248410 � ?Rta�N��ro errr c�neK ��8�0 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�s�rEC er COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated March 25 , 1970 , a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Property Appellant 15-70-H 1565 East 7th St. Grace Larson 13-70-B 715 East Cook Ave. Mr. � Mrs. Howard D. Melco by Mrs . Howard D. Melco 24-70-B E1 Torres de San Miguel Stanley A. Fishman Homes , Triangle Site bounded by Robert, Wabasha, Wood � Delos Streets 18-70-B 2100 Niles Ave . George Boosalis 22-70-B 2178-2186 Londin Lane Cardinal Investment By Harold Shear .�. Corporation Counse�� APR 14 1970 COUNCILAZEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ��� 1 4 1'�0 �Earlsa�. Dalglish Approve —19—_ Meredith A?.In Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor U A gainst T��CO lUBWSHED �R 18191A Mr.President, Byrne �� y Q�r�I, 3/25/70 • 2�C7`�lv Meeting No. 28 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, March 25 , 1970 � Room 210 , Bureau of Health Library, 555 Cedar St . - 1 : 30 p.m. � Members present : Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake Gale Rehnberg Arthur Tieso Members absent : Norma Sommerdorf James Voigt Others present : Thomas Anderson, Richard Amey, Glenn Erickson, Sam Blue , llon Torgeson, Marland Mork, Harold Bolin, Francis Shay, Grace Larson, Howard D. Melco, Evan Currence, George Boosalis , Mr. Gilbert , Thomas Ruth, Martin Burlin, fiarold Shear, Mary Sulikowski , I-lyman Cohen The minutes of the meeting of March 11 , 1970 were approved as delivered. 9-70-F-H 1854 Robl�n Ave. Harold N. Bolin, cont 'd . PRIOR HEARING : March 11 , 1970 SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated December 9, 1969 from Daniel P. McLaughlin, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety to Harold N. Bolin requesting him to apply for a rooming house license for 1854 Roblyn Avenue . Letter dated January 8 , 1970 from Thomas A. Strohkirch, Healtli Sanitariari, Bureau of Health to Mr . Harold Bolin indicating violati.ons at 1854 Roblyn Ave . which would have to be corrected before a Roomiiib House license could be issued. Letter dated February 3 , 1970 from N. Turi , Fire Inspector, Department of Public Safety to Harold Bolin requesting that certain things be clone to the property at 1854 Roblyn Ave . in connect.ion with license No . 001269 . EXHIBIT "A►' � �/2s/�o . Meetin� No. 28 APPEARANCES : Harold N. Bolin PROCEEDINGS : A reinspection report by the Fire Department dated February 3 , 1970 revealed that the only violation left to be corrected at 1854 Roblyn Ave. was to provide a second means of egress from the third floor and basement occupancies . Mr. �olin reported that the estimated cost to install an approved fire escape from the third floor to the ground level would justify continued rental of the third floor. ACTION : Mr. Tieso moved that a waiver be granted to a11ow con- tinued occupancy of the single unit third floor and basement occupancies at 1854 Roblyn. Such waiver is to be grantea on the condition that a second means of egress , complying with the St. Paul Building Code , be provided for the single third floor and basement occupancies at 1854 Roblyn. Such waiver is to be granted for as long as Mr. Harold N. Bolin is the owner of the property at 1854 Roblyn Ave. and that upon the sale or transfer of owner- ship of said property, that the waiver be nullified and all �uilding, I-Iousing and Fire Prevention Code standards be complied with. Seconded by Cohen. THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Tieso . Nayes : none Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . 15-70-H 1565 E. 7th St. Grace Larson SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated September 2 , 1969 from Ilenry .J. Streich, Supervisor, Housing Code Inspection, Bureau of �Iealth, to Grace Larson, 1565 E. 7th St . regarding improvements to be made at 1565 E. 7th St . APPEARANCES : Grace Larson, Francis Shay PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Shay explained that items 1 � 2 under the ti.tle of "Interior" in the subject of appeal were completed. Iie stated that an extension of time to complete items 1 , 2 , 3 $ 4 under the title of "General Structure" in the subject of appeal would be needed. He stated that the steps in the front were cracked but had no holes . He said an estimate of approximately $1 ,300 was received to repair the front wall