250158 ORIGINAIyTO CITY CL6RK �k-�■ ��;�(�11 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��U 1" • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO LIC���S� COI��i�ll� COUN�I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y AU�U�t ZO� 1.970 COMMISSIONE AT� 4�"ri�,'RE;HS: The Royal Service, Inc. dba Radio Cab has made lipplication L-5187 for licenses to oper��te tv�o (�) motor vehicles 2s ta.�:icabs upon the streets of the City of Sain� P2,u1, de:scribed as follows: Ta.a�icab No. Piake Serial Insurance 4 Bord 7P51E1F2863 T�Torthwestern National Ins. Co. of Ijil�:�aukee Policy CGA 910003670 65 Ford 8PS1E141890 :�xpiring 12:01 1',.ri. ST 7-25-71 �:''r�2r.;hS: Saia �:pplic�:,nt has filed a copy of the insur�n.ce policy r,iith the City of Saint Paul and sa.i.d polic�, has been apyoroved as 1;o form �.nd execution by the Corporation Counscl, therefore, be it Rc;SOL�'��: a'hat licenses to oper��:te said �otor vehicles as t��xiczbs upon the stre�ts of the City of Sain-L P�:ul, be and the s�.u�e a.re hereb;; �r^Vn�;ed to the Royal �;E:rvice, Inc. dba i�ac,.io Cab. I�Ti,'�J Tr�,nsfer from Harriette L�e In�'ormally ap_�roved by Council July 23, 1;70 .�ddress: 530 Stinson ��ve. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� AUG 2 0 191019_ Yeas Nays �._ �q►�z; � •� ry��0 Carlson roved 19— Levine ��� Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A8'���t Mr. President, McCarty 2+�+ +y�� ��ya�,�s�,�.� AU G �� ' � t . . I � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . ' Capital of Minnesota � 2 �rs� e1Je aNtrne�tt o ub�C'c �a et � � � ADbIINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PAOTECTION po�cs DEAN MEREDITH, Commisaioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Depnty Commleeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspector July 14, 1970 Honorable Ma,yor ar�.d City Council Sa.int Pa,ul, Niinnesota Gentlemen and �iadam: Currezitly �Iarriette C. Lange vwns and operates two motor vehicles �s taxicabs under Licenses Iv'os. 4 �nd 65, dba Radio Cab Conpany. Ha.rvey and�or Harriette Lange have operated such ve�?icles a,s cabs ��ritYi t'r�is firm since 1952. t�pplication is made for the transfer of these two licenses from Harriette C. LangE as an individual to the Royal Service, Inc. who �rill cor�tinue to operate t��em �,s . the Radio Ca,b Comaan�r. Currently the Roya,l �ervice, Inc. operate 32 vehicl�s , under the i�adio Cab Compan;� name. 1�ttached is a copy of the tl.eir letters of rec�uest and info��:�al a��plic;:�tion for such transfer, Very truly yours, �.�P�'� � Licen�e Inspector . �' W.,�`�. • 4 �I � ( � �i � �'� ` �� �` � � J 0 � • � ti RADiO CAB CC� MPANY � �--___-_-.__ _.--_==---_�--__- 530 STINSON STREET ST, PAUL. MINN. 55117 � PHONE: 222-3633 July 10 1970 • �,, � � LiQense Buresu� ' Dear Sira; I sold 2 cabes to Royal Servioe Inc� Zioenee No #4 and #65. Please ohange your recorda. Theank you. . � � �� , . Notary ' Subscribed and sworn to before me Th i s - �O�-� day of �k � 19 '�C� � Notary Puhlic, Ramsey Coimt , Minnesota • . My com 'ssion expir �t � / �, . - I � ROOER D. TASLER � � NotarY Publlc,RamseY County,Minn. �Y�mml�ion ExPires May 5�1977. • .,�r��x..,� M � . RADtQ CAB COMPANY � =---- _ _ . --- .- -_-_ -_--- - 530 STINSON STREET ST. PAUL. MINN. 55117 PHONE: 222-3633 To Whom It May ConcPrn : Harriette L�n�;P owner an�i operater of two Ra�i�o Cabs #,S 4 and 65 sold t,h�m to Royal SPrvice Inc. Roya1 S�rvice Inc. will cont,�nue to operate these C,�bs 4 and 65 as Radio Cab. � ROYAL SFR IC�� ZNC. ' ,,�GZtrc-tQ- ��G • ����c�� . ��9, ��'�_��� ,��. Subscribed anc3 s � , n to beforP me Thi.