248472 � • 24�4�;� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ,CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO NCIL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � D WHEREAS, there is presently before Congress a bi11, H.R. 13666, which would at�thorize the F'ederal Qovernment to write direct insuranee for home owners and s�aall busin�ss men in di9�urbed areas where insurance is not available or where costs are exorbitan�, and WHEREAS, more of these situations could poas3.bly come into existenee as time pas�e�, and W�iEREAS, the home owner and sma11 business man of the �roubled neighborhoods do not have the t'inanee� �o eope with the risks peculiar to the area, and W'I�,EREAS, if the�e responsible people are fore�d to leave the area, the blight wi11. spread more rapidly and will even- tually affeet �he entire city in one manner� or anothe�, and WHEREAS, previo�� goverr�ment assist�.nce plans have been dePicient, now therefore be it RESOL�TED, that �he Council of �he City of at. Pa�l requests the tTnited States House of Representativ�� take favorable action on legislation authorizing the Federal Government to write direc� insu�anee for home owners and sma11 business men 3.n urban areas as outlined in H.R. 13666 and be it further RESOyVED, �hat a eopy of this r�aolution be sent to all members of Congreas representing the State of Mir�ne�ota. � w � z � 0 O w V > Z � O d �� Q O 0 o APR 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �R 1 7 ���� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19— Meredith n Favor PPtarctnrt— � � Sprafku Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED APR 2 5 1970 O �• y RUSSELL B.LONG.LA..CHAIRMAN ��a N P.ANDERSON.N.MEX. JOHN J.WILLIAMS.DEL. � AL..:RT fiORE.TENN. WALLACE F.BENNETT�UTpF{ � FI�RMAN E.TALMADOE.6A. CARL T.CURTI3,NEBR. � EU6ENE J.MCCARTHY�MINN. JACK MILLER,IOWA - VANCE HARTKE,IND. LEN B.JORDAN.IDAHO J.W.FULBRI6HT.ARK. PAUL J.FANNIN.ARR. �C��f¢b .�if af¢� ,�e�af e ABRAHAM RIBICOFF.CONN. CLIFFORD P,HANSEN.WYO. rY FRED R.HARRIS.OKLA, HARRY F.BYRD.JR.,va COMMIITEE ON FINANCE TOM VAIL,CNIEP COUNSEL WASHINGTON,D.C. 20510 May 12, 1970 Mr. Harry E . Marshall, City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: 2 have recieved your letter regarding H. R. 13666, the Urban Property Protection and Reinsurance Amendments, and I appreciate your writing. This bill is pending before the House Committee on Banking and Currency. I will keep in mind your views and recommendations should legislation along this line come be- fore the Senate for consideration. With best wishes . Sincerely yours, � � Eug ne J. cCarthy EJM:a ODIN LANGEN 2283 RAYBURN ORRICE BUILDINfi 7T[S DISTRICT.MINNESOTA TELEPHONE:CAPITOL 4-57'L1 EXTENSION 2165 • COMMI'REEs APPROPRIATIONS �o�gre�� of t�je �t�fte�► �tate� HOME:KeNNEOV,M�NN. SUBCOMMITTEES: AGRICULTURE �ou�e of �.te�re�etttatibeg LEGISLATIVE �a��jitrgton,�.(�. 20515 April 24, 1970 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 city Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Just a note to thank you for your letter and resolution on behalf of the City of St. Paul endorsing passage of bill H.R. 13666, the Urban Property Protection and Reinsurance Amendments. ' This bill is currently pending before the Subcommittee on Housin� of the House Banking and Currency Committee. Public hearings are scheduled during May at wbich time the Subcommittee will consider a variety of related bills. Again, I appreciated your interest and will give the bill every consideration when it comes up before us on the House floor for a vote. With every best wish. Sincerely, � ODYN LANGEN Member of Con�ress OL/rlm . JOHN SPARKMAN,ALA.,CHAIRMAN WILLIAM PROXMIRE.WIS. WALLACE P.BENNETT,UT/W HARRISON A.WILLIAMS.JR.