248471 �f�inal to�ity Clerk • ' � . _ � l � ORDINANCE ;�484� ` COUNCIL FILE NO -� . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- ���� 3 .An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, by establishing certain time periods for the Civil Service Bureau to report to the Council on effective salary rates in private industry, as the same pertain to City employees in the Ungraded Division, approved Ja.nua.ry 23, 1925, as axnended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA.YNT PAUL DOES ORDArN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out of Section VII the first paragraph of 5ubsection B, and by substitutin.g �. in lieu thereof the following: rrg It is i.ntended that the City Council have information from the Civil Service Bureau as promptly as possible of any changes ir�, salary rates in. private industry for types or classes of employment similar to those defined under the Ungraded Division in Section 3 A of Ordinance No. 3250, as amended. �n order to accomplish this inten.t; at least once each year and more frequently if so directed by resolution of the City Council, the �ivi1 Se-rvice Commissioner shall cause to be �eviewed each eontract in industry pertaini.ng to the same or similar types or classes of employment as those defi.ned �.n the Ungraded Divisi�� in Section 3 A of Ordinance No.3250, as amended, and ascertai.n the effective or to be effective salary rate for each such type or class of employment for the ensuing year and report thereon to the City Council, with a copy of such report to be filed for public record with the City Clerk. If such industry contract does not terminate in the ensuing year, then ` the Civil Service Commissioner shall cause to be reported to the City Council the effective date and amount of each salary rate increase or decrease two months prior to such effective ;, date. If such industry contract expires in the ensuing year, � then the Civil Service Commissioner shall cause to be reported to the City Council the effective date and the salary rate under each new contract within five E5� days after receiving written notice of such effective date and salary rate from a Union and Employer representative that negotiated the contract. It is recognized that the formal industry contract is often not executed for some time after binding agreement has been reached by the respective Union and Employer representatives, and it is therefore intended that the Civil Service Commissioner cause to be reported to the City Council rate changes based upon the written notice as � provided herein, even though no Indust�ry contract has as yet been executed. Such report to the City Council shall include the following informati.on: r�; ..1.- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk yor �� � �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� ; � � � 1 to�ity Clerk . " ' � � `" �� ORDINANCE ���8�����1 . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ������ Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section V!I B 3 the words I'Rayette, Incorporated, and the St. Paul Arcade Company. t', and by substituting in lieu thereof the words "Rayette-Faberge, Incorporated, and the American National Bank Building. " ; and by stri.king out of Section VII B 4 the words t�Grescent Greamery Company, _' and by Substituting in lieu thereof the words i'Marigold Foods, Incorporated; • Carnival Division, of St. Paul, Minnesota, rr � Section 3. