248428 - �G���,�� ORI6IWL TO CITY CLBRK _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U �I RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, �here exists a joint City-County microfilming program, and WHEREAS, the City Comptroller's office is desirous of microfilming some of its records and is applying to the Minnesota State Archives and Records Service for authority to destroy certain of its records, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Archives and Commission requires concurrence by tk�e City Council in the application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council does concur in the application submitted (Appl. 4, 3/24/70) by the City Comptroller to the Minnesota State Archives Commission, a copy of which is attached, FORM Af'P VE -... �� Corporation Cour+set APR 15 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ivays APR 1 � 1970 Carlson Dalglish pproved 19—_ - ���'"" � Tn Favor T�-' - - � r'�:-s.,^a— Sprafka - Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne I�.�SHfD APR �� ���� 0 ARS Form 20-11 (61) M�NNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND itECORDS SERVlCE � ' �_, , . , . � 117 University Avenue, $t. Paul 7, Minnesota � APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY PUBLIC RECORDS 1. TO: Minnesota State Archives Commission DO NOT USE THISSPACE Application No. 2. FR061: CITY COMPTROLLER, St. Paul, Minnesota Department or egency - Divislon or section Date received: 3. Space occupied by records: 2� cublc feet approxlmately. The records listed in the application are not 4. Location of records: City Hall & Court House� basement V1Ult needed for post audit purposes. 5. Laws other than h9.S. 138.17 which relate to the destruction or safekeeping of the _ records: Laws 1953 ch. 46• M.S 600 135• M.S o 465.63 P�b1=� Examiner Dept. Dete 6, I certify that the records listed in this application are accurately desctibed, and that APPROVALS: they have no further administrative, legal or fiscal value,�'or this agency. � ���`-K "�/`'�� °' � ' ��t/1`�" 3/24/70 Public Examirzer . Date � ' � � , Departmenf head or authorized signat e Date .. , � l/ Under r�uthority of(ktinnesota Stat�tes, Section 138.17, it is hereby, ordered that the Attorney General Date re.cords listecl in this application be desttoyed. � State Auditor Date � � Commissioncr of Administration Date ' Director, Minnesota FSistorical Society Dete , - . ' ' - . - � - ' - . � - - - Chairman, State Archives Commission . DO NOT USE Tff1S SPACE ADDENDUl4i: - • • . ` _ . , _ . � � �.- ,,;t,C! � 3(k'/�' :; ��` ., 1, 1, 7 :�nu (�, :+r.J ii:,; recorJs to br cie�tteyed on crvrrsr si�1e of thi�: shret. 1! additiunal rcp�rr, in yvnc�ruplicafe. l..u:r;.i::;r: i!!�r,���: � � . .• , � � � � �ub;ri� i>ti�inxl �n� ° c �r:,,cr i, r.er��c;t, u>c A}�� } ,,r,� _:.,i_i .i .,,nunii.�uun .heeis. . �; � i . capies tti� tiie Sca:e Archieers .t:i.� Itrcor�is .ervice, „ � � , .,, , � t � < r , . { i.'i . . � _ ,.�..i.. _ . . , .. I `:i , .- �, .- . .. ,... ,�,e ��,it�1 . ._-r��. ,1 � .�e,. . . � . ..� .. ..._ . � INSTRUCTI0�15 FOR COMPLETING TFi15 PORTlON OF TFiE APPLlCATION �� ��. Lisc each cype or'group of records as a separate item. Describe accurately, including titles and fotm numbers. Give a brief scatement about�lre� accivity to which each recorJ or group relates, its pucpose or function. Stace whether the records are originals or copies, and whether the infor- mation which chey contain is duplicated or summarized elsewhere. Give eacliest and latest dates for each record type or group to be destroyed. ITEM N0. DESCRIP710N OF RECORDS � INCLUSIVE DATES WILL NOT MICROFILM ].. Appropriation Ledger Statements: Month-end summaries of appropriation Ledg ro Original records. Nc�tduplicatedo 1967 - 1968 2. Encumbrance (Orders Issued) : Periodic listing by appropriation and fund within each department of each item encumbered, Original records. Not duplicated. Summarized (posted by total) on Appropriation Ledger. 1967 - 1968 3. Payroll Schedules: Payroll period summary by appropriation and fund within each department of amounts expended for payroll. Original recordso Not duplicated. 1967 - 1968 WILL �iICROFILM 4. Appropriation Ledger: Provides reserve and unencumbered balances, amounts available and expended by appropriation and fund, Original records, Plot duplicated. Summarized on Appropriation Ledger Statements. 1967 - 1968 5. General Journal: Control total entries by fund for General Ledger< Origi- nal records. Not duplicated, Not summarized elsewhereo 1967 - 1968 6. Expense Schedules: Periodic listing by appropriation and fund within each clepartment of each item of expenditure. Original records. Not duplicatedo Summarized (posted by total) on Appropriation Ledgero 1967 - 1968 7. Analysis of Cash Recei�ts: Provides detail of type of revenue and fund credited. Original recordso Not duplicated. Summarized in Annual Reports 1967 - 1968 8. Voucher Check Tissues: Provides alphabetic search ability of all payments Duplicate of checks written. Duplicated by original check. Not summarized 1967 - 1968 9. Individual Earning Records: Employee earnings by pay periodo Original recordso Not duplicated. Not summarized. 1967 - 1968 10. Payroll Registers: Employee earnings for a pay period. Original recordso Not duplicated. Summarized for employee on Individual Earning Record. 1967 - 1968 Appl. 4, 3/24/70 ' _l- ---- - - -- - _ __ --- _-- --- --------- ------.__:=- 1- . _; :��,� , ,. . I 1��.S:ft:� li .-,��,,.��_C l�, Rc _e.i, ni,�r ��::R :�i-1� (U�i ::Gnit17t421iop S�'r'B1-S. p ,,,���}}} �. DUPLICATE TO PRINT6R /���- i�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ^d x : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, lEiere exists a joint City-County microfilming program, and WI�REAS, the City Comptroller's office is desirous of microfilmiag some of its records and is applyin� to the Minnesota State Archives and Records Service for authority to destroy certain of its recorda, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Archives and Commission requires concurrence by the City Council in the application, now therefore be it RESOLVEB, that the City Council does concur in the application submitted (Appl. 4, 3/24/70) by the City Comptroller to t he Minnesota State Archives Coumission, a copy of which is attached. ���M APPRpV Corporation Counset COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coune�l�'� � � ���� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson .��- ' a..'`", � 'i � ; ;; Dalglish � Approved 19� �-�ereditn-- Tn Favor �e�sor�— `� Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A�ainst Mr. President, Byrne O