250159 �ORI:s..AL TO CITY CLCRK ����;�� CITY OF ST. PAUL C�OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LI���,sL cor�sml� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i-':.U�USt `2O� 1970 COMMISSIONER �ATF PAGL TJo. 2 of 2 pabes Royal Sel^vice, Inc. Fi�::z':OLV:�: T�iat lice�ses to operete s�,id motor ve'_�icles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Sa,int Pa.ul, be anri the s�me �se hereby gr�n ed to the i o;;al Servic�:, Iz1c. db� Radio �ab. NE'4i Transfer from Dick ��'in�ertzol�. db�, rtadio Czb Info-rmally ap-y roved by Counci� April 9, 1970 Address: 530 Stinson ��ve. st. Paul, P��inn. 55103 RUG 2 0 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nayg �r,:�k� � ±� ����j B�#,le� Carlson A roved 19— Levine Favor Meredith or Sprafka b Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AUG 2 2 �y70 �� � OR14 N���-TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. ��� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC;�I�TSE CONIPIITT"�� COU IL RESOL TI N—GENERAL FORM coMMlssiONE �TE Au�ust 20� 1970 WHER.E�S: The Roy�.l Service, Inc. dba .:tadio Cab has made Applic�:,tion L-2767 for licenses to operate ten (10� motor vehicles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint PG,kl, described as follows: Ta�icab No. ri<;ke S�rial Insura.nce Q Plymouth PT41B74156198 Northwestern National Ins. Co. of P�iilwaukee 8 Plymouth �r41ss�131935 lolicy c�� gl0003670 �;xpiring 12:01 �;.I�:. ST 9 Plymouth �T4�aD325613 7-25-71 10 Plymouth i=T41COD173776 " " '' " 35 Plymouth PT41Bg6154175 " „ '� " 37 �1;�:;�.lth �41COD173779 " " " " 3e rlym�:,uth �.�141874153212 �� �� " �� 50 Pi�m��uth �^i41B��1;1.g38 " rj �r ,r 64 rlymouth r�411�7�1561g9 " " �� '' 70 Plymouth F'-*�41COD172778 " " " " t�ll �-�Rut�S: S�,id �.p;:1ic=;nt h�;.s filed a copy of the insurc.nce x�o?icy with the City of ���in� Paul z.nd sa.iu �olicy has been ap,:rov .d as to �'or� �d execution by the Cor���r,_,tion Counsel, ti?erefore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approve�l 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty �� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � '��,- ` Capital oP Minnesota / � 9 �-" �" / v �e a�t�sceut a k�lic a et �� � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIItE ALARM ItOGER M. CONWAY, DeDaty Comaissioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, License In�peetor 1:pri1 g� 1970 Honorable N�,yor and City Gouncil Saint raul, Nlinnesot!. Gentlemen: Royal Services, Inc. d�b�a Radio Cab Company is joined by Dick J. Fingerhols, also d�b�a �R<:;dio Cab Cor.:pany, in makin� application for the transfer of ten (10� taxi�ab licenses from Dic�> J. Fingerholz to the Royal Services, Inc. who will con�inue to oper�.te t'r�em ur.der the firm n;ame of Radio Cab Co. Currer_tly the Royal �ervices, Inc, operate 20 vehicles as taxicabs. P�ir. Fingerholz, curre��_tly has 11 vehicles operated as taxicabs. F�e has sold to the Royal Services, Inc. Nos. 2,8,9� 10, 35r 37� 38, 50, 64, and 70, �:nd is retaining No. 113 which he will continue to operate under his oi,m name. Attached is a copy of the Royal �ervices, Ir_c. application a,nd letters of request. Very truly yours, • ��,h,� � . License Inspector '-� c;,,,,.v"� � � � U �O '� ,. `;, , . ,. �. trk ,, , ', � . < .. � � +� � , ��, ° ���,�„w APPL::C9,:.,''�'71�� F+�P 7'�X�C� LICENSE , Trz:�tSF; T�y IS:"�id .J.L./�... . . . . � DEPAR`i'P�'�PTT OF- I; SAFETY ST. PAIII,,�A �,.,<. � �+,s � Date "� i 19��w ._.