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section VII the first paragraph following the paragraph entitled B 5, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: f'A.fter receiving each report, the Council shall set a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing existent salary rates, which hearing shall be not less than 10 days nor more than 20 days after such public notice as the Council deems necessary. After such hearing the Council shall, by resolution, determine appropriate hourly rates for various groups, considerix�g, among other things, in arriving at such determinations the following factors: " . Section 4. This ordin.ance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. ..2- Yea� Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �Y 6 ���o �-���n-- Dalglish Meredith ��, - Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka � Against Tedesco �Y 6 1�7� Mr. resident yr e) � Att st• Appro � Ci er Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �UBLISHED MAY 91970 '�fY»�ste to the ComDtroller �'' � ,;� , � ORDINANCE ������� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. //��� �.� Aai ordinance amendin� Ordiaance No. 6446, by eeta�lis�:g certain time perioas for the Givil Service Bureau t� report to the Council on eff�ctive ealary ratee in �ri�rate ir�du�try, as the same pertai:► to Gity employste in the Ungraded �ivi�sion. spprovcgd January 23. 1925. a►s arnended. THE C�UNCIL 4F THE CI?Y OTr` SAINT PAUL I�OES ORUAIN: £ectiaa 1. ?hat 4rdinance Na. 6446, approved January 23. 1925. a� amended. be and the sa.m• ia hereby further amended by striking out of :ection V'II the firet paragraph of Subsection B. and bp substituti�a�g 4�n Iieu 4�h�reaf th� £ollawing: "B It i� intended th�t the City Council ha.ve i.ngormation from the Cfvil Sarvice i3uxeau as prorr�ptly ae poesible of any chan�ee in salary r��e� in privat� inciuBtry for tqn�g or classes of �mploy:nent similar to tl�o�e c�eiined uaic3er the Ungr�ded - T�iv36ian in. �ectian 3 A o£ �rdinanc� "tvo. 325t3� as ameaded. yn order to �.ccomplish thi� inten�. at lEa�t oz�ce eac� year and mare frecruea�tly if sv c�irected hy rssolu�ion af tbe �ity Council. th� C�va.l :�ervice C:ni�nrrFi��ioaer �Ia,ai3 cause to be rsviewed e�ch eontract in iadustry �?s��taia�':•n� to the samo or eixnil�r ty�se� ar classes of emp�.oy�ent as t��se eiefiFSed fr3 thc� �3n�xaued �ivi�icn i;� 5ec�ian 3 :�. of Q:�i��.nce lVo.�25�. as arraeaded, a�d ascar�in the effecYive ar �o be effectiv� ealary rate far eaciz �txc� type o.r el��s of er�.�ioymenY far the en�ui.n� year and renart thereott� to the City �:aia.ncil, with a capy af �uch report to be rilec� for public record witt�. the Gi�y Cleric. Ig such industry en�t�aet c�oe� nat termix�ate� in the e��uin� yeaz, then � the Civil �c�rvice C:arn�igsianer eh�11. cause �o �e repvrted to the Ci�ty Cottncil the efxective c�ate arid arnount of e�ch Fa13ry rate increase or decrease twa months priar to such effective date. If ��ct� induetry contract �xpires in the ertsuing year� then the Cidil �e�vice Comrni�sion�r �hall cause to be re�ortad to the City Co�cil the effective date anci the salary rate under eacb nevv contract withfn fiv� (5} d�ya after receivin� written aotice of �;�.ch effeetive date and salary rate �rom a Union and Employ�r r�preaentative that negotiated. t#�e contract. It is � recogniLed that tha foraz�al ir�dustry cantract �.s often not executed tor some tirne after bindixi� agreementi laas been reachec� by the res�ec�iv� �lr�ion and �mnloy�r re�resentativas. and it is tharefore intended that the� �i�,►il ueawice Corx,x�i��ioner cau�e� to be reported to the C�ty �ouncil rate changas b�Eed n�pan t�ie written notice a� provided her�ine even thou�h no %nr�uutxy can�ract has as yet bQen execu�ted. �ucl� re�ort to Lhe Gity Couricil �shaU. includ� the follawing ix�£ormatian: ". • ��M Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor , °�O Form approved Corporation Counsel By .