248405 � � �48��5 ��
In the matter of a ha.zardous buildin� being
that one-story i.n height with a basement
known and described as 2165 Juno Street
in the City of Saint Paul �nd situtated upon
those premises le�ally described as Lot S,
Greenman's Addition to the City of Saint
Paul, according ta the plat on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for the County of Ramsey, �Iinnesota.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. 244972, approved July 22, 1969,
a public hearing was duly held on Thursday, July 31, 1969, before the Council
of the City af Saint Paul, said heaxing �pertaining to the condition of the
structure located at 2165 3uno Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and
�dHEREAS, Upon the facts presented at the said heaxing, consisti.n�; of
�hotographs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the City Architect,
it ii found and determined by the City Council that accordi.ng to the records
and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, the last record owner of
the above-described property is Carmen Lee Zell; and that there are no other
lien holders of record; that it is further determined that the above-described
M constitutes a hazardous buildinc? within the definition of Minnesota Statutes,
� 5ection 463.I5, for the following reasons:
h a. The building is standing vacan� and is subject
� to entry by unauthorized persons and to vandalism;
o e b. The exterior of the building is in a dilapidated condition
in that the chi.mney has fallen off leaving a hold i.n the roof, the
o exterior stairways and pnrches are rotted, the wood siding is very
y much in need of repair, most of the windows are broken, the� rafters
� axe broken, and presently saggin� about 12 inches;
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish ApprovecL 19—
Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafku Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
. �
� .
PaQe 2.
c. The interior of the building is dilapidated whereas the
ceilinp is fallinQ due to rain enterin� the buildin�, the west
wall is 8 inches out of plumb because of. inadequate support;
d. The buildinQ is un£it for human habitation in its
present condition and must be corrected so as to comply
with the St. Paul Buildin� Code and Housinv Code;
e. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard
to the nublic peace, health, safet,y and welfare becaus�
of its physical dama.ge, dilapidation, abandonment and
inadequate maintenance.
now, therefore, be it
RESOLI�F.U, That in accordance with ^tinnesota Statutes, Section 463.15
throu�h 463.26, and based u�on the foregoinq findinQS of the City Council,
the Council o£ the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order:
1. The owner of the above-described building shall make the same
saf.e and not detrimental to the public health, sa£ety and welfare by havin�
the said building razed and the materials there£rom removed from the premises
within thirty (30) days £rom the date of. the service of this Order;
Z. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Order
or an ans<<�er served upon the City o£ Saint Paul and filed in the office of
the Clerk of the District Court of Rarasev County, Dlinnesota, within twenty
(20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a rtotion for Summary
Enforcement o£ this Order to raze and rernove the said building will be made
to the Ramsey County District Court;
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint
Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal property or
£ixtures which may unreasonably interfere with the razing and removal of
this buildin� shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment
and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of
such person�.l property and fixtures as �rovided by law;
� OR16 NAL TO CITY CL6RK ' � 2�V��I ■� 4���
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���
� y
Pa�e 3.
4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take over cor-
rective action herein, all necessary costs ex�ended by the City will be
assessed against the above-described xeal estate and collected as other
and be it
FUR'THER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incor-
porated Order herein be served upon the last record owner of the above-
described property in the manner provided by law and also upon other
interested parties i.n the manner provided by law.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
�R 14 1970
Dalglish � pproved 19—
Meredith Tn Favor
Peterson '
Sprafku V Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne PUBUSHED �R 1� ��
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ec+ 445 Ci1y Hall, 55102 223-4212
July 29, 19b9
� Honorable Thornas R. Byrne, Mayor
and. Members of the City Council
Re: File No. 1985--2165 Juno
The Build.ing Department is hereby submitting its report on
the condition of the property known as 2165 Juno, classified as an abandoned
and vacant church of frame construction, one story in height with a full
basement. It is approximately 24 ft. wid.e, 42 ft. long and 12 ft. high.
It is situated. on a city lot in a neighborhood which is entirely residential.
The legal description of the property is Lot 5, Greenman's Addition and.
the record. owner is Carmen Lee Zell.
The build.ing has been unused. as a church for many years and.
is presently being used. as a storage build.ing by Matthew Zell, 332 North
Mis s is s ippi River B oulevard..
Below are present cond.itions of the building:
The chimney has fallen off and the hole in the roof for the
chimney rernains open, allowing water to enter the building. The exterior
stairways and. porches are rotted and dilapidated, as is the wood. sid.ing
The first floor contains one large room wherein the ceiling is
falling due to rain entering the building. Because of inadequate support,
the roof rafters on the west side of the build.ing are presently sagging about
12 inches and. it is very likely the rafters are broken. The west wall is
also 8 inches out of plumb. Most of the wind.ows in the building are broken
and. do not provid.e any protection to keep the weather from coming in, thereby
further contributing to the damage.
