248396 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � �1.�/'�y� * CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 1V "" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. CO CIL R SO UTIO GENERAL FORM LIC�:;i�SE CON�'lTTTr� PRESENTED BY April 1 COMMISSIONE DATF �'� 1g7� 1�SOLV�D: That Applic�.tion L-1750 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7670� expirin� January 31, 1971, issued to Melvin Z. Lipschultz at 1209 ':yest �eventh Street} be and the same is hereby transferred to Marvin D. Cooper�t the same � acldress. On Sale ?�ic;uor Estab�.ishment I�W Informally approved by Council March 3, 1970 Old Location APR 1 4 1'70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �R 1 4 �,7e ---_�—_ Dalglish Approvecl 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne 'PUBLISHED APR 18 197Q O �"'� °K� c.�,— 2 �FS396 - CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ...__._...___ Name of Applicant_...__._.M�vin D. Cooper � �� 49 ..._..._.._..__ .___...._..._. .... .... ......... .........._. ----_...__.._..... ._..........._..... 1870 Eleanor Av�enue, St. Paul, Minn f�esidence Addresa...._............._......._.........._....__._. ....---........_........-�---..........._..... Telephone No._........_...................__.._..._......._. Are you a citizen of the United Statea?....._...Y.2S.___ ---•-•-.-•---•-----._._._.._....._..._...._.._.---._....__._...._......:................._.._..........__........._......._. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? No ........................................................................4_ _......................._..__......__.__..................... ................••'•••..._..._........._._..._...__....._......�__.._...�_._..___...._._.......»...._..�..............� Whenand where�......................._.......---........_.._..w.....__._._......_.._..._..._..............................................._...._.........._....�.._._.-•-- Lf corporation� give name and general purpose of corporation....._.NOne .��.�....�...�.��..��..��..M� Whenincorporated?...._.___._....___ ._.._._.._._..._...__........................._...._.......---......_.__..........__....�....______........._......._...__.__.._.............� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?....._..._...._._......_.......... Howmany members?..........._................_...____._...._..._...�___._..._..._ Names and addressea of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . . . . .. None Naines and addresaes of Stockholders: None .........._................_..__...._..___...._....__._..._..__ ...................----�-�----..._.---_..._.__:--._...._...._..--------...... ..._. _........._._.....n. ._.. ..-�---.__ /^ � �T�+_�rv��trzvi c�G'F '� � /](, ,�J �.`-O. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known........:.............._....._. _.. _:. _. _. °'^"' — Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward I�49 . w. 7th St; . : How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?............................._.._........._....._................._.... How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?......................_.....__...._..............._._.......:....___...�.�_..M....__.._......_ ._.._..._ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?._...._...._.... Nameof closest school----_..___..._..._.---.__.._................_...._----•--.........-----._................__........._.._......_............................._.___---._...._...._...._.........._....__..__ How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?._........_COmmerC].a.l -�........................_----.......------..........._-----------._.....___.................._.....__.._..._......_ On v►�hat floor tocated?......................first floor - --•---�-----..___...._--�-�--��-------...........................,...........---._....-•-------��-�---.....-------•----.._..._..._..__.._._....._._....-----.............._.. Are premises owned by you or leased?.:leased .__,� leased give name of owner...�..ac_ob Sch.midt Company ......_. ........_._..._..__...---.._..._._...___...._ Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?................100.--•-��-•---..................-----�------....._.............._...._.......----�----....:._...._.........._...--•-•-•--........._..._....--_._.._..._ Ifhotel. seating capacity of main dinin room?....._...100.......:....._---........._.........--•---.---..._...._...._._.._.._.._._....................._.....----........__............_...._ W�st 7th Stree� Bow 1 _ Givetrade name.----•-�--=-=�-=�---- •--------------•---------------- ---------------------....__...--•-----..._._._....--••--------•-----...--------•---------------•---------...--------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Bar Room _ ._...._...._._...._.._..._. ..__.... ...__....___._.-----...._......................_.........._..._..._.........__ _...__ ...............I7ining._Room __.____._....._._.__........__ �-�-��--�---........____........._.___._.----_...._..._..._._.._...._...._.........._...................._ _ ..............................:...Dan cin.q._R o om___ (The iatormstion sbo�e mnat be�iven for hotels and reataurants which ase more than one room for liquor sules). Howmany guest rooma in hotel?..__..__..._._._.___._..._...._........_................_...._._._................_.__._........_._.........._..._...._...._...__.W_.__...._........_..._._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)_..._._......_....__._..._._.._....... Give names and addressea of three buainess referencea:..._..._........._.__.........._._._...._....................._..._..__.__.._....__._..__._....._..__ 1. .Joseph J�Dudley, W-12.60 First National Bank Building, St. Paul, Minnesota --....._._..._..._..__...__......_...._._..............._...._....._............_...._..._....__-----._.__..._..._.---_....�.__....__._. ........._..._.........._._.........._-------- 2, ,Ernest._Williams, Public S�.fety Department, St. Paul, Minnesota 3. G eorge.T oby._.._.._..�« _�_.....___....._�_......._....._.�..�........__.__.�...�..._...._.._.._._.__�.Y.�..__._.__..._.__._�._�_.........~_..._..�.......... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERI�"IED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORP08ATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COftPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE .� ., s�rA� oF�n�xESar�, CbUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• , Marvin D. Cooper being tirat duly eworn, .....'..........� .... � , d�poses and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and knowa the ta thereof, and that the same is t�ue to the best of his knowledge,information and belie,f. , � i ...-----.....____._.........----------------_._._.... __._... y. � Marvin D. Cooper Subscribed and aworn to before me , . tl�ia.._..�.__.. y of___.__..C���.. 19 L�' � � � .�._...__............. ._ .. -�._ . ; Public, Ramae unty, Minn. 14�y commission eapiree....._.-:---....__.___-. �.,.-p�Y �05EPtf•- . MTn�'� NotarY Public, Ramsey Count], ��� Nav. l g, 1974� �TATE OF MINNESOTA, �gs" ` - �O�TNTY OF RAMSEY, , ..._.__.___. .-----_._..._....�....__..___...._._._...._.............___...____...._.__..___. .._being Srst duly sworn, djeposea and says tha�...._....___.___.._..._....the.. ..._�.___ . � df....._...._.._...._...._.._..---•-----................_.........---........._--�--..__.....__._... ��-•---.._...._..�___...__ .._�_..__..._. � a corporation; t at......................................................................._.....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the m�e is true to the best of....._...._...._....._.._.....__...._...._...........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the eeal af$xed to the oregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and eze- uted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Boaxd of Directora, and said application and the execution hereaf is the voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me t�his..._............_..__...._....day of.-----..._-----................_...._.._._..19 ^ : � rt.._-------•-- -•--�---_..______...._........-----.._.........................._.....___..___—. Notary Public, Ramaey County, Minn. �y commiasion expirea...___._....-•-----•---.---.� I I � I � ; � , I