03-454O�IGI�IA� Presented Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIlVNESOTA �� Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, on October 24, 2001, the City Council, by Resoluuon Number Ol-ll01, adopted a siiminary of the Trout Brook Greenway Plan and Community Vision for Lower Phalen Creek as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted as official City policy the redevelopment of brownfields in the Lower Phalen Creek area into a nature sanctuary and bicycle path in several chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Summary and General Policy (adopted March 24, 1999), the Land Use Plan (adopted March 3, 1999), the Mississippi River Corridor Plan (adopted March 14, 2001), the Parks and Recreation Plan (adopted January 9, 2002), and the Transportation Plan (adopted January 9, 2002); and WHEREAS, on November 7, 2001 the City council, by ResoluUOn Number O1-1206, authorized the acquisition from the Burlington Northern Railroad of 27 acres of property in the Lower Phalen Creek area with the intenuon of developing it into the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary; and WHEREAS, 17 acres of the site are contaminated primarily with peuoleum products and will be devoted to conservation uses (the "ConservaUOn Property"), and 10 acres of the site are contaminated primarily with hazardous chemicals and will be devoted to recreation purposes (the "Recreauon Property"); and WHEREAS, the cost of cleaning up the contaminauon on the site is estimated to be nearly $ i million, $250,000 of which has been contributed by the former owner of the property in fulfillment of its responsibility to clean it up; and WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency provides funding through its Brownfield Cleanup Grant Program, with separate funds for cleaning up petroleum contaminafion and hazardous chemical contamination; and WHEREAS, in February of 2003, the United States Environmental Protection Agency invited the Ciry of Saint Paul to submit an applicauon for $200,000 in funding to clean up petroleum contamination on the Conservauon Property and another application for $200,000 in.funding to clean up hazardous chemical contamination on the Recreauon Property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paui, Minnesota that the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to apply for a$20Q000 Brownfield Cleanup Grant to remediate petroleum contamination on the Conservauon Property, and far a$200,000 Brownfield Cleanup Grant to remediate hazardous chemical contamination on the Recreation Properry; and Council File # O 3 y s y Green Sheet # 204058 G:�Shazed�RE�REAL WPdata�Acquismons�BmceU�owexPhalenCreelL,Vento�AE2001-06.LPCP.EPA.Rzs.wpd 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 �� 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 �2 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 i R ���r�� O�.�ls�f Council File # Green Sheet # 204058 Page 2 BE IT FURTFIER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its applicarion the Ciry may enter into an agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the above-referenced project and that the Mayor of the Ciry of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project. Adopted by Council: Date aao Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by M By: � t� G:�Shazed�RE�REAL Requested by Department of: Teehnologv & Manaeement Services By: � Approved by Fina�ial ervices r By: � Form Approved by jty Attorney by r: .EPA.Res.wpd �� �_, �� �— By. - j � 3 -'-l5 T.MS./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Apri116, 2003 Green Sheet Number: 204058 ntactPeison and Phone N 2 EPARTMENT DIRECPO � CITP COiTNCII, Peter White �• 266-8853 1 ATro�T ��, ct'� UDGET DII2EC1'OR 3 FFiCE OF F7P7ANCL4L SVCS os[beonComdAg�daby: ebi.�,r'$,�'. � YOR(ORASS7STt11�7T) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Approval to authorize Citp officials to apply for a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assist with clean-up of the future Bruce Vento Natnre Sanctuary property. COMNIIiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) $$ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWGR THE FOLLOwiNG: PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFF i. Has the person/£mn ever worked under a con4act for this deparOnent? YES NO RECE{VEQ A��sperso�✓SrmeverbeenaCStyemployee? YES NO aVII, SERVICE COMMISSION Bi�F% � ,'�s �UU� . Doesthisperson/Srmpossessasitillnotnorn�allypossessedbyany YFS NO CIB COMMI7'CEE cm�reat _ - - _ . " .- REAL ESTAiE p(V(StOP� e11p E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atta . FP d?. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? YC,d a` OUNCIL � DISTRICT Q ARD(S) PLANIVING a � 3q � COUNCIL ., rt +:'.: ,��, ," &33 r< HI17ATING PROBLEM, LSSOE OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whai, W6en, Where, Why?): '� The U.S. EPA pxovides funding through its Brownfield Cleanup Grant Program, with separate funds for cteaning up petroleum contamination and hazardous chemical contamination. The City was invited.to apply for a$200,000 Brownfield Cleanup Granf to remediate petroleum contamination on the "conservation property" within the Bruce Vento Natwe Sanctuary, and for a$200,000 Brownfield Cleanu Grant to remediate hazardous chemical contamination on the remainder of the sanctuary property. The cost of cleaning up the contamination on the site is estimated to be nearly $1 miilion. $250,000 has been contributed b the former owner of the ro e, and $405,000 from co orate and foundation ants. VANTAGES IF APYROVED: The City will have sufficient funding to remediate all Known environmental contamination in accordance with a Volun Res onse Action Plan a roved b the Minnesota Pollu�ion-Conlro�,� " ISADVe1NTAGES IF APPROVED: t3 lvone � A€�R i � 2(3�3 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ,v=a e�°��/ /�. TT�� ��� tl i /`0 ff � The City will be unable to complete the remediation phase, which is necessary before the site can be developed for use by the public. OTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES NO ixcsouxcE: Federal Grant - EPA ncTivrrYNOMSEx: NANC7AL IIVPORMATiON: (EXPLAI� G.�Slured�RE�REAL WPdaw44cquisinons�Bruce�inwerPhaleaGee�VentoWE2001-06.LPCP.EPA.res.GS.frm