248524 �: . • : 248��� �.�� INTER�VIEDIARY ORDER couNCIL �LE No. ,, . By File No. 17450 In the Matter of :._ _ __ _�.._� n ._.__ _._.__ _ ,._e_. .:__.. . _ ��--�--, ___ ._..._...__.._..____.._�.___�P.____._. � _. _... , 'i Yconstructing a public ato� sewer in JEFFERSQN AVENUE fram Br�hall St. to Griggs St. , �� itt the alleq in SYLVAN PARK ADD. , BLK. 10 from Jefferson Ave. to 230 feet south, in � PASCAL STREET from Jefferson Ave. to Juliet Ave. , and in HAMLINE AVENUE from Jefferson � � Ave. to Wellesley Ave. ;��all to be known as the JEFFERS013 AVE. BRIMHALL ST. TO GRIGGS ST. RELIEF SEFIER, 5-0990A. yALSO, construct a public storm sewer in SARATOGA STREET fram Palace Ave. to Fairmount Ave. ; in PASCAL STREET from Randolph Ave. . to Palace Ave. and from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair Ave. ; in ALBERT STREET from 1 85 feer so�►th of Randolph Ave. to Berkeley Ave. ; in � HAMLINE AVEAtUE from Randolph Ave. to Jef.ferson Ave. ; in ST. CLAIR AVENUE from Saratoga = St. to Warwick St. ; in STANFORD AVENUE from 5aratoga,;St. to Warwick St. ; in JULIET AVENUE from Hamline Ave. to 160 feet wesr.; i.n PAI..ACE'AVENUE from Watwick St. to Albert St. ; in RANDOLPH AVENUE f.rom Saratoga St . to Pascal St. and from Albert St. to 220 ° feet east; in the following alleys,; i.n JEFPERSON PARK. ADD., BLK. 8 from_Ailbert St. to 120 feet east; in LANES MANOR, BLK. 2 from Albert St. to 100 £eet west, Blk. 3 from Albert St. to 100 feet west, Blk. 5 frozn Albert St. to 150 feet east, Blk. 6 from Albert St. to 110 feet west and Blk. 8 from Albert St. to 105 feet east; in CHESTER PARK ADD. , BLK. 2 from Hamline Ave. to 110 feet east; in SUNNXSIDE PLAT 2, BLK. 1 from Juliet Ave. to 166 feet north to 90 feet west; and in an EASEMEIVT to be obtained in the� NE� of- the � SW� of Sec. 10, Township 28, Range 23 frc�m 18S feet south of Randolph Ave. 240 feet to-- �'� k';�"j,, the southwes t; all to be known as the JEFFERSUN-5A�3AT(3�9 RELIE�' SYSTEM. S-09908 , ',. � ` �� � � -- -..., i.ccv �Oi1LII� �A� ���• - _-�_ ___.....a ..�.,... ,,�Ll^C�vn Ave. to Juliet Ave. , and in HAMLINE AVENUE from JeEferson � ; Ane. to Wellesley Ave.; ''all to be known as the JEk'FERSON AVE. BRIMHALL ST. TO_GR�ZG�GS ST. RELIEF' SEWER, S-0990A,.-, --�--:�,�-..,,;� ,, ' ` ALSO, construct a public sto'rm sewer in SA�,TOGA STREET fram Palace Ave. Co I�airmount � Ave. ,• in pASCAL STREET from Randolph Ave. to Pa�ace Ave. and from Jefferson Ave. to St. ! Clair Ave. ; in ALBERT STREET from 185 feet south of Randolph Ave. to Berkeley Ave. ; in � IiAMLINE AVENUE from Randolph Ave. to Jefferson Ave. ; in ST. CLAIR AVENUE fram Saratoga St. to Warwick St. ; in STANFORD AVENUE from Saratoga St. to Wa�i.ck St. ; in JULIET AVEN[TE from Hamline Ave. to 160 feet wesr.; in PALACE AVENUE from Warwick St. to Albert � St.; in RANDOLPH AVENUE from Saratoga St. to Pascal St. and from Albert St. to 220 ' feet east; in the following alleys; in JEFFERSON PARK ADD., BLR. 8 from Albert St. , to 120 feet east; in LANES MANOR, BLR. 2 from Albert St. to 100 feet west, Blk. 3 froon Albert St. to 100 feet west, Blk. S from Albert St. to 150 feet east, Blk. 6 from Albert '� St. to 110 feet west and Blk. �8 from Albert St. to 105 feet east; in CHESTER PARK ADD. , BLR. 2 from Hamline Ave. to 110 feet east; in SUNNYSIDE PLAT 2, BLK. l from Juliet Ave. to 166 feet north to 90 feet west; and in an EASEMENT to be obtained in the NE� of the SW� of Sec. 10, Township 28, Range 23 from 185 f.eet south of Randolph Ave. 240 feet to the southwest; all to be known as the JEFFERSpN-SARATOG.t1 RELIEF SYSTEM. 5-0990B - -- — --- ---- �R 21 �g7Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci � Yeas NaY� _ a�R 2 ], . Carl�on Approv Daiglish Meredith � Peterson �n Favor • Sprafika ' � ayor Tedesco � Byrne Against PUBLtSHED aPR 2 5 ���o 6-66-2M �� R.Y � '��!