248549 �M 248��9 CRIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �r ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNC E OL TION— E ERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE Robert F. terson DATF �ril 2�.. 1Q70 Whereas, it haa been found necessary to eh�ange, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and speeifications heretofore approved for the prc�posed ixprovement of JEFFERSOI� AVE1�tiE from Lexington ParkWaq to West Seventh Street (Ci�y Pro�ect P-t�83 �.nel�zding N�0282 and P-0116D3B) as approved April 9, 1970, by Council Resolution C.F. No. 24829�, ncn�r therefore upon the reeo�enclation of the Co�issioner of Public Works be it� Resolved, �hat the p].ans and speeifications for tYse a.bove nsmed i�pravement, as approved by the Council, be a,nd the same axe hereby changed, modifi�d and amend.ed in accords,nce s,rith Addend.um No. 3, xhich is attached to and mad.e a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plan.s and apecifications, and that further all interested parties be notified of this A@dendtam. %� �� , �W APR z 3 ���e COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson l�!R 2 3 1970 Dalglish Approved 19— e Meredith Tn Favor (� �ers68' /� Sprafk� CJ ��t//j Mayor Tedesco A Sainat ,;;����• ���a. PUBLISHED APR 2� 1970 ��Ir• V$oe Yrerideat (Peteraon) �� . � ..i. . Y . � ... ������ �� C ITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUB,LIC NORKS Grading a,nd pavimg of JEFFERSOIV AVENiJE from I�exington Paxkway to West Seventh Street and constructing Bridge PIo. 62517 over Short Line Road (City Pro�ect P-0�+83 including N�0282 and P-0116D3B) ADDENDUM N0. 3 Item No. 2�+11.501B, Concrete Mix No. 3Y�+3, on the Proposal Form and on the Statement of Estimated Qua,ntities (Plau Sheet �-) should be changed ao that the approxi�,te qua.ntity is 68 rather tha.n 135- � DUPLICAT6 TO PRtNTER ����•`�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� Nd. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK HLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �b�Y'� F• P@�FiCT$OTl DATF A ril 1��/O COMMISSIONER P� 7-J Whereas, it haa 'been Pound necessary to change, modif'� and amend certain portiana of �the plans e.nd specification6 heretofore approved for the proposed improvement of J'ET'FERSON AVENUE fram I,exington Parkway to Z�est Seventh Street (City Pro�ect P-G483 inc�,uding M-0282 and P-0116D3B) es approved Apr31 9, 1970, by Council Resolution C.F. PJo. 2�+8294, naw theref'ore upon the reco�nendat3.an of the Cam�al.ssioner of Public Works 'be it, Ftesol.v�d, that the pla.ns a.nd specif3cations for the above n�aa�ed improvement, as approved by the Cauncil, be and �he sr�e are hereby changed, modified and amended in aceord.ance with Addendura No. 3, which is attached to and �,d.e a part o� this Resolution and of t2ae aforem�ntioned plans and epecifications, and thr�t further a1.1 interested pt�rti�s be notif ied of thi� Adc7.endtam. �� � � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � $����a; ;� � ;1�.��' Dalglish Approved V �'�`��`� 19— Meredith �... Tn Favor �� �, Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedesco :�� �'aresade�'��'B�n�; "'",`.. f ��:t IYf�•. "o!f�:,� F'r�air�r��,: ���::re>cn) �� �������;¢;�� CTTY OF Sl�IIJT PAUL DEPAF�TMEI�T OF PtJSLIC WaRkGS Gr�.din� and pavirig o� � �FEI�:ON Ay�'�E �'rom L�xington Park`►ay to West Seventh Street and construct�.n� Bric'�e No. &�5i7 over Sho�:� Line Road (City Pro�ect P-0!�$3 including M-0282 end �-0�.6�3H) ADDETTIJUM No. 3 Item No. 2411.5p1B, Con�r�te r�.x No. 3Y�3, on the Praposal k'orm r�nd on the 5`tat�nt �►�' �stimated Quantities (Plan Sheet �►) should be chea�ged av th�t the approx3.mate qt.iantity is 6$ re►tl�er than 135. �R 2 � 197� �� f? t S.`���