248470 �`��4�70 c���e xo...__..._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMII�TARY ORDER. Theuadereigaedhereby propoeeethemal¢ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the Citq ot 8aint Paul�vls.: , ,,,_, recons tr�ct the $id�va�lk..a![4�..����G�..�1�����5��.��A�..14���I��.�..P�l..��.4........_.... .......����h.����4�._iTn�Lx���i��r..�.v��....f.�e�,..]I+tt���..�x....t�t..���s�u..�►�.....a�,d..by...�e.�ag..�ll._.... other �rork whieh is neceasary.and..iacidental to c�lete said _i�rovement. Dsted tbie.... 16th.......dsy of......................April....._. . _. 19 70� .....................__._.__.... 0 . . ..... .. ...._ --- ..... ..»Counoilme►n........ PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAS, A written pmpoeal for the malring of the following improvement, vis.s �.reconatruct .the.sidepalk aad..re�lace with__inte�ral curb and sidett�alk_on_the�....��_� �__sonth_side_of_Universit�*.Ave..._ from.Wheeler.St.,._to_Eeacoa..Ave.._,and_.b�►_doin�.all � other wcrk vhich is aeceasary and incidental to ce�mplete aaid i'provenent. ..........................................•--......---••--•-...............___........_..........._............................................._......................_........................._ »......................................•---........................_......_____...............--•---.....----....--------•---.........._..---.._.......__........._.....----._.................. hsving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.....................•--•------........---------._..................._........._.... �herefore, be it � REBOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To iaveetigate the necessity for, or desirability of,.the making of esid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatimated cost of said improvement, aad the totsl oost thereof. .. -- - -- - _ . ��/. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To stste whether or ao�esid improvement ie aeked for on�,he petition of t4�ree�r more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Finsna. Adopted by the CounciL.........................................���'-1--.....��i��� Y�es APR 17 197�' Counc i lman �a-�soTr— � D a 1 g 1 i s h Approved.........._.............._...................................... /��c�u7�Q,, �Fe�-�a�d Meredith P-e.t a ts.sa . Tedesco = •• •• •-•••- Mr. President BXrrre Mayor. �oon �-� \� � �^ PUBLISHED AP� 2� ���0