� d_'� da of �.� �r 19 7°._._ ---�"` - - - �� _ _ �___. __ .�_ N�fi•ary bl_i c, Ramsey CoUnty, Mi nn��ot.a My Comm1 s�i on expires R���s��. _-r . Notary Public, Ramuey County, Minn. � ', My Commisslon Explres May 5, 1977. � . - .,rfi;'.»,u�•� � � , , , •� � . • � _ APP.L:�C9,:::T01� F��� Z'�_hiCA� LICENSE '. T"r�T�r�' "�Ita IST(::d .J.t J�' DEPAR'�fiT�i`TT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ST. PAIIL, �'IrTFI;SOTA " Date 19 ���:-- • -=�-- EaPor�tion requirad with applioation for � Taxicsb Liaenae. Nama oP APpliosnt.�Y'.!� ��L7',�,et e. A� Ce�� , Addresa of $pplicant ���i�, �� Sinoe .. I have resided in the City of Ssint Paul ��� Yesrs�wA?ontha. p2y previous addre s a was gpn�� Name of Pre sent GZvner esf Taxiaar j���� �tn� �y � pddreas oP P:�esr�nt Owner of Tsxioab���� (�� g���� , They a re now ope rated s s �iQ..f3ab $as�a. . . .^+ . . . .. 1 will cor..tinue tu operate them se �io �b ��� . The�y are now li.^ensed with 19 +�p City Lioenee Nos. � �� 6�_ --,-� --�---•- qr�e you a citisan of the United S•bates? A?ative Platuralizsd ' 1Nhere vaere you bvrn V+�hen? DZo.�Day Year. . I am msrried. PRy (wife �s) (hueband�a) name snd sddress ie Hava you ever been arrested �� r r � Vicle�tion of wh�t law or �rdinanve . �..�..�c„�t„ :.+- f.�.r '"1�..�. _ 9�_ e!�?' �� State oP r4innesota ��� Sigr�a ure o p cs '' � ss C qu�ty of Rsma e y ) V� r � ( �, � � � f being firet duly sw�rn and ia a bonafide resic�an of e C�y of;sa�n Pau�l,c�eposea �nd asys upon oath that he has read the foregoing atatement besring (his) (�as�r) �i�;nature and kno�ers the c`ontente theraaP, snd that the asme ia true to (his) (�r) �r►oe�led�;e. Subsaribed � sw�rn to bef r me this sy f 19 7� , o ary yu , Rsm�e a y, so • RO(iER D. T1ISLER My aammi:aeion expi �'�'Pub�+�, RamSe - XP r����aY 5, 197�a r . � cS't• �ll].� M711riA50'�& .Z-ia-Zo Royal Service LInc. dba Radio Cab �30 Stinson Ave. To the Applioants Your application fpr licenses has been inf orns lly approved by �he Liaense Committee and �he City Council, This favorable �ction meana that you xr�y now coarnplete negotiations for transfer �f title to property and procaed wi.th improveinenta you �y have in mind. You should now go t� the City Clerkts Office, 386 Court House, and p�y the feea required f or lioenses listed below. You wi31 reaeive a bl.ue receipt, �rhich you must bring to the License Inapectorts Officse, 202 Publio Safe�y Building. The 13cenaes wil7. be gran�ed by the City Council when all requirements of the Police, Fire and H�alth �nspeators have been me�. LZCEmTSE CUA�IITT�E Trfr. �2� cabs � 90.00 (From H�rriett Lance� Nos. 4 and 65 est nt 1 Ma lt � f 1 Nf� t � C rett 2ota1 $ �0.00 N.B. If you are applying far �'alt Bev�erage licenses, please read carefully the "R�gulations Governing the Sale of (h�. and Dff Sale 3.2 Malt Beveragett whiQh havQ been handed to yau. Viol.ations of any of the regulations �rill be oause f or revocat ion 'of all of.�rour licenses. 7-23-69 23, 1974 1 ___._...� � �.�_�.�� ., ,�., Hon. Dea,n Meredith `v' Comsr, of Pttblic 3aPety Public Saf'�ty Building � \ � Dear Sir: At e t � . Mr. 7�.nie1 MeLaughl.in � The City Counc�l today �y,r app� ed the applieation fox the tratasfer oP two Ta ab licen fro��tarriette C. Lange as an individua,l to th� yal s5ervic , Inc.�rho wi1.1 continue to operate the�n as the dio Cab Co: ' Will you plea�e rep the cus resolutlran covering this matter? /�_��,> �., � very► trwa, y�rs, GYty Clerk �