248546 � ORIGINAL�TO CITY CLERK � ����1�� _ �, _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COUN L R SOLU ION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DA?F RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the recommendation of the City� s Health and Welfare Committee, that the City' s Group Contractswith Minnesota Hospital Service Association (Blue Cross) , St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and Group Health Plan, Inc. , be modified so as to define dependent children as follows: "Unmarried children (including step-children, legally adopted children and �oster children) under 19 years of age if not a student, or to age 23 if a student or to the date of marriage, whichever is earliest. The dependent child age limits shall not apply to a dependent child who is incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental retardation or physical handicap and is chiefly dependent upon the In.sured Person for support and main- ten.ance and who becomes so incapable or dependent prior to attainment o� the age limits stated herein if the Company has received satisf actory proof of such condition. " And, be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, That the aforesaid modification of the City� s contracts with the Minnesota Hospital Service Association, St� Paul Fire and Marin.e Insurance Company, and Group Health Plan, Inc. , shall be effective on the date of this resolution; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Minnesota Hospital Service Associ- ation, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and Group Health Plan, Inc. , will accept the following completed form as due notice and satisf actory proof referred to in the definition of dependent children herein above. FURM APPRQVED -�-►�"�yl Asst. Cor'�rati�n � un;e! APR 2 3 1�7.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays I�R 2 3 19 7 0 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith /� n Favor �J - °i'etersrnr �\ Sprafku �J �6��ri� Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O � � . !1 � �`'���`�`� , 2 . To : Mr. John C . Devlin Civil Service Bureau 265 City Hall St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Date As an employee of the City of Saint Paul eligible for the benefits under group insurance contracts , I hereby apply for dependent ' s insurance covering my mentally retarded or physically handicapped child. Name of Child Date of Birth Age Date Disability Began Nature of Disability Name of Physican AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION: I hereby authorize the Physician herein named to release any information acquired in the course of his examination or treatment of my above-named dependent . Employee Signature And be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the requisite rider amendatory of the aforesaid group contracts ; and, be it . _ , . • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 1 . .... . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �`���4� �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 3. FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to send copies of this Resolution to the Minnesota Hospital Service , St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Group Health Plan, Inc . , and the Harry R. Ochs Agency, Inc. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couh��1R 2 3 1�70 19— Yeas Nays Carlson d��R 2 3 1970 Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith _ �� ' n Favor �� Sprafka �� dCtlAy Mayor Tedeaco A gainst '�:6 , , . ����`�" PUBLISHED APR 2 5 1970 au �ie. Presia.at �reterson> � � _ ,r ��-���� aprfl. 3�, 197r� � Mr. John Aev11n Civil Service Bureau 265 city Tiali Saint Paul, Minnesota S51.02 Dear *ir. DPV1in: We are in receipt of the City af Saint �'a�.al Council Resolut�an concerning coverage of unmsrried chii�ren who map be mentally retarded or physically handi.capped, eCc� We are at this time making no chan�e in premmrium. It is, however, my understanding that premiums f�r the �orthcomin� contract period .Ianuary 1, 1971 are ta be filed before July 1, 197Q. [le do expecC to file a chan�e of premium For city employees at that time. Si.ncerelp qours, " l�c� �, B,�v M�urice J. . aq +General Mana�+er P�,J?�t:e f cc: Harry E. '�aX�hall Citp Clerk . ,', '���ar. �, �, ,1' ,,- %� [ � : � � � � ����� A April 23 1970 Minnesota Hoapita,l Service 2610 Un3.versity Ave. St. Pau]., Minnesota Gentlemen: The City Council 8i e ted me to d you the enclosed copy of Council File No. 854�, adop d tc�day, pertaining tc► definition oP depend childre n the City's Group Con- tract with gan eet out in the resolution. Very truly youre, City Clerl�. ang � �'' � ����� April 2 1970 Group Health P1an� Inc, 25QU Como Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The City Co�znail dir ted me to s d you the enclosed copy of Co�,ncil Fil� No. 2�+� , adopt�d ay, perta9,ning to dePinition ot' depebdent childran the Ci e t3roup Contract wi�h your organiz�tio re ut in the resolution. Verq truly yours, City Clerk ng �' � � ��[ ��,� � April 23 1970 St. Pau]. Fire and Marin� Tnsurs Co. 3$5 W�ahing�on St. St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The City Council dir m� to nd y he enclosed copy of Council File Na. 5�+6, adop today, p�rtaining to definition �aP depend t ehildren the City'� Group Con- tract with your Comp n � as more lly eet out in the reso- lution. Veryr truly yours, City Clerk ng G' .;�. � �.� ��� Apri 3y 1970 Harry E. Ochs Agencys Tnc. 3�+5 ceaer st. St. Paul, MinneBOta Gentlemen: The City Couneil flire d me to e d yo h� enclo$ed copy of Council File No. 248 y adopted ay, pertaining to de�inition of dependent childre n the City s Group Contract with youx firm, as more fully a out in t rssol�ztion. Very truly yours� City Clerk ng �,. May 5, 197 Civil Service Bureau 265 City Hall St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council exred to y for your 3n�'ox�cnation thc attached copy of a lettsr o �urice J cKay, General Manag�r oP Gr�up Health P1 , . a reaeipt oP the Council resolution concern cov age of ried chi.ldren wha may be mentally or pY�ysic handicap ed, and stating they axe making no cha,nge i.n pr wa at this nae. Very truly yours, City Clerk AO�ng ,U�+BPOSiAGE �.'.,�yi ,M .... . ''V ,f��� � .�.j .�� '*..anwn-eFr GROUP HEALTH PLAN, INC. ��`� � ' 2500 Como Avenue �.� _ ^` °�- '� � St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 � -- � ,�.�-�- `-` �� ,... "� ���=�:r.e "�� . -. } ti' ,.�_..,.<:�R��'�• ..E'��o.nooscvE�r Mr. Harry E. Marsliall City Clerk Bureau of Records. � 386 City Hall ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102