250187 Oridntl to Cit7 Clerk � ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO �"�� �� / �� �O PRESENTED BY �� ' ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY AND ITS INSUR.ED, NOLAND R. HEIDEN AND LORRAINE HEIDEN, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND AND WIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund o035-421 to Travelers Insurance Company and its insured, Noland R. Heiden and Lorraine Heiden, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �716.45, in full settlement of their claim for damages and injuries sustained on or about December 28, 196g, as a �result of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by E. R. Horning, at or near 1721 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to b� apprvved by �h� Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner a�oresaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force th.irty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council SEP 9 1970 Butler Carlson � Tn Favor Levine Meredith O �,,/'� A gainat Sprafka Tedesco �r. President McC y) A ro SEP 9 1970 A at• —� C' erk o �� �orm a�proved Corpor��ion Counsel By PUBLISHE SEP 12197p � � a�.m r�.� .� e r ORDINANCE ; ��a�g� COUNCIL HLE NO �� rRESENTED dY ORDlNANCE NO �O � A� O�DI�CB SETTLI� '1'�E CLAZ1� �F TSAYffi,F�B� II�S�$ COMPAI+�C Al�'D IT3 INSIIRBD, li('1I�A1�D 8. HL�ZDEl� JIi�D LORSAIIQE HEIDEAi� I11DI'OIDQAI�LY Al'� AS H[TSBAI�D AND YIFE, 1�G'rAINST TBE CI'i? OF SAIITS PAifL 'PSL COtTNCIL OF 'FSB CI4? OF SAINT PAIIL D0�3 ORfl�IIIlf. Sectio� 1. �Lat the proper Ci�y o!t'i�ers are l�ere�y �sut.Lorised to pay ont oi the Tort Liability P�ad 00�5-�21 te ?raveiers Ia�uraaae Co�apaa� and its is,�cred, l�olaad R. Heidea and Lorraias Heidem, indi�iduall�r aad as h�sban�d and �ife, the sat oi �726,45, ia in12 settl�ent oi their clai� tor da�a6es sad is��[rfes snstaiaed on � or aDo�t De��bar $S, 1969, as a result oi as aeei�ent in�olvin6 a City vehiele dri�es by E. R. Horsiaa, at or sesr 1�81 Bandolph � Av�ane, Saiat Pan2, Minnesota. �ectioa 2. That said aur absil be pafd to the satd ol�►i�aats npoa their es�tioa �umd deii�ery or a release ia tnli to the �ity� iz a lor� to be ag}�ed b� tLe Cvrporation Cwtssel, ior all iaasaes aad fajnrias �cstaised i� the �a�aer store,s�sld. �ection 3. l�a� thi• ordiaaa�e eDall tal�e eiiect sa� be in lorce tLirty days atter it• pa�sas�, spgraval � pnblicatioa. � Yeas Councilme�n Nays Paeaed by the Coun�;l SEP � 1970 Butler Carlson sn Favor Levine s� � Agttinst � �. �ai t t��►> a �o�: SEP 9 1970 Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form aFproved Corjwr�►�3on Counsel By GT/ I st ��-� ` ' 2nd Laid over +o 3rd and app�—Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �Butler � Carlson ���� �'k"�Carison Levine Levine Meredifh \Meredith Sprafka �prafka / , V Tedesco \ edesco Mr. President McCarty � Mr. President McCarFy O