248547 / OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF -ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��LJ��{4F� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'• Lzc��TS� cor���iTT� COUNC RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 23, 1.97� COMMISSIONE DATF WI�F�S: The Minnesota Organization for the Blind h�.s made apy�lication for permission to conduct Tag Days on Nionday and Tuesday� June 1� and 2, 1970� from sunrise to sunset on the streets of the City of St. Paul, therefore, be it RESOLVr;D: That permission be aa�.d the same is hereby granted to the Minnesota Organization of the Blind to conc+..uct such solicit�a.tions on the d�.;�s, dates� and bet�re en the hours reqaested. REIJ��r%L Inform�.11y arproved by Council April 16, 1970 APR 2 3 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson APR 2 3 1'7� Dalglish / Approved �19�_ Meredith � Tn Favor �� Sprafka Mayor � Against ��Ag Tedesco j�'.`:�,�� S5��': PUBLISHED APR 2 5 1970 Mr. V3�c� Fre�td�nt (Petereon) � e ,� � T� GTlY OF SAIN? PAUL � CaPitsl o! Minnewts � U� 7 �7 �e attirc�.t ���ic �a et p � PoLica Tenth and Minnesota St2'�¢LS HEALTH F1AB PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Canlmiasioner POL(CB AND FIAE ALASM EOGEB M. CONWAY, Depaty Caa�iwiw�r DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, l.iee�s Imysetor April 16, 1970 Honorable Nlayor and City Counc_;1 Saint Faul, Niinnesota Gentlemen: `i'he NirLresot�. Organization for the Blind mt,kes apr�lic�:tion for permission to conduct Ta,g Days on Monday a.nd Tuesday, June l, �nd 2, 1970, from sunrise to sunset. They have complied with Ordinance No. 1333e, amending Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code a.nd Ordin�nces which deals with solicitation of funds. The app-yicG.tion is rnade �ay James Schlet�pegrell, President �nd lzosem�.ry Varey, S ecretaxy. ery truly yours� . P, �.` License Inspector �,... .;...� \„ � t �i '"� ,!'�. �� .'}•+✓ �'� �O � • „ . . C�TY C1F STe �'AUL OPfice of License Inspector 202 Public Safet�r Buildin.g St. P�u18 &�inne s ota 5510I Application for permission to solicit fundss or to conduc� tag days, upon the atreeta of the City �f St. Paul, It�innesota, Date of Application. Feb. 18 19 70 le Name of organisation MINNESOTA ORGANIZATION OF F3LIND Addresa of organization �605 Eustts, St. Peul , Mlnnesota 2. Chief officer of organization ��s �hleppegreli , Pr'esldent 3. Secreta,ry of organization �semery Va�ey 4o Name of person or persons responsible for the distribution of colleeted funcls. Board of Dlrectors 5. Purpose or Dbject for which solioitation is to be made Hon�e and Center of BI i nd 6e U98 to be m�de of funds collected Subsidize Nome and Center of Blind 7a Solicitation will be �de on �une 8 and 9, 1970 dates, betwesn the hours of Sunrtse and Sunset 8. Looation where solicitation will take place Ctty of St. Paul 9e List �he amounts of any wages, fees, eosmnissions, costs or exp�nses p�id or v�ioh are expected �o be paid in eonnection �ith aolicitation.6 Also list names of persons to vvhom pe�srments have been made or will be made and the amounts flf such yments9 (A finaneial s�ateu�nt ineluding this infor�tion may be attacheci,� Meals and trensportatton ot soltcttors �,L,,,�S��gg,o (o��) y A ,'-r !►� ����G w • ��^ T ���rtt�� � �"� :q,;.. ^,a \:i ` ,� r c� ~'�`�c�• � `�a .��� \V 6��� 1Z026��'' r . .. • , 10. Attaeh a copy of bud�et shov�ing solieitations for thia fiaeal or ealendar yea r. ,' llo Ha�re ou resd Cha ter 450 of the St. Paul Le islative Code which rovides Y P g , P v ! for the securing of permission to conducst the solicitation of fwa.ds, or tag , day�, upon the streeta of the City of St. Paul and do you fully underst�nd ; the regulations also provided in said ordinance? Yes � 12o Applioation made in behalf of the above arganization bys I Ra� James Schleppegrell Title or �fPiae President Name Ftosemery Varey Ti�le or Office Secretary STATE QF �+IIPtNTSOTp) )SS COUNT OF�SE } t � I and being duly axorn say that they are tha petitioners in t ove appli on; that they have read the foregoing petition and laiow content nd purpos erepP; that same is true oP their ov�m lrnawledge. ��e� . / Sub�eribed and sworn to before me thia ' T� day of (,✓� � 19 ' c> � ,—� Notary b1ic, sy Gounty, Minnesota N�y coximi.asion expire � � �� �� .�`� �� ,r . � GT" . ������ April 16, 1970 Hon. Wm. E. Carlson, Comar. oP Public Safety, Tenth and Minn. Sts., St. Psul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McI,aughlin Deax Sir: The City Council today informally approved the request of the Minneaota Organization f'or the Blirnd for an application permitting them to conduct Tag Da,ys on Monday and Tuesday, June 1 and 2, 1970, From surn�ise to sunset. Will you please prepaxe the customary resolution? Very truly yours, City Clerk hp