248520 ORjOiiNAL TO lGtTY CLERK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �L����� `f' 't. �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNC S LUTION— E ERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE �ber't F. Pe er Il DA7F April 17; 1970 Wheres,s, It has be�n fbund necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications here�ofore approved for the proposed improv�ment of JEFFEI�SON AV�TUE from Lexinp,�on Parkway to West Seventh Street (City Pro�eet P-0483 ircluding M-0282 and P-o116D3B) as approved April 9, 1970, by Council R�esolution C.F. �do. 24829�+, now ther�fore upon the reco�nd�.tion of the Connnissioner of Public Works be it, Resolved, that the plans a,nd specifications for the above named improvement, as e.pp-roved by the Council, be and the sarn�e are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Addendum No. 2, which is attached to and made a part oP this Resolution a.nd of the aforementioned pla�s and specifi.cations, and that further a11 interested parties be notified of this A�ddendum. �� C r � � APR 2 ]� 197�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays APR 21 1970 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith ' Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 'pug���Ep APR 2 6 1978 �o - , . c .. . , , ,���t�,��� r l CITY OF S�AIlVT PAUL DEPAi:T�NT OF PUBLIC WORKS Gr�,ding t�.nd pavir.g of J�FFERSON AVENUE f�om I,exin�ton Paxlc�aay to West Seventh Street and construct3ng Bridge No. 62517 over Short Line Road (City Pro�ect P-0483 in,aluding i+�-0282 and ' P-ozi6D3B) ADDENDIA�I NO. 2 . Item No. ?101�.507, Remove Masonry �nd Concret� Structvses, on the Pro�osal Fox�n and on the Statement of Estimated Qua.ntities (Pla.n Sheet 4) should be changed so that the approximate qua,ntity i s 9�+.3 rather than 9�+3• . � � . ' - ,� �(; � � . �CJ . � � . . , e���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^ � DEPAi:T�T OF PUBLIC WORKS Grad3ng �.nd paving o�' J�FFERSON AVENUE from I�exin�t.on Parlfiaay to jdest Seventh Street and construct3ng Tridge No. 62517 over Short Line Road (City Pro3ect P-0483 iri�luding �I 0282 e.n.d � P-oli6D3B) ADDr�tDUM N0. �2 Item No. 2101E.507, Remove Masonry �,nd Concrete Stri�ctvres, on the Proposal Foi�n and on the Statement o� Estimated Quantities (Pla.n Sheet �+) should be changed so that the approximate quantity is 9�.3 rather than 9�3• . \ � � � �LUPLICATE Y� PRINTER ���. I:/"q � ��/br l�T . - CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY gobert F. Peterson oarE April 1� �,97� COMMISSIONER Whereae, It has i�een found necessery to cha,n,3e, modifJ and �nd cex�afn portipns of the �lans a.nd speci�icati.ons here-�ofore approvec� for th� proposed improvem�ent of JEFFERSON AVENUr:: from Letiington 2'arkway to West Seventn �re�t (Ci�y Pro�ect P-0483 inc7.ud.ing ��0282 and P-0116D;I3) as approved April g, 1�70, by Council Resalution C.F. :�o. 2�+829�+, now �herefore upon the recormnendetian of the Conanissioner of Public Works be it, I�esolved, that the plans and spec3ficatione for the a'bove namecJ. impro�rement, as approved by the Council, be a,nd the same are hereby ch��d, mod,i.f3ed and am�encled in accorcl�,nee with /�.ddendum I�TO. 2, Which i$ at�,ched to �,nd made a part of this Resolutian r�,nd of the aforem,entioned plans and specifications, and that further all interested parties be notified of this Addendum. ��� �i / COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��� � � ���� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �` � �� % j ra;��� a�e. Dalglish Approverl 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O