248392 OriQinal to City Clerk - � RDINANCE 24���2 COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordina.nce No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, rr approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the headi.ng "Special Employments�', the following lines: i'Maid 1. 20 a performancett "Piano Accompanist 2. 00 an hour" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. R���'� • �pgM PPp Go�N��" GO4p0�.���N APR 2 9 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peteraon C � Against Tedesco APR 2 � 19�� Mr. President LByr ) Appr ed: est: � �/,J � '��%�\- C' y ler Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED MAY 21974 DaDlicate to Printer ORDINANCE ������2 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � �' � � � ORDINANCE NO An ordia�.nce arnendiag Ordina.nce No. 6446. entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the �om- pensation rates of certain city po�ftioas �nd employrnents, " approved Ja�nuary 23, 1925, as amerYded. THE COUNC�L l'�F THE G�TY OF S�'T PAUL 730ES ORDAIAT: Section 1. Tha.t C)rdiaance No. 644b. approved January 23, 1925. as arneaded, be arld the same is he�reby #urther amerlded by stril�ing dut of 5ection II, where they appear tinder the heading "Special Employments". the following lixie�; "Maid 1.20 a petfox�mance" "Piano A�cornpanist 2. 00 an hour" 5ection 2. T`his ord�taaxice ,shall take ef#�ct aa�d 1�e in force thfrty days after its paseage. approval, and publication. APR 2 9 1��'� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka —!�, Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) r4F�z F- `' n;' �: Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' � April9, 1970 2��3�2 This ordinance strikes out of Ordinance No. 6446 the titles of Maid and Piano Accompanist, and their respective rates of pay. Ist �/ � ' 2nd 2 Laid over to 3rd and app dopted T' Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �Carlson Dalglish �Dalglish Meredith Vvleredith Peterson ������ `Peterson Sprafka � �Sprafka � � r' Tedesco �edesco CJ � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O