�HJ. JOHN 6.TOWER.TIX. 6GMUND 8.MUSKIE.MAIN6 EDWARD W.BROOKE.MASS THOMAS J.MC INTYRE,N.H. CHARLFS H.PERCY.ILL. WALTER P.MONDALE,MINN. CHARLES E.600DELL,N.Y. ERNEST P.HOLLINGS.S.C. ROBERT W.PACKWOOD,OREQ �C��f ea .�if af e�: ,�ie�caf e HAROLD E.HUOFIEB,IOWA ALAN CRANSTON,CALIR. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY DUDLEY L.O'NEAL,JR. STAFFDIR6CTORAND6ENERALCOUNSEL WASHINGTON,D.C. 20570 April 27, 1979 �1r. Iiarry E. ?'Iarshall, City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, =linnesota 55102 Dear '_��1r. A4arshall: I wish to thank you for your recent letter concerning Ii. R. 13666. It was most thoushtful of you to take the time to share with me your views on this important matter. I want to assure you that I will remain mindful of your thinking and that I intend to give the question careful personal study. With warmest regards, Sincerely, V V i�4""�, 1 • � Walter F. ?4ondale ALBF�RT H.QUIE couNries: IST DISTRICT,MINNESOTw DAKOTA MOWER • DODGE OLMSTED FILLMORE RICE COMMITiEE: FREEBORN STEELE EDUCATION AND LABOR �o�.gre�� ot t�je �t�iteb �tate� HOUSTON WINONAA ROCHESTER OFFICE: �ou�e of �e�re�entatibe� 486 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDIN6 507-288-2384 �s�jft�gtott,�.�. 20515 April 28, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your letter and enclosed resolution concerning insurance for home owners and small businesses in urban areas. I am happy to report that this matter will be considered by the Housing Subcommittee in the coming weeks. I trust that the Committee will devise a plan to adequately protect the home owners and small businessmen in high risk urban areas. With every good wi.sh, I am ,` Sincerely yours, �`-,,.. _.._. .. ���� L E . QUIE M er of Congress AHQ:kcb ,CLARK MncGREGOR COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Twdo DtsiFt�c7,MINNESOTA � COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND . CURRENCY WASHINGTON OFFICE: 409 CnNt�oN O��cE BulLOlt� �ot�gre�� of t�je �r�f teb �ta�te� DISTRICT OFFICE: PHONE:225-2871 AREA CODE ZOE �ZO U.S.COURTHOUSE �ou�e of �.te�re�entatibeg MIM�APOLIS.MINNESOTA 55401 aom�N�sTrtw7ivE nssis7wrir: NEW PHONE:725-2178 DAVID N.KR065ENG AwEw Cooe 612 ��i�gton, �.�. 20515 DISTRICT RHPRESENTATIVE: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: � RICHARD D.WILLOW MISS MARYELLEN SMITH April 29, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your recent letter raquesting that the U.S. House of Representatives take favorable action on H.R. 13666, Urban Property Protection and Reinsurance Amendments. The bill is pending before the Housing Subcommittee of the House Banking and Currency Committee. As a newly.. appointed member of the Committee, you may be certain that I will do my utmost to see that this legislation receives early consideration. Sincerely, t��!,�v�./� /�'/dt�i � Congressman Clark MacGr or CM:sm . DONALD M. FRASER FOREIGNAFFAIRSCOMMITTEE 5iH D�srwci'.Muu+ESOi'n SU6COMMITTEES: HHY HOUSE OFFICE BUILDIN6 STATE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION AND FOREIGN OPERATIONS 2��-��-4755 �o�cgre�� of t�je �t�iteb �ta�te� ��'�TERNATIONAL�RfdANIZATIONS DALE MnCIVER AND MOVEMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT �ouge of �.e�regentatibeg NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY AND $CIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS ��AIJ�IY�tOI�� �.