248479 . " � . � COUNCIL FIL� NU.� ����,y� BY , � FINAL ORDER IN C4NDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of CO"d�"ning aAd taking an ease�ent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, including right of raaoval of lateral support from subject land or ramainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of siopes in the grading and surfacing with bit�nninous material the E-W alley in T•. B. SEIMMERS ADD. freaa M-S alley to Farrington St. and the N-5 alley in T. B. SOMMERS A�D. fran the E-W alley to �rsnge Ava under Preliminarq Order 2�9�3 , approved �anuery 8, 1970 � Intermediary Order 2���3 , approved March 18, 1970 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto,.and havimg fully coneidered the eame; therefore� be it R,F�30LVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature� e�ctent and kind of im- provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie Ccndaaning and taking a� easeuaent ia the land necessary for the slopes, cuts snd fitls, including right of removal of lateral support fra�+ aubJect land or reroainder thereof, occasioned by eoccavations thereof or construction of slop�s in the grading apd surfacing with bitua�ipous �aterial the E-W alley in T. B. S4MMERS ADD, fran N-S alley to Farrington St. and the N-S alley in T. B. SOhWERS AD�, from the E-W alley to Orange Ave. snd the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made. RE80LVED FURTHER, that the following lsnd, lands or easemente therein be and the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, approprieted and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid improvemente, vis.: Conde�ning and taking an ease�ent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts an� filla, includie+g right of rea+oval of lateral support frc�nn subject land or remainder theceof, occasioned by excavatio�s thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing - with bituminows rnateriat the E-W ailey in T. B. S�MMERS A�D, frorn N-S alley to Farringt� St. and the N-S alley in T. B. St)MMERS ADD, from the E-W alley to Orange Ave. R.FSOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and ia hereby inetructed and directed to prepare plans and epecificetions for eaid improvemenb, and the proper eit�► officiale are hereby ,; authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councit A�R 2 1 191� _ , APR 2 1 1970 City . ApprovecL— , 19 Mayor. Couneilmen: Carlson ' Dal lish . x�a�xjtxx spraf�ca r Q 1�NSt� APR 251970 Meredith Peterson . 7edesco � Mr. President, gyrne y , - . � , i �ys3-S r� y � 1 • ��V OFF I CE Of THE COMM t SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS ��c,� �.,�, 0 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FIMANCE JanuarY 13. 19 7� To the Commissioner of Ffnance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Pubiic Works. having had under conside�ation the preliminary order of the Council ic�own as Council File No. 246913 approved January 8, 19 7� relative to condemning and taking an easert�ent in the land necessary for the siopes, cuts and fills, �ncluding right of removal of lateral , support f ran sub,j ect 1 and or reaaa i nder the reof, occas i oned by excavat i ons tFa�eof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacfng with bituminous material the E-W ailey in T. B. SOMMERS ADD. from the N-S alley to Farrington St. and the N-S alley in T. B. SOMMERS ADD. from the E-W alley to Orange. Ave. -� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therei�. hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ � � �., 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and L '� S..'.: , made a part hereof. r�� Y\ �f.� 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Publ ic Works ��.�:-' �� 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X f �, v rc'v -�.?;�•��' t�� �� , f� ''Q� `i,4 ���-;: �� 'd,� ��/'>y� 4��� Commissioner of bl i ! '�� �� �"� ,_�,�� � � a o ;� � , . � ,� , �� . ,w,,� ,�, ej'�`4'y,��. �.. 'a .. --- ----- - -._ - - .-_-.=-- ------_._ - - -- --- ___ __ '�. 6. �rOMMCQ. S woc. � I EPQ.Q\NOZOM Oa,ANOC . Scq�t: �"•40' V\R6\NlA 9T. A � \L7' � � t I P �g I I ! T. P�. O � 'b i � �e I �-s.a4 3�fi 10. • •• � •• • •• •• - 40' �}i' � I I P 20 i\ Ll i1 2h L? L4 LT is 29 +ro '� � I �!O' � \T I � � a�a � !l. !0.. sf_. .l. � � Mi Q MS. r, 4t. Gw� � $ �6 :k - ^ - -—��—�---�--- - - � � :. �: " • � .�. .�. � f... °� ��.,,. ,�. -- a O1�1. Mt. at �.nY R.(.Nl. !�. G11L M C\M �� 6I�P. d.wc. � Pi- MC, t2F Pax iLLR� � J ��. ~ � `y � 6 � , _ > , d � �y. 2 �� \\ ♦o q • Z 6 6 4 3 L ♦ � I O w.a. ) 10. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. 40' SS, rJ I t4 I I -- -- o.,.a � � A 0 ' � � W I � i ' � „� I �� � i ) ' �cA• ) ' _ i EF11LR\NGTON s�, � - --- - -'-.—:�--=-- T; b. fOMMCR. S A00. � I EP.QQ�N}t0t� OQ,AN6C . scw�t: �'•40• V\R.6\N\A �lT. � R �tY � I r r `9 I I I �, T. �. O +� 'b i A �s � N-b.ak �s�a• ♦o• _ .. _ .. . .. . - 40• as' � � I p `� VO ' i\ Lt t1 24 LD '[b tT L� 29 'y0 � � I �'�' i � crw. � �� �a. ec � O ew4. � wa. o.i °iQ I � `6 .y — �^ ' _—_—_•7'_�_—��_ ' _ '� � � M �µ.. V s'c. e�. � �a. �• r rw. _' Q R. v W�l. MC. it �.f� lt.N.i. ��. G11t. F�M �� �M.R. uv.. �wa. J ' G,l. w �w� «a �. w* leea. � � `g � I L � 6J ' � V — � � I iy .= �Or \\ \O y • -L i. 9 4 3 2. \ � I O wi. ) 10' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 40` SS' a � \4 c...a. �a I — -- o.... � ` A 0 � ♦ � �1 � ) I � � � � \� � � � \t9' � � _ 1 E�1R.R\NCstON ac, r