�.. , - - - � — — - - - - _ � ; •�iplicate to the Compt+oller �[�Q['���� ! Y' ORI� INANCE i" COUNCIL FILE NO / � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ` � �� — Sectiaa 2. ?Iiat �aid ordinance, a* amendecl, be and the game is �ereby further amended by �triking out of Section VII H 3 the word� "Rayette� Incarporated. aa3. t�xa �t. Paul Arcade Comgany. ", and by sub�titutiag in lieu ther�af tbe wards "Rayette-Faberge. Incorporated. arid the American T�atianal Bank Buiiding. "; and by striking out ot aeCtion V`II B 4 the wurds "Creecent Creamery Compaay, " �ac� by Subslituting fa lieu therQO€ the words "A�:arigoZd Foode. Iacorporat�d� Carnfvat Division, of St. Paul. Iv.tinaesota� " . Sectioa 3. That �a4d ordinance. as amend�d� be aad the same is hereb�r fus�her amended by strik3ng out of aection VIt the first para$raph tollowing the para�ra�sh �ntitl�d B 5. and by �ubgtit�ting in lteu thereoi the following: , "Atter. receiving each re�ort� tlx� Council £hall s�� a �ubli� �.ear�ing for the purpo�a af reviewin� �xia�ent sa2ary ra�es� whicl� �enring �hali be not les� �han lE? day�s nor mor� �han �� 3ays a£ter such public notice �� t�ze Cour�cii cleema necessary. .�..f�ter such h.�arin� the Council ehall, by reso�utioa�, da�err�Yin� avprosriat� �ar�urly ratec for varfau� �ruups. coasidering, arz��n�; oth^�x tilings. in arriving� , at such determin�.tions t�ie Yall�awing £actors: " . � :ectioa �. T�i� ordinance Ehall tak� �ff�ct and be ir► force thirty daye after its pas��,gs� a�praval and guY�Iicatfon. , 2� ��'��Y 61970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the�Council --Garlson— �-, Dalglish In Favor Meredith ' . Peterson t� Against Sprafka Tedesco �,:;y � ���i� Mr. President (Byrne) � Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ����•�? 1.'7, j_,�`;'0 HOn. �Tart�es �. li�'1.��..�_s}? :"h��.r,,a�n, �ers�r;r,t2. ^ar!�iittee T'i;i1_,�;n� De�.r z,�r. : Thc� �.",ty ,^,���nc' l. f.o^� °ef'err��; *o �;_ �•ers�r,nr1 C^� �r�:; i:te4 � _ ��i�;". c+:t`'+r"�z?ri r3i!7i.Y)."-?2'C._,� l'J''Y?C1.�1 . .Za rY.�� ;^�Ir�'%a?1.' iTi;l_Ci�� kTii.ti �°i.�r�'•, �';r_�t ''� . sr'�'�'_c���� oY��?i.nAiir°a �.�,^nei�ti Cr7^i�i �`��ai�c��� ";�o. � �';i,s:�, tl�,< ;���;!_;,�r;r C��r� ;_<,��r7c�� bJ rt � �a,bl_i.shi��� c°rt,�i,r7 ;.�in�� peri��3s f'�r ttz� C�.vi_ "�rvi ce eau t� re�r�rt ta th� C�unci.� ^:^ ePfQcti.v ., � . ,� r� v�te: ����u�t�,�, �s the �sar,c� n^rt.:in f� ., , y .M�-:�1.��*?e^ � ; tk':e t'nr�r�z���d raivL:i�n n Pro�ecte Readi Ap�i.i 2$th. t*�'�xy tr�°ly °J�urs� n^ Cit,y Clerk � April 17 1970 Mr. John Haid�r Chie� Examiner & Dixector a� Pereo Civil Service Bureau Aear Sirs The City Council today g��r st R ng to Council F�,le No. 2�847].� being an ordinanc� arae . �. , by eet�sbli�hing cex�ain time period� Por the Civil �t►ice u to ort to the Cauncil on atfective salary rates in priv in�lustry, the sa�me pertain to City ecnplayeee in the Ungr�d.�d Divie n, and ret' ed th��b ordinance to the Personnel Cn�nittee. VeY'y truly your�� City C1e rk ng Aparil '�` 1974 �� Hon. Thc�mae R. Byrae� Mayor - City af Saiat Paul. Dear 83r: The City nc31 t �ave rst Read3ng to the attached Ordi e, C. F. 1V . 