248529 z����� co��� xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereigaedhereby proposeethemalaingof thefollowingpublioimprovementi by the City of Saint Psul,vts.: - reconstrnct the aidewalk oa the aorth side of Pa�e St.. fra�a BidWell St. to �elloi►s `: St. and by doing all other xork vhich ia secessary and incideatal to coa�lete eaid - inprove�ent. Dated this...._. 21 s t•....dsy og....................�'r i 1.......... . .» ....� 1 70 ........... ..........�.,�.... .._.. .... Counoilman. ', i PRELIMINARY OItDEIt. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: recoastruct..the .sidewalk on.the_north�sids of Pa�e St..,from.Bidwell_ St.,.to Bellc►�r�_ ..��,...ltlad..b�t..�:f�g..,et�1.a�her.r�axk.�hi�:h..is..aecssa.as}z..aad..�.oc,i.daota.l...r,o-•co�ples�-•s�,id� improvemeat._,------••---•--•............................___........................................................----.............................-•----...................._ hsving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul---------------_._.------•---..............._............_.......................... therefore, be it RE$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publiu Worke be and is herebq ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the necessitq for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooat thereof. ��� � ' 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To etate whether or not eaid improvement ie saked gor on�he petitiom of three or more ownere. l►. To report upon sU of the foregoing mattere to the Commieeioner of Finanoe. ��� � � ���� Adopted by the Counail........................_..........................................._...... Ysss Councilman Carlson �R 2 1 1']0 � De 1 g 1 i s h �PPtoved......................._.»_---......_............._.-•----...... I�o�d Meredith Peterson , Tedesco . . . ..... .......•-- -..... Mr. President Byzne Mayor. '0°° 9� PUBLISHED APR 2 5 1�10 �� _ �,