248427 Couaa�File No.!� s � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tbeundereignedheraby propoeesthemakingof thefollowiagpublioimprovemeat bq the Citq of$aint Paul�vis.: Im rovin West Seventh Street Cit Pro'ect M-0519) from Snelling Avenue to .............�...........�..._..___......... ...............�.......�:.........�........»...................................................... ............... Davern Street b�constructin a� n Ornamental Li htin System and by doing all .. .........� .......... ..........».... other work u�hich�is necessar� and..incidental to com lete said improvement���M� Dsted�hia.. � ..day of�....�...........».�.�..... --�.�..._�..... , 1 } � ..... `,, �� , J PRELIMiNARY O�tDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for t�he melring of the following imprnvement, vis.: Im rovin West Seve�th Street �Citx,Project_M-0519�,,,from Snelli�ng,,,,_Avenu� to„�,,,_ ��. Davern Street„� constructi_ng,,an U'rnamenta�,,L.,ig,�,hting„S,x,stem and b.y doing all ,,,, other.WOrk which.is.necessary and.incidental.to com�lete�said.improvement. . » . » .... .. . . . ..... ............ i�aving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saiat Paul.................................................................... �herefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigats the necessity for, or desirabilitq of, the making o#eaid improvemen�. 2. To investigsts the nature� extent and eatimated coat of seid imprnvement, and the total coet thereaf. � 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or eketch of a�id improvemeat. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement us aeked for on the pefation of Lhree or more o�a►nere. _ b. To report upon all af the foregoing tne�ttsre to t,�e Commiesioner of FSna,aoe. �►PR 15 1970 Adopted by the CouneiL.............. ._.................................................. � Y�►s coun��man n8igii8t, APR 15 1970 Ca r 1 son Approved..........�............_...............�...�....�........... . Sprafka fi4e�ed�t-C�e--, Pzt�rsaei—' . Tedesco . .. --. ..-- .�.... Ma. PsEaia�rrr By rne ayor. a000 �-a~ �J� �uB��sHEO APR 1� 19T0 U ,,