� � ��
�`1� �
� -
. �
. �
Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council -2- July 29, 1969
Inasmuch as a rehabilitation sched.ule has not been
submitted. by the owner, it is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public
Build.ings that by reason of inad.equate maintenance, d.ilapid.ation, physical
damage, unsanitary cond.ition and abandonment, the above structure
constitutes a hazard to public health, safety and, welfare. It is hereby
recommended that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the
matter to the City Attorney's office for submission of this cond.emnation
to the District Court.
er trul ou s,
. ,
Robert L. Ames
City Architect
RLA/mf s
cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal
J. Talbot
Wm. T imm
April 3, i970
Mr. D�ni.el A. K}.as,
Corperation Counsel.
A Mr. rome Segal
Dear Sir:
The City Council re ts t you p�repare e
resolution authori�ing the corr or wrecking and
remrnrel oF the former l at 2165 Juno Ave.
V truly yours,
City Clerk
December 2� 1969
Mx. Robert L. Arnes ~��t
City _!�rchitect �
Building ,��
Dear Sir:
The City Couneil today laid ovEhr, o F ary 3rd 1970 the rnatter
of the consideration of advisabi d necessity of correetion
or wrecking and remov/a�� for chureh building at 2165 Jur�o.
r ~
Very truly yo�s,
�—� City Clerk
October 31, 1969
Mr. Robert L. Aa�es
City Architect
Dear Sir:
T'he City Council today concurr re�commendation snd
laid aroer to December 2nd the mat ! conaideration o! the
correc'tion or wre� al . building at 2165 J'uno
Very truly yours,
. City Clerk
Feb. 3� 0
Mr. Robert L. Ames
City Architect
Dear Sir:
The City Co M 1 toda aid r to A ril 3rd the
matter o� the advis ility and essity oY t e correction
or wrecking and re al, of the e�rdous former church buil-
ding at 2165 Juno ( File).
Very truly yours,
AO City Clerk
July 31, 1969
Mr. Robert L. Ames
City Architect
Building �
Dear Sir: `
The City Council today laid ov r to � o er 31st the matter
of the advisability and necessit f e correction or wrecking
and removal of the form ch b i ding at 2165 Juno St.
�\ Very truly yours,
City Clerk
ng �
Ju�-y 31, 1969
Mr. Jerame Segal ��
Asst. Corporation Counsel �______
Building --`
Dear Sir:
The City Council today laid ov o Octob r 31st the matter oP
the advisability and necessit the c etion or wreckin� and.
removal of the former church bu 'n� 2165 Juno.
A Mr. h;att 7e11, repre s d ter, the owner of the `
property, appeared a eferre o ce n problems concerning
a loa.n, and requeste a 90-day i -e>ver and he agreed that the
property would be b ded up sec r ly to the satisfaction of the
Building Bureau.
Very truly yours,
AO City Clerk
;�q � "' B [�
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 'r ��
C MM SS�IONER Victa� 3. Tedeaco
�arF Jta.ly 21, 19 6 9
WHEREA5, the Ci�ty Architect has requested the City Cou�.c11 to hold
a pubiic hearing to consider the advisabilix}r and necessity of the carrsction or
wrecking and rernoval of the former church buiiding at 21b5 Juni� (New Fi1e)�
more particul�.rly deacribed as La� 5, Greenmana Addition, bec�use said
building is reported to congtitute 2 hazarclaus structure, and
WHEREAS, it appears that the iast known� record owner of the property
i� Carmea Lee Zeil; therefoxe� be it
�, RESOLVED, that a public hearin� be held bgr and befc,re f.he Council af the
� ! City of Saint Pau1, in the Coun�il Chamber of the Gourt House in said Cfty
� at 10 a.m. on Th.ursday, July 3i, 1969, to cons%der the advisabiiity and ne�essity
�. of oxdering the correction or wreeking a.r�.d remc�val �f the etrueture on the above
described property becauee said structure is re�+orted to co�nstitute a hazardous.
building and a hazard to pubXic health, safety and welfar�; be it
FURTHER RFSOLVED, tha� the City Architect, on behaLf of the City
Council� notify by m.a�il �tl2e reco�d owner of the prQperty in ques��.ox� at tl�e last
known address, aa we11 ae other intere�ted persons of record, of the date and
time of the hea.ring. '�
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JUL 2 � 1�fi9
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
�,�f��„ :: L I ��
Dalglish Approved 19�
Meredith �-� Tn Favor
,�p+prc�„_ 1 • U Mayor
Sprafka �1 �
A gainst / .
. , � �.
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�qr. Vsce Yrc���$t (Peterson)� ^ �j � � ;� �'' :
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