03-460����r.��; n, t l.� i �, : _ , - _ Council File # p3 _ �t`p Green Sheet # 200645 RESOLUTION nl CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA l� ! �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WfIEREAS, the Minnesota legislature, Metro Radio Board, and the Ramsey County / Saint Paui / Local 2 Government Public Radio Communication Study Committee have all encouraged particapation in the new 800 MHz 3 region-wide digital tnuiked radio system, and; 4 WHEREAS, several factors have been identified that support a review of the countywide public safety 5 communication system atthis Ume including, among others: The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent's move to the Griffm 6 Building at the Law Enforcement Campus, and both the City and the County's need to update their existing 7 communications system equipment, now; 8 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts the invitation of Commissioners Jim 9 McDonough and Tony Bennett to join Ramsey County in a discussion of a countywide public safety 10 communications 1800 MHz-based system. $equested by Deparnnent o£ � Appx � � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �oo Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �:,A,�---�— OATE INIiIpTED GREEN SHEET 03 -4c.o No 2Q0645 Councilmember Daniel Bostrom 6-8660 iOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa.e,.ert ows,oR arvcaura. ❑ arcwnouav ❑ rnraExc _ ❑ANMCLLiFitVICF1GR ❑H4MMLfFRIYIIGEi6 ❑IIAWR(ORASqiTA1RJ ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Authorize City representatives to continue discusslons with Ramsey County and other local govemment bodies regazding a countywide public safety communica6on system (800MHz) PLANNING COMMISSION GS COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE Has this perwn�irtn everworked uMer a conUaQ for this depahment? VES NO Fias ihia Pe��� ever tem a ciry empbyee'1 VES NO Does this personlf�rm G� a slalf rwt �wrmalbWSSessed bY anY cunent city empbyee7 YES NO Is Mis pereoNfiim e taryMed ventloR YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO �'I�IJ]