248455 ►. l OP161NAL TO CITY CLERK � . l,�Q���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. '� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •C UNCIL R OLUTION ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE S DATF WHERB�AS� Additions a8d Deductio�s Whieh eig�t prov� ts be necessary ia the Iaprore�aat described as Grading and Y'�aving LAFAYETTB &UAD froo Grove Street to Areh-Fe�a� Hig�raq, CaEptroller's Contrsct L-7153, City Froject �. F-347A, Falda � Sons, I�c., CoAtraetor, hava baea provided for in the SpecificatioAS, a�d WHBRBAS, It �as ��sn f0nnd �ecessary to �ake the folloai.ng Additioas and Ded�ctions: AUDITID�iS As per attsched Co�tract.'Charge Agre�ent Iio. 2 $1643.27 ��,� DHt�GTI��1S As p.r attachad Co�tract Cbaage Agre�snt Ne. 2 $1435.6A TOTAL 1�S'P ADDITI�NS - $ 207.67 and WHSR�AS, Th� total additio� is $207.67, aad tbe Co�aissioaer of Yablie Norlc� haa a�reed vith tl�e Coatractor that tl�e a�+��t of $267.67 is t�e corrmct sg� tc be adde� to said contract, tLerefvre be it RB�LVSD, That the City of St. Pa�l throug� its City Ccuaeil approves t�e forogoing additions �sde in accc>rdaece witb the Speeificatiens in the sw� of $2�7.67, said a�unt to be added ta tbe ltaep a� cx�nsideratiOA nased is� the coa- tract, lc�ara as Co�ptroll�r's Contract L-7153, ffind which a�o�t�t is to be paid for froe M��icipal State Aid Fn�ds 6�-113-�7 (1969). II�R 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays A�R 1 � ���0 �� Dalglish A ved 19— � Meredith �-�Tn Favor � � � d �' Sprafka n ayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED qpR 2 51970 O L , . , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��1��t�J f CONTRl�t:T CHANGE AGRFEMENT N0. 2 �ROJECT 1�0. 68-P-347A COIvTRACT N0. L-7153 CONTRACTOR Paldts u Sons, Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Grading & Pavin�, LAFt+Y�TTE ROAD from Grove Street t4 �.rch-Penn Highway In accordance with Sectfon 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has a�reed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIONS Remove reinforced concrete slab, basecient wnik and pier footings f rom right•of-Way at the southWest corner of Univereity ead Lafaymtte. . Lump Sum $ 872.25 P.emove t�o under�round concrete utility vaults betwQen Grove end 13th Sts. on the West side. Lump Sum 211.52 Gravel �ub-base to replace unsuitable �oundntion msterial for sewer pipe. Includes excavation and disposal. 47.1 Ton Q $5.00 235.50 Additionel C1. 5 gravel required for grade change,� at inter�oction of Univorsity and Y.afaystta. 162.0 Ton � $Z.QO 324.00 Total Additions $1643.27 DEDUCTIONS Manhole i�o. 55 Lump Sum 660.00 Sa�rer service connectiona 4 iACh @ $125.00 500.00 Neoprene �oint aealer 104 Lin. Ft. @ $2.65 275.60 Total Deductions 1435.60 TOTAL 2dET ADDITIONS $ 207.67 This additional �ount to bo financed from 3�nicipal state Aid Fvnds 64-I13-07 (1969). � , ,1 �-�.�"-�G/�� 1C'�Su-< �'13Gf�19� Pald��Sons, �Inc. lnseruction EnRin / �, Cpnt`�a/�Cor -''�.� /J ; �� �'��\� ,..!f ;� ��` { , a ���/C.�:`;�/ �. �--/.�19�� •� " _� �,�. �. `� 19� By — Cti:ren Engineer� , , �/Y•tt'�l--l��/'L `l."�/r` r �� �19� `_!��'�-.�;;�� ` '�, ��-� /��/� 19...�` � ` . Commissioner . �' ��,�j`i���— / `L,�.�� C6mptrolle j� _ y �,- �-- � � `'�_�y/�i=/�..I�L..���1�7.'1.'r�.L"�..._ Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) � Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer `. , . � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��,���t�J 9 '` CONTRF�CT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. Z YROJECT N0. 68-P•347p CONTRACT N0. L-7153 CONTRACTOR Pctlde & Sons, Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Grading b Pttving LAFAYETTE ROAD from Grove Street to Arch-Penn Highway In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has aRreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDZTIONS Remove reinforced concrete slab, base:�ent w,�lk and pier footin�s from right-of-way at the southwest corner of University and Lafayette. Lu�p Sua $ 872.25 Remove taro underground concrete utility vaults betweea Grovo and 13th Sts. on the West side. Lump Sum 211.52 Grnvel sub-base to replace unsuitable foundmtion moterial for sewer pipe. Includea excavBtion and diaposal. 47.1 Ton Q $5.00 235.50 Additional C1. S gravel required for grAde changes at intersection of University nnd Lafayette. 162.0 Ton Q $2.00 324.00 Total Additions $1643.27 DEDUCT24NS Manhole No. 55 Luc�p Sum 660.00 Sawer ssrvice connectione 4 �ach @ $125.00 500.00 Neoprena joint �ealsr 104 Lin. Ft. @ $2.65 275.b0 Total Deductions 1435.60 � T(3TAL A'ET ADDITYONS $ 207.67 This additionel cosouat to bo financed from Municipal State Aid Funds 64-113-07 (1969). r /) ..:�`. �L/ ��i 1C'�u-� ��19� Pald�c Sons,�Inc. ,- nstructior� EnRin P Cont�rector �� ..� � � * ,� ��, �' /� �;"�,��`�"`F '�� '�.�� ���A t k '�" 19� B y �...--- � �`j � %'" %• ��� 19 � , �_._ , f�,�_ � Ch���et� En�ineer�.-, ,� �—� ` , '� n �% l ���,�' -�� ���/.'�� l' � -, ,7 19� ` ��"_'-��--,�.: �� •'�,L/� ��1/� 19`�� G� , ., Commissioner 'J. � �r��i� `���,� C6mptroller�' - '�� / � f���---=-_�`'�--��-,-,- �=-=� Ori�inai tWhite) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) � Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. Ta Comptroller To Engineer DUPLICATE TO PRINT'ER F�L�v�t��f CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Robert F. Peterson DATF WIiEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove ta be necessary in the Improvement described as Grading and Paving LAFAYETTE ROAA from Grove Street to Arch-Yenn Hi�hway, Comptraller's Contr+e►ct L-71S3, City Project 130. P-347A, Palda & Sons, Inc., Contrsetor, have been provided for in thes Specifications, and WHEREAS, It ha� been found neces�ary to e�ake the folloaing Additions and Deductions: ADDITIONS A� per attached Contract Chenge A�grs�anenC No. 2 $1643.27 DEDUCTIUNS As per attached Contract Chenge �►greement No. 2 $1435.60 TCITAL NET ADDITIONS - $ 207.67 and WFI�REAS, The total addition is $207.67, and the Commiasioner of Public Works ha� agreed with the Contr�ctor that the amount of $207.67 i� the correct sum to be added to s�nid contxact, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Peul thruugh its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $207.6'7, said amoant to be added to the lump aum consideration named in the con- trect, known as Comptroller's Contract L•7153, and which amaunt is ta be paid for from Municipal State Aid Funds 64-113-07 (1969). � ��� .� �' �,��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � F �&�d23 ,.. i b3`�,�v, sy�•:>�,�.' Dalglish Approver� 19— Meredith `�Tn Favor P-e�e�sex� Sprafku Mayor C' Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O