248465 • 248��5 � co�a��te rro.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE1ViENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theundereigned hereby propoeeeZhemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement bq tihe City of Saint Psui�vi:.: Grade and surface with bituminous materiai and ce>nstruct ccncrete curb snd gutter on ROSE AVE. froai Prosperit Ave. to Barcla St. Also constr�ct a smwer for stor� water purposes. ............... ..�_.................................�............ . .�.......�................. Al so const ruct r+ater smrvi ce coe�nect Tons. (G-l g46) ........................ _. Dst�i '16th' �y�� Apri 1 19 0 F ' . . - . Cotmo�me�n. PRELIMINARY dRDER. WHEREA$, A written propoeat for the making of t�he following improvement� vi:.: 6ra�e and surface with bituainous raaterial snd construct co�crete curb and gdtter on ROSE A1fE. frern Prosperity Sve. to Barclay St.� Also construct a se+�rer for storm water pnrposes. ................................. .. ............................__........................._...............................................................�..................... Also construct v+ater s�rvice connections. (6-1946) ................»............:..................,.........................____.......................... .....................».......... ..........,...........,,.,.... having been preseated to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............._.......................... therefore, be it RF$OLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neces�ity for, or desirabilitq of,the ma�ing of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetlgats tha nature, extent aad catimated coat of 8aid improvement, and t,ha total east thereof. � 3. Ta lurnieh s plan, prufile or eketah of eaid improvement. 4. To state whether or not 8aid improvement ia aaked for on the petition of Lhree or more owners. - b. To rey�wrt upon al1 ot the foregoing matfsre to tbe Commiesioaer oi I+�nanoe. Adopted by the Coune�................�..�..........�.........A!!R..1.?..1970� . Y�►s � , AP� � 7 19�4 Councilman Dalglish C�- Approved..... ...._...._........................................ Sprafka Meredith get�son. ' Tedesco � ._.. .... . . � .....r... M$. PBEBID�NT Byrna Mayor. l000 7-64 �) � pueusHEO APR 2 51��A