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R,esoil'utian Ratifping As�essment By—
_ 1�
In the matter of the assessment of ��'�s �� � � �' ��� � �'
stsw�ie� +�l�' �li�wlk�r �aM �c irsfiNr�Atat �� I��s! i'!��►Y!, �r+vy► M. ii
ltatrlet !�, �,
t.0.�34s6 - Wti�tsr St,, botY sid�a fra� Ca*itol Elvd. to 8ic�a atw ,
1�.0. #242103 - Woo+�brid;� 8t., �rast sidt �sat 4t�r�t�r �t, t o Miltord St.
F.O. �236�4 - Co�w Aw., sorth�t sid+� �sos �ow !1. to Cartrr Aw.
F.O. #2400�+8 - Ca�o Ave., north�ast side froa iiow Pl. to Doswll A�e.
r.0. �?.44582 - W. Mortoa 8t., north side fra.. qsio St. to Charltan 3t:= a�d
oa tbe so�th aida of W. 2iprtan St. frv� 04�io St. to Wa�aca ffit.
l.0. #243788 • �33ttaWa Mn., both sidas �ro� W. 8tswaa �t. to N. 6�or�a �t,
.- �.0. #�4l�4Sfi - Kimt�►r 6C«, l�o�h sides f� Capitel Bi�rd: to tics �t.
l.0, f2421�3 - Woodbridsa St.. rast side fro� At�r:ter 8t. to Milford St.
F.0. �23i'➢�► - tJww Il�.� �r�#�aat r►!���c� :�r� ���-to-Cutsr-A�re; � _
F.O. #243788 - 4ttawa Ave., both aid�a fra� N. Sts�naa St, to W. George St.
_ _ _ _ _ __ -- _ _- --
ment having been �urther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally sa�sfactory,
be it therefore -
RESO�LV�D, That tlie said asseasment be and the same is hereby in a11 reegects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RIE►SQLVFD, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in � equal installments.
Yeas Nays
BUTLER Adopted by the Counci�
� r�iinlC
M;�REDITH A+�� 2 �; 19�0
Mc�AK���� Tn Favor
Fo� 2 2a� iaes s � Against 'PUBLISHED AU G 2 91970
�- �
y, . i i , � a ,
'� CITY O�F ST. PAUL � �'"���
R�eport of Completion of Ass�essm�nt �,�
In the matter of the asaesament of ��s � � �� �' ���� �' �"'
' ��r �L' ���'�at" i�w! �w�e�r �w�3 �rs � +i�*11•4Fl.� #r�. M,
�t+�s� �. ��r .
_ _ _- _ _ __
r.�o. �r9:�3�r►sb - Mi�et.: st., ba►eh .saV�. tsc. c.*seal sl.a. to Si,as ac.
1�.0. #2�►21Ef3 - Woodbsi�� St., Msst siia lsa� Atv�t�r at. to Milford St. ,.,��t"-
t.�. f236464 - Co�w Aw., �arthaurt sid� fsoa Goirs !1. to Csrt�s Aw. �
fi.0. #Z4004a - Corw Aw.. sortM�st +aid� fra� �n !1. to Dar�21 A�s.
!'.0. #Z44Sm2 - Y. borta� ft., aorth si�e isa� q�io St. to t�sltoa 8t. a�sd � � , _
at tia sv�tb �L� ot' W. �rtc� St. fze� Obio �t. to N��ca St. `
l.4. #Z437� - �ttara Av�.. i�th •idss t� it. atr�s St. to ii. �� st. �`' �
.. .. , .. . .. :.: . _ �
. _ ,
� �:0. � 34�i � iil��nt �IE., �ro�ir �i� •�ta� ��ol fl�i� �-�i� it. . . •
P.�O. i?42143 • Noodbsid�s St., wst •ids �ra� Atwt�s 8t. to Milford St.
. �:O�r-:i��69d�r • Cwr �., r�wt �i� �a�.�a�rt �1�. io C�aet�r �� �, ,
T.41. �34�788 -� t�tsw Av�., Lotb rid�t l�tan N. St.arreos 8t. to M. G�os�e St.
_ __ _ __
The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo�rts to the Council the following as a statement of the ex-
penditures neceasaxily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impro�vement, viz:
T+otal�construction costa . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . $ 12,929 32
Engineering .and.Ins�e�ction. .. . . .. .. ... . .. .. . $ 2,011 40
�I��jn , Val�ion, and Assessment,Serpices , , $ 229 94
Postalcarda . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. ...... ... .... . . .. . $ 9 4�—
Publications . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . . . .. .. . ... .. .. . $ 94 50
Collection costa . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . $ 189 Q(Z_
Court costs for canfirmation . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. ...... . $ 9 L�_
Camptroller Coata 94 50
TOTAL EXP�I�TDZTUIiES . .... . . ........ . . . . .. ... $ 15,567 56
Chaxge to . . . .... ..092.Q-7.Q1. . . . .. . ... ... .. ... $ 1,931 �-
. . . .. . . . . . . .... ..Noa-Aase�sabJ.�.. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 562 �_
Net Assessment . .. ... ... .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .... . . .. ... $ 13,�73 34
Said Commissioner further reporta that he has asaessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of � 13,��'�.�� upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asseasment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Gommisaioner, a.nd made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and whieh is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon ae may be
considered proper.
DatecL July 28� 1970 _ Co<�si r o .Fi nc .
Form R.E 2ffi 10.68 8 a� � �A