoz-�tractor ]'hase I�ctivity Repor.t sectiotl�,
' � �'or their xcspeci;:ve or�anizal;5.ons. The third
' a.s f:c�r. the prepar�.�;ior. oi' �;he eonsolidafi.ed 1'l�as�
' . Activi�,y Report. `Che i'aurth is i'or the timel_y
� � delivery of i;he Cc:r_solida�;ed Priase �ctivity
. � Repor�;, �nd the i��.c:ividual sections (Phase .
Ac�;iv:ity Reports) �rep��red by the Ccntractar ar�d
_ each suUcon{;rac�o��, to �;h� Contracting Of.ficer,
b. The Contractor sti�11 require its subcon�;rac�;or.s
' to prepare Phase � ci;ivity Repor� sec�;ions for
, � their respective c•r�anizata_ons, and to present
, them to the Contr� ctor in time for the Contraci.o;-
.� 1;o prepare thE cot.:,olida�Led Phase Activity t�epc�ri.
and make a timely c_�tivery of the consolidated
• Phase Activity Rea�or� to the Contracting Officc�x.
' � c. The term "Subcontl��ctors" shall �.nclude bgth
the sys�.ems firm �nd �;be universi�;y�r.esear.ch
' : . - center; also incll.ded, �vhere 1L�zder CGII�i aC�� ar•e
' addi�ional system:� fir�i(s) , university(ies)�
• researeh center(s; ; and other subcontxactor.s �
j � ' which the GTR or ('cntracting Officer muy direci.
• � in writing. .
� � � 6. Format and Contents oi_the Phase Activity Report
� a. The Phase Activitl- Repor� will be prepared in i;he
� � format sno�•rn in tt.e enclosure i.e. , Pha s�
� identifi.ca�Lion as colur.:�ar headings and mannin�;
� categories as linE: entries. Tdentity oi' tr.e
� Phases will be as indicated on the sample forr�t
and as de!'ined in �!ttachc�ent C, Section VI-D.
� THe manning categc�ries will appear in i�he same
j order, where apprc��.riate, as indicated in the
i : enelosed format.
j b. The body of the PY:�se Activity Report wi11 be
� � completed a s fbllc�ti s : •
� '
, (a� An etitry of t:Ye number of man-hours, round.eu.
; � to the neare�.t complete digit (i.e. , no
� decimal fract.�ons) , for the month covered,
fbr each pro�ect phase on �rh�.ch the
itidividual, c�r class of individuals, per-
foruled ��rork c�r. the pro j ec�;.
. _ 5 _
. � .
..�.1� ,........ •,
� '�o ]-I-121�+
. . (u) Tn �;he event tl�.�-1s no ti•:orlc was performed
+--------- ---------------_f'��:__u gi.�reti_�x����.cct--phasc_r�n._a_1:iuc
� � entry, n zerc :.s to Le e»tered in i;hat
' . ' . k�osi�;7.on. .
� . , (c� FTiiere no entr,y is m�de an. an entire
� ca�;egor,y lizie, the entry sha11 be 1e�'t
" c. Mailnin� Cate�;or.V f�.� }�•ach Section oi' the
, ' Report _�
There shall be as m�ny mannin� categories
i.ndicated i'or each �ec�io�z of. the Pnase l�c�ivi�y�
. Report as may be re �uired, to meet its objectivE-s
� � as set forth below.
� � There are several mijo�� �roups oi' maz�nin; - �
- categories required for each sect3.on of the :
• report, and one or aor� classes of individual
' eiltries under each �uch �;roup.
� .
(l) The Identi:CiEd �'.rofcssional Persotinel GroLo
� This s�c�;ion o? the Yhase Activity hepor.t
sha11 iriclude .ian;�� itidividuals. The namr.d
• personnel sli�1L � en�;ered in alphabctic,
�' - ' surname sequEn.e. Each individual requirE:d
i ; ' to be ic�eni;if i�d uzider the provisions of
� C].ause III; �? , 2s b o.i Attachment .P, Con�7�a�:�L
i' ' H-121�+, shall. �e �n�ered by name in
;f completin� tl:,i� Grcup of each section of t:h�:
�� ' Phase Activity he�ort each month. ONLY TI:O;:E
� : � - - - - UNDER THIS CC P1�R��T, SHALL BE SHO�di�? IPv TH7 S
; CATEGORY. Tt ��hal7. T?OT include personnel
; . shovm tinder c�7er categories of each sect:o;�
� � of the Pha s e A.�;ivi.ty Report. :
(2} Other �ederall.,r-Reimbursable Personnel
. . . Category
1 Federally-Reim�ursable Personnel., not inc].ucted
' in other ca{:eg�ries are to be included in
' ' � ' the cate�ory d�fined below.