�� 20515 DISTRICT OF COWMBIA COM M ITTEE April 21, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thanks for forwarding to me the resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council in support of H. R. 13666, which would authorize the federal government to write direct insurance for home owners and small business men in areas where insurance is not available or where costs are exorbitant. I appreciate knowing of the views of the Council on this legislation. With best wishes. Sincerely, � 'L.,c;C_/.�---�'��. Donald M. Fraser Y connne�rrees: JOHN M.ZWACH ` + AGRICULTURE SIXTH DISTRICT,MINNESOTA � SUBCOMMIT7EE5: LIVESTOCK AND FEED GRAIN$ 1?AB LONGWORTH BUILDIN6 DAIRY AND POULTRY �ot�gre�� of t�je �r�fteb �ta�te� TELEPXONE:202-225-2382 VETERANS'AFFAIRS D13TRICT OFFICE: SUBCOMMITTEEB: �y OU�E Of �F.�JrEgEttt�tlbE� Z�B FEDERAL BUILDIN6 EDUCATION AND TRAININ6 ST.CLOUD,MINNESOTA HOSPITALS TEtErtioNe:612r2S7-2120 �irigr.o�,�.�. 20515 April 21 , 1970 Mr. Harry E . Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you very much for your letter and the attached enclosure regarding H.R. 13666 . I appreciate having the benefit of the views of the St. Paul City Council and will keep your resolution on file for reference. in7ith kind personal regards , I remain Sincerely, : f /%�� �` Jai�tn M. Zwach " (% Member of Con ress C '�- � �. � �y �z Apri1 1 , 1970 �� Hon. Joseph E. Karth Representative in Congress House t)f'fice Building Washington, D. C. Deaar Sir: Encloaed is a copy Council Fi TQA, 24$�+72� aeiapted by the St. Paul City (�+.incil todayy uesting t the Un3ted States House oP Repre- sentatiaes vora on l+�gislation authorizing the Federal Governmen wr te diree nsurance far ha�ne owners and small businese men in an ar�as as outlined in H, R. 13666. Very truly yours, Gity Clerk M�/ng Also sent to: Representative Donald M. Fraser " John M. Blatnik " Odin Lan�en " Ancher Nelsen " John M. 7wach " Clark MacGregor " Albert H. 9uie Senator Walter Mondale " Eugene MeCar�hy DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER ��������� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ��JHEREAS, �here is presently bEfore Con�ress � biZl, H.R, 1366�i, vahich wou�.d authorize �he Federal Government to �rrite direct insurance for home o�zners �nd �m�17. businees men in di9turbed areas where insurance is not availabl� or where costs are Exorbitant, and t°TkiEF�:.�S, mo:r�e of �hes� situations could possibly eome into e�:istence as time passes, and i�THEF�.E�S, �he home owner and small Uu�ines� man of the �;r�ubled nei,�hborhoods do not have the finanees to cope with f:he ris�titi peculiar �o the area, and t-�P�EAS, if these responsl.ble people are foreed to leave tize area, th� bli�ht wi.11 spread more rapidly and wi11 even- tua�.ly afx"'ect the entire c3.ty in ane manner or anothe�, and WHEREAS, previau� �overnment assistnnce plans have been deiicienL', now therefore be it RESOLVED, �lzat; the Council o�' the City of St . P�ul requests the Uni�ed States House �f R�presentatives t�ke �'avorable act�.on on 1��;3.slation au�Yioriziiz� th� Federal Governm�nt to varite clirec� insur�rice z'�r home o�aner� and �mall bus:l.n�s� men iri urban areas a� outlined in H.R. 1366� and be it further �SULVED, that a ccpy of th�� re�olu�ion be s�ni, to all m�mbers of Congz�es� representin� the S�ate of i��innesota . ���. a % ����� COUNCILMEN r Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,�`�;: � �-,� �.> Carlson y ry , Dalgliah ; �/ Approved 19— \!/ Meredith � Tn Favor P-.et�r-�e�- Sprafka Mayor Tedesco 6�—Against Mr. President, Byrne �