and steps . ACTION: Mr. Cohen moved that the filing fee be waived. He further rnoved that a variance be granted to allow b1rs . Grace Larson to use the basement at 1565 E. 7th St . as a bearoom for her children. Such variance is to be granted until such time - 2 - � � 3/25/7U . Meeting No. '28 as the basement is no longer occupied by the children of Mrs . Larsoii at which time the variance be nullified. He further movea that a 6 month extension of time be granted to comply with all other 1lousing Code violations listed in the aforementioned subject of appeal date� September 2 , 1969 , Seconded by Tieso THE VOT� : Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . 13-70-B 715 E. Cook Ave . Mr. � Mrs . Howard D. Melco b rs . Howar D. e co SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated February 17 , 1970 from Itobert L. Ames , City Architect to Mr. Howard Melco , 715 E. Cook Ave . regardi.ng a third floor occupancy at 715 E. Cook Ave . APPEARANCES : Howard D. Melco. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the subject of appeal and the application for appeal dated February 9, 1970 filed by Mrs . Howard ll. Melco . Mr. Melco explained that there were two exits from the third floor occupancy, one being a fire escape which goes to approximately 4 ' from ground level. ACTION : Mr. Cohen moved that in lieu of the affidavit statiiig that the third floor at 715 E. Cook Ave . had been rented for SO years ana in lieu of the permit which had been issued in 1946 to construct a fire escape at 715 E. Cook Ave. that a waiver be granted to a11ow continued occupancy of the third floor dwelling unit at the property located at 715 �. Cook Ave . Seconded by Peake . THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : none, Abstentions : none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (D) . 14-70-B 2097 Fairmount Ave . Evan J. Currence SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated January 20 , 1970 from RoUert Ames , City Architect , to Mr . Evan Currence , 2097 Fairmount Ave . concerning an illegal basement apartment at said address . APPEAR.ANCES : Evan J. Currence. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the January 20, 1970 subject of appeal and Mr. Currence ' s application for appeal dated February 20, 1970. _ 3 _ � " �/25/70 . Meeting No. 28 Mr. Currence explained that presently only one student was living in the basement occupancy. Mr. Erickson stated that the basement ceiling was only 30" above grade instead of the requirecl 45" ; tliat the basement light and ventilation was 80o deficient ; that there was only one means of egress from the basement apartment - through the furnace room and that the partition between the basement apart- ment and the furnace room was not fire rated. Mr . Currence explained that there was a 30" window about 5 ' £rom the floor. ACTION: Mr. Cohen moved that a choice of the following two options be allowed Mr. Currence . Option No. 1 That a waiver be granted to allow continued occupancy of the basement apartment at 2097 Fairmount Ave . subject to the following conditions : a) Provide a glass area and window opening for the basement apartment in accordance with Sec. 3401 paragraphs 2 � 3 of the St . Paul Building Code . b) Provide an additional exitway from the basement apartment in accordance with Section 11 -6212 0£ the Safety to Life Code , adopted by reference by the City of St . Paul . c) Provide a basement partition and fire door for the basement apartment in accordance with Section 926 of the St . Paul Building Code . d) Provide a ceiling for the basement apartment in accordance with Section 927 of the St . Paul Building Code, if not already done so. e) Limit the basement occupancy to a sleeping room only with no cooking or refrigeration facilities . f) All aforementioned work indicated in Items "a" through "e" be completed on or before June 15 , 1970. Such waiver is to be granted for as long as the appellant , Evan J . Currence , is the owner of the property at 2097 Fairmount Ave , and that upon the sale of said property or the transfer of owners}iip of said property that the waiver be nullified, the basement occu�= pancy be vacated, and all Building, Housing and Fire Preventiori Cocle standards be complied with. - 4 - . :�/2s/�o . Meeting No. "l8 Option No . 