248463 . � 248�3 co�a��e xo............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby propoee�emakingofthefollowingpnbliaimprovement bytihe Citqof 8aint Pe►ul�vis.: Grade and surface with bitue+inous material the alley in CYRUS BROOKS' HOMESTEAD AND TNORP'S SUB. , ST. PAUL MINN. from McLean Ave. to El l iott P1 . 6-1�4�J�, ............... __......t........... ......... ... ....._.................. ...................�..... ..................._.....................,......... , Dsted thie�.�?....day of:.......A r...�............ . tu►a'lmi►n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER.EA$, A written propoeat for t�e making of the following improvement, vu.: Grade and surfac� with bit��inous a+aterialµ.the..al iey in CYRtiS BROOKS' NOMESTfAD AND THORP'S..SU�B.� ST:, PA�UL�„ MfNN.�from_McLean_Ave�,�to E11 iott P1�,,,,,,�-„��„���,����, .................................. .. . .................... . _�_........................................................».............. .................................... »...............................»............. ......................._.._.................................................................................................,..............,,.... having been preeeatsd to the Counoil of the City of Saint Psnl.......... .............._.......................... therefore, be it FtESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and dirsated: 1. To investigate the neoeeiaitq for, or desirabilitq of, the maging of eaid improvemea� 2. To investigste the nature, exten�and eatimated ca,et af said improvemeat, and the tot�al ooat thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvemeaL. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ia aeked for oa the petitioa of three or more owaers. -. b� To seport upon all of the foreg�oing mattere to the Commi�ioner of I+�na.nce. Adopted by the Council.................... .........................���'..:.7..����` . , Y�aae � � • � ��i� Councilmaa ��a���g'�r- �R 1 � �97d _ C81"i'so� Approved..... .................................»........ Sprafka Meredith Feterson � , Tedesco ..... . .... M$. Ps�sin�rrr By rne Mayor. s000 �-a~ � � — C , PUBLISHED APR 2 5 1970 