248536 Ori�iaal to City Clerk � • . ' � ORDINAI\TG��.E �4����s ' �OUNCIL FILE NO � - PRESENTED BY �. ORDINANCE NO � AN 012DINANCE Ah4ENDING CHAPTER 207 OF TH� SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO PER�IITS FOR DRIVEi�AYS, SIDEWALKS, CURBS, ETG. THE CO'�INCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chanter 207 of the Sai.nt Paul Legislative Code pertaining to P�its for Driveways, Sidewalks, Curbs, Etc. be and the same is hereby affiend,�d by adding the followins� section thereto: "The provisions of this ordinance pertainin� to surety bonds shall not apply to any property owned by the Housing and Redeveloament Authority of the City of Saint Paul, the . Saint Paul Port Authority, or any other �overnmental sub- division of ��the State af P�Iinnesota; provided however, that such author�.ty or subdivision shall, in lieu of providing a surety bnnd, a�ree in �ariting to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul from any and all damages, judgments, ` losses, claims, suits or liability of every kind arising out of the maintenance, operation, presence, or removal of any of the structures provided for in Chapter 207 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cede. This agreement -- - shall be filed with the Department of Public Works at the time application for such structure is ma.de." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fro^� and after its passage, appraval and publication. � MpY 71970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson lJ , Dalgliah � � Tn Favor Meredith . Peterson ',, _Against Spra,fka Tedesco � ��� � lg`�0 Mr. President (Byrne) '� A s . _.� Appro d:<'' � . Ci lerk � yor �� Form approved Corporation Counael y . � �AY 81970 _ Daplicate to Pr(nter 6RDINANCE ,,�� -,�5�, . COUNCIL FILE NO � ��c�'�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO���� AN ORDINANCE AtiENDII�iG CF-IAPTEI2 207 OF TkIE SAINT PAUL LEt�ISLA'TIV}c CQL1E PERTAINING TO PEF'.'�2ITS POPL DRIVENI.F�YSa SID�VdALKS, CURBS, ETC. 6 TH� GOWi CIL �7F T�-1E CITY C�F SAINT r���.7L Ci(_lES Clt2I7AIIv: i Section 1. T}aat Chapter 207 af the Saint Paul L�gislati.ve Code ,�artainin�; tc P�:r�nit� for Driveways, Sidewalks, Cuxbs, 8tc. be a.nd the same is hereby amend�d by adding the follcwing section thereto: "The provisions o£ this ordfnanee pertaining to sur�ty bonds shall not anpl}• to any pr�p�rty owne3 by the Housa.ng and tte�lev�lopment 1\uthority of th� City t�f Saint Paul, tb� Saint Pa,ul Port Aut?�ority, or any other govc�rnmental sub- clivisicn of the State of "•iinnesota; pr�vided hcr��cver, that such �.Lthority or subd3vision shall, in lieu of �roviding a surety bond, ag,ree a.n ��ritinpT t� inde:��i�.£yy hold ��armles� ancl d�fencl the City o� S�.int Paul tront any t�nd a12 dama�ea, ��.xdgments, losses, claims, suits or liability of every ki��d arising out o� the maintenance, operatian, presence, or removal of any of the structures �rovidecl for in Chapter 207 af th� Saint Paul L��islat3ve Code. 'This a�rsem�nt shall be £ileci with tl�e Uepartment a� Public t�lorks at th� ti�e apglicatican for $L1C�1 structure is made.�' Sec;tian 2. Tliis ordinance shall take ef.:�sct and be i.n farce thirty (30) days £rcm �nc� �.�ter its �assa�e, appr.oval and �ubli.cation. ` ' �,��� ��;a'f ( Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson � Against Sprafka. Tedesco _�:�'_ ,' , ,.. Mr. President (BYrne) •----------,- ; ', , _ . 1 st � -�..' ' � r f , 2nd Laid over to -.E' 3rd and app � �C _.Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carison d 1 3�/ Dalglish ��������� Dalglish -:, Meredith `' Meredith Peterson � eterson Sprafka rafka 1 Tedesco edesco � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O