248443 , ������ OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. LICENSE COI�MZTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM S�IONE DATF A�ril 16� 1970 RESOLVFD: That Iicenses applied for by the follwing persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Pioneer Dist. Co.�James ^. MeGinnis 654 F. 6th V.M.Loc.1M .�pp.2575�newa: n * 1 add.vm n n a ' �Phi.11ips Petroleum Co. 221�5 Burns V.M.Loc.1M " 257h" " �Phillips Petroleum ^o. 299 �. titi'h�elock Pkwy. V,M.Loc.l� " 2577" n n 1 sdd.vm n n n Vikznp Enterprises, Inc. 714 Fark Bve, Mpls. Fdstf«�1 Qper. * z593" " �5t. Paul Racquet C1ub 600 De �oto V.M.Loc.1M " 2596'" �� �� 5 add.vm n n n • ;$St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Pz•ess 55 E. 4th v.M.Loc.1M " 2598'" n _ '" 11 add.vm n ,► u Griswol3 Coffee Co. 1212 �hestnut Ave. Mx�ls. Fdstf.VM Oper." 2601'" '" �Cat�itol �quare Bld�. 5�0 C�dar 3rd.fZ. V.M•Loc,1M " 2603'" M '" 3 add.vm n n n " �Great Northern �ailway 175 �. �th V,M.Loc.1M " 2605" • r 2( 8dd.vm a n u " �Ideal Brass �Torks, Inc. 215 F. 9th V�M.I,,o,��]� �� 2606" " " 6 add.vm " " ° �" °�* 236 E• 9th V�M.I�o�.1M " 260'jw n "� 3 add.vm „ a u "� �3� �• 1080 Hazel Bldg.421 V.M.Loc.1M �' 2608" ° '" 2 add.vm " " n � �"� " Bldg�424 V,M.Lp��1M " z6o9"' n '" I2 add.vm n n n "" �'" " B1dg.450 V.M.I,oc.l�1 n 2610• " " 2 add.vm " " " Northomation �ystems, Inc��Buck'!�e Mears Co. 2�5 �. 6th V.M.I,oc.lM " 2619a ~ N 10 add.vm n n n � �g 160 E. Kello�g V.M.L,oc,1M " 2621" n M 10 add,vm �� f' " "' �Gross—Givens 7�+ W. Fa�rfield V.M.Loc.1M " 2622"" " +� n n n 1 adc�.vin '" �North Central Publishin� Co. 274 E. Fil].more V�M.Lo^.1M " 2624" �� � 3 �, �► ,� add.vm COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O ' ����'t� ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. LICENSE OOMMITTF� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Afl2'�l ZE1,� 1970 Contd. Page 2 Theatre Confectzon5, Inc.�Capitol Theatre, In,^. 1077 Fayne V.M.Lo^.IM �pp,2628Renewa' '" ,�Wabasha Theatre Co. 450 Wabasha V.M.Lo�.1M n z631" Pepsi cola�Air National Guard NCO Hangar-�olman Fi�eld V.M.Loc.1M " 2641" '� °�US Army Reserve Center 135 State V.M.I,oc.1P� " 26�3'" Gordon E. Scott 222 W. Kellogg Blvd. Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 2764'" Roger L. Glenn 1051 Burgess . Mtr,Veh.Dr. " 27��" Thomas J. Horner 1863 Barclay Mtr.Veh.Dr. '"2835 " Roys �avid Andrews 607»9th Ave. No.*,So.S t.P. Mtr.Veh.Dr.'" 283fi"' �R,R 16 19i0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � � 19— Yeas Nays car�son A�R 1 � ���Q Dalglish Approver� 19�_ Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco - A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED APR � $ ��]� �