2 That a waiver be granted until June 15, 1970 to allow continued occupancy of the basement apartment at 2097 Fairmount Ave . and that at such time the basement apartment be vacated and all Building, Housing and Fire Prevention Code requirements be complied with. Seconded by Tieso THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : Peake. Abstentions : none. Motion carried three (3) to one (1) . 24-70-B E1 Torres de San Mi uel Homes Trian le Stanle�A. Fishman site oun e y Ro ert , a as a, Woo �, Delos Streets PRIOR HEARING : March 11 , 1970 . SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated March 17 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson, Assistant City Architect to Mr. Stanley Fis}iman, 348 N. Prior regarding two items which do not comply with the St . Paul Building Code in the p�reliminary review of the proposed clevelop- ment of the Towers of St. Michael Moderate Income I�ousing. APPEARANCES : Stanley A. Fishman. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen asked if there was any further facts to be presented by Mr . Fishman that had not been presented at the Board meeting of March 11 , 1970 . He also asked if there were any further questions concerning the appeal , by board members . No statements were made. ACTION: Mr. Cohen moved that a waiver be granted to items numbered 1 � 2 in the letter dated March 18 , 1970 from Stanley A. Fishman, AIA, to members of the St . Paul Board of Appeals according to the plans as submitted� dated February 9, 1970 for the construction of the E1 Torres de San Miguel Homes and Triangle site bounded by Robert , Wabasha, Wood and Delos Streets . Such motion is made on tlie basis of the lack of objections . Seconded by Tieso. THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . - 5 - � 3/2s/7o . Meeting No. 28 18-70-B 2100 Niles Ave . George Roosalis SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated March 25 , 1970 from Samuel 1;. lilue , Supervisor of Inspectors to Mr. Thomas Anderson, Board of Appeals , regarding a side yard violation of 5" at 2100 Niles Ave . APPEARANCES : George Boosalis , Mr. Gilbert , Thomas Ituth. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the subject of appeal and Mr . }3oosalis ' application for appeal dated March 10 , 1970. Mr, Blue explained that the roof overhang at2100 Niles was 5" greater than the side- yard requirement that the Building Code allowed. He also stated that there was a 24 ' distance to the adjoining house and also that the roof in question was 18 ' above ground level . Mr. Ruth stated that the value of his property would be adversely affected at the time of the sale of his property as tlie only side of his property which could be built on was on the side adjoining 2100 Niles Ave . and that the houses could possibly be only 3-1/2 ' apart if }iis house was built to the legal side yard limit. Mr. Blue said it was his personal opinion that there would be no effect on the 1ot at 2094 Niles if the roof at 2100 Niles was 3 ' 6" from the side lot line. ACTION: Mrs . Peake moved to grant a waiver to Section 33 . U4 (d) of the St. Paul Legislative Code to allow a 5" overhang of the roof at 2100 Niles on the side facing 2094 Niles . Seconded by Rehnberg. THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : none. . Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . 22-70-B 2178-2186 Londin Lane Cardinal Investment Co. By Haro S ear SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated March 24 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson, Assistant City Architect to Mr. Harold Shear, Attorney at Law, 938 Minnesota Building, concerning a violation of Section 4 . 05 of the St . Pau1 Legislative Code at 2176-79 Londin Lane. APPEARANCES : Martin Burlin, Harold Shear. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Erickson stated that the appeal was sirnilar to that as submitted by Stanley Fishman earlier in the meeting. �ie further stated that the exits from the 2nd floor, as proposed t�y the Cardinal Investment Co . will go to grade level which was not the case with Mr. Fishman ' s appeal. He said that he personally had no objection to such a proposal . - 6 - � �/2s/�o _ � Meeting No. 28 ACTION : Mr. Cohen moved that a waiver of Section 4 . 05 of the St . Paul Legislative Code be granted to allow construction oi= the 2 an� 2-1/2 story apartments at 2178-2186 Londin Lane in accordance with plan No . B60-P43 as submitted to the Board. Seconded by Rehnberg. THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried four (4) �o zero (0) . 