03-453Return copy to: Reai Fstate Division 140 City Hall @n) RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r��neea B Referred To cou�►�il N�le # 03 • `�S"� Green Sheet #.� 0 4 ��� �� Committee: 1 WHEREAS, parcel code PIN 25-29-23-43-0050 and being described as Humphrey's Addition to Saint 2 Paul, That part between Parkway and Minnehaha Avenue of Lot 6, Block 3, is taac forfeited properry, held 3 in Trust by the State of Minnesota; and, 4 5 WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul, has requested the Real Estate 6 Division to make appiication for a KUse Deed" for this parcel, for right-of-way purposes, from Ramsey 7 County Tas Forfeit Division; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, hereby authorizes the proper City officials to execute an appiicauon for the above described parcel for the stated purpose at a total cost to Public Warks. $29.66 which is to be chazged to GL-001-02157-0881 ,. , ��; T.M.S./YtEAL ESTATE DatR: Apri130, 2003 Green Sheet N ber: 204144 DIVISION ��n�a� 4 ��,�. nfact Puson and Phone Nmnber: 1 en°s'�vs °'ffi BobNovak 2(>6-5850 �+.cma y axicr.wcnm. 3 xoaiosastsmxn saz,u.�ami» ust be on Council A enda b. a 14, 2003 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SZGNATORE) CTION REQUESTID: pprove resolution authorizing the Real Estate Division to apply for a tax forfeited parcel needed by Public orks for ri ht-of-wa oses at the intersection of Como and Minnehaha Ave. ,uiom:neraove�n>oaxF.m.c� �� ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWCR THE FOLLOWING: r'�""� � sT^�"n . Aas the perso�firm ever worked mder a contract for this department? YES NO rnwsmrvicecorm�oN . Hasthisperson2irmeverbeenaCStyemployee? YES NO � MM � zP . Does this personlfirni possact a s6�71 not nonnally possessed by azry lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and atfach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBSECIZVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): arcel is needed to allow improvements to the Como/ Minnehaha intersec6on geometries � VANTAGES IF APPROVPD: �.., �n�43Y 'ty acquires property at a nominal cos� � ���� � : � v �� �. �e,s � 'p�;�� � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVID: . ODC ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: cquisition cost would cost the City more. ozr.L nMOUNZ o� x�xsncTTOx: 29.b6 cosTr�vE� suncE�v �cmcLEOn�� �s xo . mtcsouxcE: GL-001-02157-0881 ACTIVITYNUMBER: ANC7AL INFORMATiOATe (EYPLAIN) -