250173 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ` . CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. ���� � L zc�sE c�,�.-t rr� OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK CQ�NCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED tY ���J YC�.I,v� Aug us t 25, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV"'r�D: That application for �he transfer of On Sale Liquor License P�o. 7727, and S�day On Sale Laquor License Pao. 3786, both expiring Jan�ry 31, 1971 issued to Joseph R. idemo at �.b6 W. Seventh Street to ?70 E. Seventh Street, and his application for Restaurant, Dff Sale I���lt Beverage and Cigarette licenses at tha same location, be and the same ars hereby granted on the condition that within ���� days �f this date said Joseph R. Nemo shall comply wi.th all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul ZeQislative Code and all other applicable ordi�nances and Iaws. AUG 2 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays � �,��r ;? � 197� Carlson Approve� 19— ��' � Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED AU G 2 91970 �� � . � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �u��� . Capital of Minnesota ! aLJe a�t�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINI$TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ���� DEA.N MEREDITH,Commissianer HEALTH R.ALPH G.MERRILI.,Depaty Commiaeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapector :�ugust 25, 1970 i:onorable ?�':ayor and Ci�tv �ouncil Saint Pfzul, T�:Iin.�es�;-,a Gentlemen ar_d a�:�dar�s Joseph R. ::emo inaicas anpli.ca�ion for the trar�sfer of (�. Sale Liqtior iicense Tio� 772? and Sunday On Sala Liquor Licensa I:o. 3786 issued "to him at 156 '�l. Seventh �trset and axpirin.g January 31, 1971, to 770 ;. Seventh Stree�. jhe pre�ises at 770 E. Seventh Street svere licensed as an On aale Liquor establishment from 1930" until July, 1963, licenses being held by the �ayton's Bluff Cor�ercial C1ub. The Club eon,tinued operating as a 3.2 estab- lishment until about January, 1.965. In. January, 1968, it z��as ter.:porarily opera�ed as a dance hall by ':�recay Properties, :Lnc. and r�ost recently as a i;in�o �all for a short tir►e. Joseph t�. 1`'emo �-ias held an (h�. Sale Liquor license jointly since 1955 and individually since P:ay, 1955. �i erv �ruly yours, ,�� � �-` � License �ns�ector O St. Paul, Minnesota August 24, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: I, Joseph R. Nemo, respectfully ask that the liquor and miscellaneous licenses now held by me at 156 W. Seventh�Street, which location was demolished after purchase by the Civic Center Authority, be transferred to 770 E. Seventh Street, the sight of the former Dayton's Bluff Com- mercial Club. This location previously had a liquor license located here. I have entered into a rental agreement with the owner of the property at 770 E. Seventh with an option to buy. I anticipate purchasing prop- erty connecting this location with the intention of providing off- street parking for approximately 70 vehicles. Y think you will find that my operation of the liquor license held in St. Paul for the past thirty years will stand on its own merits. Any eonsideration will be greatly appreciated. � Very truly yours, � � Joseph�R. Nemo � . , � .. • . e � CITY OF SATNT PAUL ` DEPART�Iv'T OF PUBLIC S�k'ETy L ZCENSE D NTS IOA �,� �v�. 11 �"�-�*� 1, Application for Joseph R. Nemo transfBr of liq_uor L3,cenae 2. Name of appl,icant ���, R_ NPMn .. 3, Business addreas 7?n �_ 7,���, St, PP . � Residenoe__�2g1 Ifennard 4. Trade nauxe, iP any Joe's Saloon 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax StampYeS 1�tail Ziquor �ederal Tax St�mp Y��3.11 be ueed. 6. t�i what f7.00r loea�ed Basement & lst Number of' roa�ns used Three 7. Betvueen what aross stree�� � �/�_ y�hich aide aP street �ir.-.+�s�i, --•�•_-- _..... � �. �. 8. Are premises now oaaupied�_'Yihat business Haw long 9. Are �premises now unoQaupied Yes Haw long vacant 1 week Pxev3,ous Uee Boy�s club 14. Are ;�ou a na�r own.er��Have you been in a similar busineas before Yes Where Npmn�� Rar , 1►�hen the last 30 .years , 11. Are you goin� to operate thia business personally Yes If not, who will operate it 12, Are ynu in any other business at the present tam� No 13. Have there baen any comp7,aints against your operation of this type oP plaoq No �,... �hen l�here 14. Iia�cre you ever had any license revoked No TNhat reason snd date 15, Are you a citizen of the United States yeS Native Yes Natux�alized _......