248�71, which r�nends Ordin�,nCe ivc�. f�+�+6, he Salary in�nce, by eetab�.ishityg eertain tim�e peri or th� C 1 Service Bwreau to report to the c�unci gPt ve salary ratea in private in8ustry sa� o City amployeee in tbe Ur�gx�ade vision. Prn�e�ted Third R��ing v�vill be April 28th. Vexy truly your�, City Clerk M4�hP Apr I7, 19?0 Han. Wi113ain E. Carlson, Comar. of P�zblic St�t'ety, Tenth and M�nu. Sts.� St. Patt7., ML�.. Dear Sir: �he City runcil t gave First Rea.d.ing ta the attached C}rdi e, C. F. 1V 2k8471, which amends Ordina.nce No. 6�+46, salar�r di,r�auce, by establiahing certain t irxls t il Service Bureau to repart t il c�iv+e salaty rates in poc�ivate iudust as the �a�se pertain to City em,playees 3n the Uz�grad Di�rl.eion. o�e�t�d Third Reading wf�ll be April 28th. Very truly your�, City Ci�rk NL.S f t�p Apri 17, 19'�'0 xon. a�s J. Dal�3.ish, Ca�nsr. of Fin�nc�. Dear Sir: The City Cown� oday First Reading to the attached Oxdina . o. 71, which emends Ordiza,ance No. 6z+�6, e Sa1a dit�. , by establishing certa3n time perio s for the Ci 1 Service �ureau to report to the Coun on eYfect e sal.ary rates in priyate industry, e,s the s pert$in City em�lvyees in the Ungraded Division. ecte d Reading will b� Apa�i1 28th. Vsa�y trul�r �rours, City Gl�rk 1�/hp Apri 17, 1970 �ion. Dean Meredith, Comsr. of Librari�s, Auditoriwn & Civic Bldgs. Dear Sir: The City Co First Readixag to the attached Qrdia� , C. . . 2 1, which amernls Ordinanc� No. F.��+6 he Salary dina e, by es�Labli�hing certain time pexio for the Ci 1 Service Bures.0 to report to the CQUr� on eY#'ec e salary rates in private industry, as the s ge�tain City �m.ployees in the Ungrad�d D . irfl Readirig wilT be April 28th. V'ery truly yours, City Clerk M5/hp Apa� 17, 1970 Hon. Robert F. Feterson� Caansr. ot' Pttblie Works. Dear Sir: The City C c31 t gav'e rst Reading to th� attached prd3r� � C. F. 1V . 2�84 , which amends prdine�ee No . 61+�+6 the Selary dinanee, by estsbli�hing eertain tim� period or the Ci Service Bureau to report to the Caunc3 n et'fec e sal�r.ry rates in prfvate iudustry, aime o City emp7.oyees iri the Urigraded sion. Pro�ec e ThixB Reading vrill be April 28th. Very truly youra, Ci�y Clark MS/hp Apri ].7, 1g70 Hon. Rob�rt F. Sprai'kk�►►, Comsr. of Fub?ic Utilities. Deax Sir: The City Council toda,y First Ree.ding to the attached Ord3.nance . o. ?Z, ��G� ��� Ordin�ance Na. 6��6, Sa1.a� di , by establishing certain time period or the Ci 1 Ser ce Bua^�a.� to report to the Co�xn an effect v salary rates in private industry, as the s pertain t 3.ty employees in th� Ungrad�d Di.vision. o�ected rd Reading wi].7. b� April 28th. Very truly youre, City Clerk A�5/hp A 1 17� 397Q � Han. V'ietor J. Tedesco, Comsr. o�' Pa.rks & Recre�tion and. �tblie BZdgs. Dear Sir: The City Cou ga iret Reading to the attached Ordin�n C. F. . 2�+8 which am�nds Qrdinance No. 6�+�6, e Salary i�nance, by establisl2ir� certe,in time peria or the Civ l �ervice Bureau to report to the Cour�c3 on �fP�cti salary rates in private 3ndustry, as the s rtain ity employees in the tJr�aded D s o Pr ird Reedir� w�ill be /�pril 28th. ' v�r�r tru]�r yours, City Cierk I�S/hg . � 2484'�1 ,�� � ` � ��� � . This is the proposal made by Mr. Radman regarding ,�" ,�. f+' °'. mechanical trades formula. ��� � �� �..��z a�� ���s� @� — ��t-0 u-,.-�� Z2� Ist � � ' � J � 2nd �/ _ � Laid over to , / � _5� 3rd and app "� —.Adopted � � Yeas Nays Ysas��' " Nays Carlson �Sedcq��'^ � � �.��,,�., Dalglish :)�p�� �� �alglish � ���°\ �� f � � Meredith �Ivleredith Peterson / ��eterson �� �1 U Sprafka �prafka ; } '�.J Tedesco � Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O