23-70-B 107 Virginia Ave . Mrs . Mary Sulikowski by Nyman H. Co en SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated March 4 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson, Assistant City Architect to Mr. Tom Anderson, Board of Appeals , regarding a proposed third floor occupancy at 107 Virginia. Other letters introduced by the Bur�au of Public Buildings dated July 20 , 1966 and April 14 . 1966 concerning a third floor occupancy of the property at 107 Virginia Ave. APPEARANCES : Mrs . Mary Sulikowski, Hyman H. Cohen. PROCEEDINGS : Lawrence Cohen read the letter of March 4 , 1970, the application for appeal by Mary Sulikowski dated March 17 , 1970 . Hyman Cohen explained that there were 4 single dwelling units pro- vided on the third floor. Glenn Erickson said the house was originally constructed as a large single family dwelling and that it had been converted to a multi-family dwelling. Based on an inspection in January, 1966, Burt Benson, contract owner at that time was ordered to vacate the third floor occupancy. An inspection on July 13 , 1966 revealed that the third floor occu- pancy was unoccupied. A reinspection on July 27 , 1966 revealed the same. The file was closed at that time . In late 1967 a request was made by Mrs . Sheri Frost , contract owner of the property at that time, requesting that reoccupancy of the third floor be allowed. Mr. Blue denied the request. No inspection had been made since 1967 . Hyman Cohen said that it would work a hardship on the present owner, Mary Sulikowski , if she was not allowed to open the third floor for occupancy. The property was acquired by her in 1953 for approximately $23, 000 and then sold first to a Mr. Lovegren and then to Mrs . Frost on contracts for approximately $21 , 000. Mrs . Frost ' s contract had been cancelled by Mr. Hyman Cohen as she had not been paying the real estate taxes for the property. He said that Mrs . Sulikowski was now faced with the burden or paying off $4 ,000 in back real estate taxes and $2 , 000 worth of electrical work which Mrs . Frost had encumbered. He explained that Mrs . Suli - kowski who presently does factory work at the Toni Co. is a wiaow who is supporting her daughter who is presently in college. - 7 - . , ' 3/2s/�o ,' . Meeting No . 28 Mrs . Sulikowski explained that there was one bathroom on the thira floor. ACTION : Mr. Cohen requested that an inspection of 107 Virginia , be conducted by the Health and Building Departments ancl tliat their findings be submitted to the Board at a subsequent hearing. I 8-70-fi 772 Marshall Ave. William M. Cassius SUBJECT OF APPEAL : Letter dated January 20, 1970 from Henry J. Streich, Supervisor, Housing Code Section, Bureau of Health to William Cassius , 1029 Fuller, concerning a total of 15 Housing Code deficiencies at 772 Marshall Ave . APPEARANCES : None. ACTION: Mrs . Peake moved that the appeal of Mr. Cassius be dis- missed on the grounds that the appeal had been scheduled for two separate hearings , Mr. Cassius being notified each time , and that neither he nor his representative had made an appearance eitlier time . Seconded by Tieso. THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen , Peake, Rehnberg, Tieso. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . Meeting adjourned at 4 : 20 p.m. . �.�•.•.N..�..... �/ �l,,..i.,.l�i.�✓.�....w1„ . —� omas . Anderson Recording Secretary - 8 - , ��Jy � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � u `�V ��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hexeby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to th� following listed properties as shown� by the officia�, minutes of said Board of Appeals dated �Iarch 25, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and �ade a part hereof by reference. Case No. Proper� Appellant 15-70-H 1565 East 7th St. Grace Larson 13-70-B 715 East Coak Ave. Ndr. �, Mrs. Howard Do M�lco by Mrs. Howa�d D. Melco 24-74-8 El Tarres de San Miguel Stanley A. Fishman Homes, Tr�.arigle Site bounded by Robert, Wabasha, Wood � Delos Streets 18-70-B 2100 Niles Ave. George Boosalis 22-70-8 2178-2186 Londin Lane Cardinal Investment �2y f-tarold �h�ar a�@.�`� �, �� ���'c� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Nays - ar �r- . Dalglish �%' Approved 19—_ Meredith �`�' Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka C y� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne - O