248407 ORIGINAL TO CI7Y CLERK /�J���� / CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "' i" � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ,. OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONE DATF RESOZVED, that Roy C. La.Belle be p�id the suxn of �787.50 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund in full aettlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation resulting from his injuries of July 28, 1959, while in the employ of the Department of Public Safety, Bureaa of Police, whereby he suff ered a 409b permanent partial disability to the back; that �787.50 �or 5� permanent partial disability to the back is now due and payable, 35� permanent partial disability to the back havin� been paid previously. p�tlR�rA APPR VE ._ �, rporation Co Nt'R 1 4 19t� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� 1 4 1�70 �. Dalglish pprove� 19— Meredith ,�n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco - A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �UBLISMED APR 18 1970 �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �������� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL Nd. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONE �SOLVED, that Roy C. LaBelle be paid the suu� of �787.5� out o� the ��orkmen's Campex��ation �ccount of the G��neral �'und in full settlemen-t af his olair� against the City' of Saint P�ul for compensation resultin� �'rom his injuries o� July 28, 1959, �vhile �.n the �nplo� of �C�e Ilepar_tment o� �ublie Sa�'ety, Bu.reau o� Poliee, wher�by h� �uff�red a $0� perm�nent par�ial d���.bility to �he bac'�; that �a787.50 for 5� perm.�.ne�t part3al disability �o t�:e back is now due and pr�yable, 35� P��anent part�a3 di�ability to tl�.e back having been paid previously. ��'� � � ������;� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas NaYs �,�`°-"f;� � i� Approved ` 19— Dalglish � � � Meredith _1n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku �� Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O