__.. Inform�tion required �rith appliaatioa for � �� Taxicab Lioen�e, _. �.� Name of Applio�nt Age�� Addreas of �Ppliaant�?�SC.�,�.ja� � �,-� ��. I'��� K 's2- g� ` �,�',, �". I have resided in the City of Saint Paul � Years��,�A�onthe�. p�y previous addresa,.was Name of Pre aent G�vner of Taxioab / �: � e /Q O +�^� ��"'� , : qddrees of P:�e et�nt Owner of Texioab 1 " Q �� The y a re naw ope ra te d a s �� /.�.�� �� /�. �� � I will oontinue to operate them as ��,��LL��� --���r� They are now li.r.enRed with 19�� City LiQenae Nos.,�—�'C'—'�-/1�"3� �7�3�� �f/"' ✓�...._.... Are you a aiti.dn of the United States? D?ative ,�_Natu�lisad � VVhere were you �vrxi �Jhen? r2o, Day Yesr. .r�..�.._ I am msrried. r�y (wife �s) (husband�s) name and address is ��� Have yau evsr been arrested Yiolation of yrhat law or ordin�noe � _ � r�/� �.�/ � 8ta te of �4in�ne a ata) Sl e o App �n ) SS C ounty of 1Zams s y ) - �0�� �_,,� � ,�pjj��� being firet duly aworri and ia a banafide 're e C of au , eposes snd eaye upon osth the►t he ��►s read the foreg�ing atetern,eat bearing (his) (her} ai�;ns►ture and knw�rs the ntante thereoP, snd that the same is �rue to (his) (her) vnoarledpe, Su d and swarn �o before me � is dsy . ' �w19� , e , sv � Dty aommie s ion expirea ��; c�u�.-:�r �. �����vs�cE Notary Pi�biic, Fta�„sey�County, Nilnn. "�R ,�k�_ � My Commission Expires Jan.13, 1974 . ' � . RA�DIO CAB COMPANY 530 STINSON STREET ST. PAUL. MINN. 55117 PHONE: 222•3633 ' April 7, 197�. License Bureau, Dear Sir: I sold ten cabs to Royal Service Inc. License #2, #$, #9, #10, #35, #37, #3$, #5�, #64, & �70. Please change your records. . , , I Thank you. ' Yours truly, � • LG� ' �'f'`� ` � ' Dick Fing rhols. G��RGE H. 1�VELLS • N�ry missic+nRE Pi►�s Octn 16�197' My �J /`f� S��V _ . . y_,_ �e . �.� , Ap�il 9, 1970 Hon. W�t. S. CatLon� Caur. o! A�blic Satety, Tenth nnd Ninn. StB., St. P�tul, Nitm. Attna ldr. D4nie1 P. McLsu�].in D�ar Sir: Th� Gity Coaaail tod�y it�i'c�a13,y approv�ed the spplication at Rayai 8ervicse, Ina.,, dbn Radic Cab Ca�y, �oinud by Dick J. 8ingerholz, also dba Radio Cab Campaqy, fo� th� tranrf�r af t�n (10) tasicab liae��s t'��va Dick J. irin�erhola to th�e Hoyat Serniaaa, Iac., rho irill �c�tim�s to aperate tl�ann und�tr tbe fira► neme of Radio Csb Co. Will you please prepare the cuetc�ry reaalutian? Very truly yo�a, City Cltrk hp St. P�aul, �Iinn. April 8, 197Q LicenBe nureau CitS* of St, Paul Dear Sir: The Roy�.l. Serviae, IMO. an owner �,nd op�r�.tor o� �everal cabs as Radio Cab Co�pany have purchas�d �Che f411owin� t�adoabs Nos. 2� 8� 9• �Qf 35• 37► 3a• �Q� �4� �d 74r (ten) f�c►m Diak J. FingerY�als wk�o a2�o aperated them ae R�.dio Ce,b ComPany , and they will be aontinued as the sam� £ir� r�me. Pleaae change yaur records. �a,nk you. Your� truly� k�ffion�. Steven�� P�ceeide�.t Roya3 5erv3ce# Ina. ; � —�_.—� ( ' , � ����� J� -�� St. I'+�ttl, Minn. 4•e�7o License Bure�u Dear Sir: Dick J. F'in=3erholz� o�mer and aper�,tox a� eleven taxicab�� sold ten of them to th� Royal Servic�, Tnc., and retained one which h+� wiil con�inue to opera,te. �3ot� paacties opermte under the �trade name of Radio C�b Campaany �,nd the Radio Cab �omp�.ny ap�rvve� of th3,�a ehan�e. Very truly youre, �t�ymond Stev�ns, �.reetor Bo�°d af Director Hadio Cab Company _-----.... ... �.... ;/J /� _ ( c �!��� ���,.r=-. � = �