_.. _......�.. 16. 1Nhere vv�re you born St. P$ul Date of birth �/].L�/1919 -— . ,.. �.,.._,._,. 17, T, am�n� married. My (wife's) (�,r��) name and addresa is Rose A. •Nemo 06 18, (If ma rrie d f ama le� my ms iden name is 19. Hcr�v long have you 13ved i,n S`t. Paul 5Q vears . � 20. Have you ever bsen arrested NQ Xiolatiori of what orima.ilal 7.aw or ordin�►xtoe ___._...r...._ ,,.�,-�..,,,_, 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul g Yes Na• (An.awer full.y and completel�, Theae a lications are thorou h1 ohecked and e►m Palsifioation wtll be causa for denia . (Q�g� 22, Number of 3.2 places within two blocsks R��t 23, Closeat intoxicating liquor p3aae. �. Sale �•,3���r DP#' Sa1a � d t.�ls. 24, Nearest Chureh S,�C,JQ�v ff�g,Q�f Nearest School .��G/P E!I / crP 25. Number of booths Tables Cha�.r� Stoo7:s 26. V�fhat occupation have you followed for the past five years. (Give name� of employers and dates so empl�yed.) er mo�o �ar 27. Give names and addresses of �vao peraons, residents of S�, Paul, lU[inn„ �o csax� giv+e infar�,tion concerning you. Name ��o� �Q���a� �ddress 9l�5 Flandrau, St. Paul, Minnesota, Name Jo�}r�,� Vannelli _ .Address 72 N. Victoria, St. Paul, Minnesota. I � .� i_ t re App ica �ta te �f Nlin.n.e s ota� jss County of Rams ) �-� ��Y�.R�✓x-c� bei.ng first du�y sworn, deposes and $ays u t that he has rea the foregoing statement bearin� his si�r�'�ura and l�ows he contents thereof, and that the sam� ia true of hia o�,m l�owledge e�ae�t �a to t se matters therein sta�ced up�n informati�n and belief and aa to those mat�era e bel�_eves them to ba -crz�a. Szg e o Applioant Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��� day of �197� G�� � Notary Pubii , msey County, Minna a My C o�nis a on pirea r o �a�- �9 � � (No�e a �hese atatement forms are izs duplicate. Both copies must be f'u11y filled ou�, no�tarized, and returned to the License Divisicra,�r DOROTHY J. MUNKE�WITZ ' Notary Public, Ramsey County, h4ir,r,. Mx Commission Expires O.ct 25,.19Z0 ' AFF ID�,V IT B Y APPL ICANT • FOR RETA7Z BEER OR LIQUOR I;ICENSE R= Sale Liqu or Sale I,iQenae Name of applicant ,Toaenh R. Nemo Bu�i2less addY°ess __ 770 F. 7th S�r��t St�. Pat�l � Are y�ou the sols owner of this buainess?��. If' n.ot9 i� it a partnerahip? corp�ratiom4 , otther? Othera interested in busa.ness, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherwises None Nam� Add re s a Ho�r If a csorporation, give its nama Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor buaineas? No ,Ae aole awner? Partner3 Stockholder? Othe�se? (Through loan of money9 etce Explain� Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same � Sig ure appl oant State of M:►.nne s ota� )ss C o tq of l�mae� ) � ��/�2�vu-o being first duly sworn, deposea and sa;ys upon oath aa read the f�regoing affidavit bearing hia signature and lmo�vs the contents h eof; trtat the same is true of his arom lrnowledge, except ae to those matters therein. s tsd upon infoxmation and belief e�nd as to those ters he believas them to be true. ,� S g ure applicant Subsoril�� and sworn to bafore me thia �� � day of 19�_ , L� m � , u-/ ota ry ub c, sey C ounty, AQi s ota DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ �ST OOInri1�.881oTi AXp'1rA8 �'O��,�.�► 19 p Notary Public, Ramsay County, Minn. � My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 � � � s�a� � ��so��) CpUNTY OF RA�SEY ) �8 �TogPnh R. �emo being first duly srorarn, doth depose and say that he makes thia �ffidavit in connectian with applioation for " �n S�le" liquor licenae ("��/ S'ale� malt beverage license) i.n the �ity of Saint Paul, Minneaota; that yot�r affiant is a resic�ent of the 3tate of Minnesota and has rssided therein for 51 yeara, - months, aad is now and has been for the time �bor�e mention.ed a bor� fide reeident of said State and the�t he now reaidea at � Addreas �t,L,Paul , Mirinesota. Ci• yorTo�m Subaoribed and s�rorn to before me this � �� day of �-Q.tic- �- 19 �J� . � 6 vt-1 o�ary b o, ey County, eaota M,y csou�i sio expires 10 '�_/ � DOROTHY J. MUNKELWIT2 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mini�±" My Commission Expires Oct.25, 1�7