, � This cate�ory .�ha11 include several classes
of personnel, �ach of which are to be
� completed`wher� the or�anization co:npletir..�
its section of the Phase Activity Report l:.a;;
; � any personnel rri.thin the class during the
month beinF; covered in the Phase �ctivity
` � . 6 -� �� • .
. o .
. . I 1.A .. . .
to H-.121'+
� 1
. . • �
� . (z�) Pc.r:;onne 7_ bei��t; Ynterv:ie�•�ed.. 7.'his
. class Oj' )��.T::U12I�G1 17a;; bccn inc:luded �
- - - _ _ __ __ _- - --- -- - _ __-:---__ --
-- --_ � ��� :�� - -
' , nu n c,c e a __ y--re�.m ur�a le ca�te�;ai�,y
� � of co�1t� antual_ r.esource by more �;llan
• � � one pr.o� er.t. 1ncJ_uded �re mwiicipa].
` ' ' . i1a.t�ctiot� ��ersonnel; leadership
� personilc�l_ ;_ and adminis�;rat:ive and
� . roana�;er:.a:`- J?ersonnel of �;he munacipal:i.t.r
; ; ��rhose o''f:'_ce�, ac�;ivi�ie:, or posts
are �;o l�e :i.n1=o7_ved in the new system;
. wh�se p�:r�c.�cipa�;ion in the proj ec L 11�s
i been aPl,r;�ved.
� . .
TI-ITS CI,�.S� DU�S NOT include individu�1
� eousult�:�n�',s; personnel of subcontract or�;
nor pro,�ect st,aff of the Contractor.
_ � � Personnel �;otals withi.n this class �ai e
. . to ref.lec',� �;he pu-rpose (i.e. , Project.
� . Phase i�� �•:�hich enga�ed) of the inter- _
' vietrin� P_^oject stai'f rnember, P30T thct
.. of the :�_n�es�viesaee.
(b� Consu7_�L�,n',s and TechnicaZ Pool. Persor:rel
} ' _ .___._
, . � . .
• . These a.�e ts,o specia_l classes oT
proi'ess:�o�ial personnel. .
� . Consul-L-r�:�',s : Those shoim in Charts �
�' and B.
� , (z � � � � � �
� �, Technic,�l Pool Personnel : Tnis cateF;ory
� . is used only where a con�ractor, or
i subcont:�a���i;or, Y�as maintained a pool of
; pro�'ess.:o;ial personnel for execution of
i � " � . projec� t�sks, A1VD TIiIS POOL ARP�AS��GEP;�T�;i'
i � ' IS REFIi�CCED IN TI� CONTRACT; al1 prc�-
� fession,�l personnel from this pool st.a11
� be sho�r.i in i;his one category. The •
j consoli�iaEed Phase Activity Report w:11
� , • indicat�: �ntry for this category as '
� appropx:�a�te.
, • (c) Service-C�tegory Per.sonnel
. These p�:rsonnel, to be entered .as a
classs �1n�lude only Federally-reimbui•sable
personn��l as previousl.y-defined. They
4 are �o :in�lucle �raphic arts assistant:s ;
• documen�� specialists, and other personnel
' who Are n�i�:her traditional clerical
. � . . ^ rJ � . . .. . . .
4... .
• • � r.��k�ciiu�.n !i.
. � . �� to I1 127�+
_ . °' . i �
� �
' per.s�ni-e]_, nor. x,rofc:Jf;l.OJ1II� personn��l;
-�_,,.,.,M- __� __.�_. Coml�titc�r �>l�era�:or.^ ; kc:vpui7ch and I:AI i
• � __;. _____ _---- _ __ _ eq�iir,�,�c�nt oPeration ���crsonnel; �nd �_---
;. _ __ ___ _ ___.. _ __--__ __
, '. . ' o�(;her c onr��r�ble i.ndividuals al�o n�e
" � to Ue :-nc:�ud�d in tliis c:L�ss. An
� , � • i '• , fi'�:�:t1Cl]t�C�I, .L1S�lIl� of �;l�c i;ypes oi' ��e�_•son:1:
. . . ' , incl�zdc�d in 1;1iis catet;ory of, t;he I'h<�se
_ � _ Act�vii,y te��ort; is rec�uired, in oxd�:r
' . . , tha�: a ra �i ona.l appr.a:isal inay be ma�ie
• . . o� i:hi: �;�ou� en�:ry. �
��� �
--�-�--�'', (d� Cl_erac�;1 ?cr.sonnel.. This cl.ass �,ri1:�. be
� , . � . , �;i7reil c.nt�ics taheti, and only t•;hen,
clei 5_cr�1. ���L�fs :is T�07.' accountea i'or unc°x
. � the co;;�l: �le�::eni; OVEI�:E;J�D. �f �11
elerical. ;�;ai'f IS accoun�:ed for undc:r �
' " • OVE2:Iliy�:D, t}zere V�ill be Td0 Cleri.cal
� ' • Persoiuzel class shotian. herein, .
, � . � � . A11 �;hc� �;caditional. secretar.ial .and
� • • clexac��l �tai'z positions are to Ue �
� • . su►mnar:_ze��. her.e as a one line entry;
� • '• e}.cludcd onl;,� are those clez i.ca1-
; . � . � catego_�y personnel ��:?io ar.e shotm un,lex
� • ServicE:-C�t,enory Personnel.
� . � (3) � Contr�buted Personnel Cat��;or,y
; . �._._ .
; . . � These are pE.rs�nnel j•rhose sezvices have_
' j . � � foxn�ally b��:n �ont-ributed to the projec:t,
� _ � as evidenceci i� the Con�rac�or's con�rac",
' - � � , with I3UJ). �There p�r.sonnel perforr� both :n
� Federal.ly-xc�ir,�5ur:;able ar,d in contribute�l
. � . ' ' cate�;ories �:h�ir reimbursable effort wil:L bE
; • shown in �;hE:� I�.en';.ified Prcf.ession?1
' . � Personnel G�.te�or.y or the "r'ecierall�.�-
� � � Reimbursablf: I�rsoi.nel Classes Cate�;ory �is
' the cri.ter.i�>, c f' these tYro groups indacat:.
' � � The mannin� c�te�ories sho��m i'or �;he
' . Federally-rEimbursable personnel above are � �
; . . ' • • • expected to be used here also as a�propriate
� � ' wath one roa,�or difference ; p�rsonr.el are to
` be sho•�ni us:.n� general pro��sszonal-cate;o�-•��
, , headin�s suc:h as sys�erns anal;�st; �ro�ra��_TM:e�•;
' etc. , where tYose headings are :eeded..
� . . . �-Contribu�;ed pErsonr.el from or�anizations
� • not undez•. cc�nt rr�c�; (i.�. , neither the Co7-
, , tractoi• t�ar scbcorltractors) z�rill be sho;•r,i
� ONLX in the Ccnsolida�;ed Pha�e Activity
_ F3 _
� ' • ,
� APi,endi� A
� - ' � ' i . • to 1I-121�F
,'r,_..�•4- �-..-..y:..-----� . � . il .
. �
• 1 •
� . � , Report, prepared by the Contractor,
� � Therefore, Subcontractars and the
. . Contractor silall , i.n prepari.nfi tlie
. , Phase.Activity Reports for which
' � they respcctivel.y are responsible
� , • � £or their own or�anizations, show
�Y�l�/� o� thosc. personnel contribuLed by
the orsanization covered in the
. . pp.rticular Phase Activity Report,
• • �dith this context, all contributed
` man hours of project effort shal.l be �
� ' shown under this Cat-e�oryo This shall
� 3ncLude bcth man hours contributed
� . under the contract, and also man hours -
� . •in e�:cess of�a iorty-hour F�orking-wee!c
� �•Lor Feder�lly-rei_mbursed personn�l and •
� contributc:d personnel.
.,. .
• 5e Article VIII-B-2o6 of Attachment" C, Cc�ntract H-1214 is hereby
� � deleted in its entirety.
. 6. Article VIII-B-2o7, Attachment C, Cont:ract H-121�-► is hereby ametided,
�; _ �fie first line is hereby deleted; in lieu thereof, the following is
� inserted�
'� � "2.(�� ReP�rtin� Schedul e" � • -
, •
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�titlpLVBD, T'h�at t.h� psop�r City olficers ar� b�syby aathori��
snd dir�et�ed to �x�cnt� on b�bal.f o! t2s� City of Saint panl,
l�n�t �o. Z to Coat.ract 8-1�14 I��r�a th� Citp a�d t�
D�partarat of Hou�it�q ao�d tTrb�n 3�wsla�at, �aid llra�eat to
Aqr�at p�rfi�aiai�q t.o th� llnAicipal Inlos�ation sy�t� amraa
�aonrce subs�sts�, a aopy o! �ieh �st to i�qruwnt is
attsch�d l�us�to.
�i 2 619i�
COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19.—
Yeas Nays
Butler AUG 2 b �970
Caxlaon ApprovP� 19�
�~ Favor
Sprafka f� Mayor
Tedesco A8'��st
Mr. Preaident, BRcCarty